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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Cheeto said:
Not sure if it carries over, but for physical dps a mix of armor penetration and crit damage seems to be the best combo... that may carry over into magic pen. and AP.
Thanks. Just hit 18 so I am going to hold off until 20 to get any runes.

As op as Twitch seems (and yeah he seems bad ass) the number of people who are choosing him seems to have gone waaaay down lately. Is he more expensive than other champs?

I think they've hit just about the perfect balance on towers right now. Maybe another 75-100 hp but they've honed it in pretty well I think. Had some great, great matches the last couple days.


Can you dodge magic?

The one thing I despise about LoL is the black outline around the characters. It looks so out of place. Having played DotA, HoN, and LoL; I have to say that the summoner features and currency system have me hooked. HoN does have more responsive controls though.

Also, have there been any updates regarding the possibility of a Mac client? I don't know how I'm getting up to 45fps on my $250 W7 laptop lol, but I would imagine it will look and perform better on my MacBook Pro.


eznark said:
Thanks. Just hit 18 so I am going to hold off until 20 to get any runes.

As op as Twitch seems (and yeah he seems bad ass) the number of people who are choosing him seems to have gone waaaay down lately. Is he more expensive than other champs?

I think they've hit just about the perfect balance on towers right now. Maybe another 75-100 hp but they've honed it in pretty well I think. Had some great, great matches the last couple days.
Twitch seems over-powered, but as long as you have a sight potion handy and he doesn't get the drop on you, he is easy to bait and kill.
Dynamic3 said:
Can you dodge magic?

No. It's the one most broken ass thing about Shako and company. Blinks don't break in flight projectiles. It doesn't even break Drain Life.

The reason I'm bumping this though: We are getting LoL banner ads. Hardly the most targetted advertising ever :lol


Son of Godzilla said:
No. It's the one most broken ass thing about Shako and company. Blinks don't break in flight projectiles. It doesn't even break Drain Life.

The reason I'm bumping this though: We are getting LoL banner ads. Hardly the most targetted advertising ever :lol
Yi's alpha strike can dodge Twisted Fate's gold cards, pretty lame.


Son of Godzilla said:
No. It's the one most broken ass thing about Shako and company. Blinks don't break in flight projectiles. It doesn't even break Drain Life.

The reason I'm bumping this though: We are getting LoL banner ads. Hardly the most targetted advertising ever :lol

I meant dodge as in natively dodging, not physically moving out of the way.


Dynamic3 said:
I meant dodge as in natively dodging, not physically moving out of the way.
I don't think most abilities can be dodged... I believe some can be though...playing as Cho Gath, I've had someone draw a dodge on my rupture.


I've downloaded this game a long time ago and I'm still afraid of playing it. I'm afraid of running into a bunch of arseholes that'll ban me as soon as they find out that I have no idea about item combinations or what skills to give to my hero.


Splatt said:
I've downloaded this game a long time ago and I'm still afraid of playing it. I'm afraid of running into a bunch of arseholes that'll ban me as soon as they find out that I have no idea about item combinations or what skills to give to my hero.
add me, I'll play with you. And you can't get kicked from a game.


Splatt said:
I've downloaded this game a long time ago and I'm still afraid of playing it. I'm afraid of running into a bunch of arseholes that'll ban me as soon as they find out that I have no idea about item combinations or what skills to give to my hero.
You can't get kicked out of games so don't worry about that, you can add me too; Cheetobandito

If you play practice games people are less likely to complain too.


I just played a game with a dude who died 18 times in 45 minutes and only made it to level 13. Worst performance I have ever seen...and no one bitched at all. I tried to help the guy a bit, but I also used him as sweet bait to rack up crowstorm kills!

It's all about using what you have to your advantage. We ended up losing but we figured out real quick that the guy was shit so we made him change lanes every respawn, in that way no one was fed too much too soon. Ended up getting crushed as it was basically 5 v 4 but we kept it closer than we deserved.


Finally got around to play League of Legends. I love how the game can change when one champion quits. We had a guy on our team who quit at level 6 but we managed to defend ourselves until we reached level 18. By that time someone on the other team also quit and suddenly it was 4v4 and sorta even (we had yet to take down more than 1 of their towers and they had already reached one of the inhibitors). We prevailed in the end but it did include all sorts of luck!


