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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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He doesn't seem bad. I think he's a tank that can deal out massive damage. He's got that shield and crap too, but I dunno, only played against him like once.

Since he doesn't have a stun or slow (afaik) I never get terrified when near him ;)


JoeFu said:
This thread isn't really active :(

I just downloaded the game a few weeks ago and the game is a blast. I never played DOTA, tried HON and got yelled at for being a noob :( , but the LoL community is pretty nice. The friends I play with make it even more awesome