JWong said:
I definitely feel like mindset is important. I was not too focused and died quite a lot.
Yeah if you get careless you get crushed pretty easily. I fired it up on my four year old laptop to see if it played and to my dismay, it did. Now how am I ever going to get work done?


Fell back in love with this game after playing a ton of Fiddlesticks. Damn you Riot, looks like I will be buying a character after all.


eznark said:
Fell back in love with this game after playing a ton of Fiddlesticks. Damn you Riot, looks like I will be buying a character after all.
Every time I feel like I'm losing interest I happen to try a new hero and I'm hooked again. This game really needs more exposure...


eznark said:
Fell back in love with this game after playing a ton of Fiddlesticks. Damn you Riot, looks like I will be buying a character after all.
First character I bought as well. I like these weekly free character rotations. Next week looks melee oriented.


Great game. I like all the changes they've made to DOTA. Lots of the annoying micro like denying and click to use items are gone letting you concentrate on strategy. Plus intuitive things like flash making you teleport in the direction of your cursor.

If anyone wants to add me 'AngryRedPanda'


Fiiiiiiinally hit 20. Fiddlesticks rune suggestions? I went all magic penetration on the glyphs (and one quintessence) and ideas for the marks and seals?



Never thought a free game would be one of my top 5 most played games in the past few years.

Game has been an amazing experience after managing to get my friends to give it a try. Playing with a consistent group of 4 or 5 can make for some really intense games when the opposing team is doing just as well. Most of that time has been spent playing Katarina too.


eznark said:
What are you using that tallies those games?
Uses more resources than I'd like, despite turning off all the features I don't use (friends list, in-game voice/text chat, video recording, etc.), but having something that tracks the time I spend in almost all my games is nice, even if a little depressing as well. :lol


GAF parliamentarian
Traced-Velocity said:
Uses more resources than I'd like, despite turning off all the features I don't use (friends list, in-game voice/text chat, video recording, etc.), but having something that tracks the time I spend in almost all my games is nice, even if a little depressing as well. :lol
Don't worry about it man, I was much worse. Man, was I ever a fiend from 2004-2007.


eznark said:
Thank god for the nerf. How many more champions are they planning on unveiling?
Well, I think they mentioned the plan to add new champions indefinitely.

Unless you meant just for this week, at which point I think this is the only one. The idea behind all the post launch champions is to make them rather unique, so I imagine they take a bit more testing than normal.


eznark said:
OK, Udyr is insane at this point.

Has he been buffed again or something? Cos while hes a good physical DPS champ, hes not really better than any of the other options in that category. Warwick, Yi, Tryndamere etc. still destroy Udyr.


eznark said:
OK, Udyr is insane at this point.
Did they buff him? Otherwise, he's alright... I've seen him played effectively, maybe... twice out of the 30 times I've seen people play him.
Decided to blow some of the points I got from buying the digital pack on an XP boost to get to 30 sooner. Been playing a ton of annie lately with a bit of morgana on the side. Beastin.


Teknopathetic said:
Decided to blow some of the points I got from buying the digital pack on an XP boost to get to 30 sooner. Been playing a ton of annie lately with a bit of morgana on the side. Beastin.
Annie has seen 90% of my time recently too... definitely my favorite hero. Take the solo lane and buy a soulstealer as quickly as possible, then get to dropping a stunning tibbers on the outer lanes for stacks. If you have the soulstealer with 7-10 stacks early, you can pretty much 2 two shot most heros with your Dis/Incinerate combo and an auto attack because you're out-leveling everyone by at least 3 levels.


Cheeto said:
Did they buff him? Otherwise, he's alright... I've seen him played effectively, maybe... twice out of the 30 times I've seen people play him.
Tweaked him.
Bear Stance Movement Speed burst decreased to 15/18/21/24/27 from 18/22/26/30/34
While Phoenix Stance’s activation effect is active, Udyr’s ability power is increased by 24/36/48/60/72 and attack damage is increased by 12/18/24/30/36
Monkey’s Agility’s effect will now stay stacked if you continue swapping abilities
Monkey’s Agility Dodge Chance decreased to 4% from 6%
Shared ability Cooldown lowered from 2.5 to 1.5
Shared ability Cooldown will only apply to abilities with cooldowns less than it
Just finished a game where he was godlike at the endgame.


Yeah, until about 10 it seems like he basically has to turtle but mid and late (especially late) a good Udyr is practically unstoppable and rolls up on turrets like nobodies business.

(This is based on only 4 matches)
"Annie has seen 90% of my time recently too... definitely my favorite hero. Take the solo lane and buy a soulstealer as quickly as possible, then get to dropping a stunning tibbers on the outer lanes for stacks. If you have the soulstealer with 7-10 stacks early, you can pretty much 2 two shot most heros with your Dis/Incinerate combo and an auto attack because you're out-leveling everyone by at least 3 levels."

I go for magic penetration and regen. With the double stun thing she pretty much owns any team fight for free and heaven forbid you run into me solo during the mid-game.


Teknopathetic said:
I go for magic penetration and regen. With the double stun thing she pretty much owns any team fight for free and heaven forbid you run into me solo during the mid-game.
Well I get the magic pen boots and eventually the void staff... but I find that most people don't have magic resistance early-mid game, so stacking AP seems to work best for me early.


Rod of Ages is usually the first "big" item I buy for Annie and most other caster classes. The sooner the better because of the passive bonus.
Teknopathetic said:
Decided to blow some of the points I got from buying the digital pack on an XP boost to get to 30 sooner. Been playing a ton of annie lately with a bit of morgana on the side. Beastin.
XP boosts are probably the best thing you can buy with the points. The IP boost is too expensive and even double IP is rather insignificant. Leveling up is also a pretty big increase in power too, and it takes a sizable enough chunk of xp to hit cap that the boost doesn't feel a waste.


bjaelke said:
Rod of Ages is usually the first "big" item I buy for Annie and most other caster classes. The sooner the better because of the passive bonus.
Everyone plays differently, but I play a pretty aggressive Annie so I go like this,
SoulStealer only costs something like 12-1300 gold(?) and the Rod costs like 3k. Soulstealer is very easy to obtain around level 6. If you're playing Annie right (you're playing as a roaming death machine) it doesn't take long to start stacking, and at max stacks you get 15% cooldown reduction, add the other cheap book that reduces your cooldowns 10% further. Add some mastery and rune cooldown reduction and maybe a golem buff every once in awhile, and you're casting a disintegrate every ~ 2 seconds and a tibbers every 70 seconds. I usually don't even bother with a Rod of Ages. I build Annie with the Sorc Boots, SoulStealer, The Book i mentioned earlier, void staff for penetration, and a Banshee's Veil for survival...if the game isn't over I'll add the Sceptor that increases AP based on max mana. With that all boosted up I have a ton of AP... games don't generally last long enough to make Rod of Ages cost effective compared to the benefits you're getting going the other route. Games never last long enough after buying it to compare and the ramp up is too slow for me.


I love reading this thread because you all seem to have strategies and builds, whereas I just pick my character, go with the recommended items and generally seem to do okay - I'm not great late game (I have a tendency to wander off on my own and get piled on) but I've not been doing too badly lately.

Usually play Soraka or Kayle with the occasional bit of Janna on the side. They're all completely hopeless against the stealth characters and getting too close to Yi always ends badly, but otherwise they seem pretty good at holding their own.


BluWacky said:
I love reading this thread because you all seem to have strategies and builds, whereas I just pick my character, go with the recommended items and generally seem to do okay - I'm not great late game (I have a tendency to wander off on my own and get piled on) but I've not been doing too badly lately.

Usually play Soraka or Kayle with the occasional bit of Janna on the side. They're all completely hopeless against the stealth characters and getting too close to Yi always ends badly, but otherwise they seem pretty good at holding their own.

Well there's your problem. Soraka, Kayle & Janna are all really support heroes and you shouldn't be going off on your own with them, you should stick with your teammembers.


sohois said:
Well there's your problem. Soraka, Kayle & Janna are all really support heroes and you shouldn't be going off on your own with them, you should stick with your teammembers.

Oh, I know that. But putting it into practice seems to be where my brain fails sometimes...
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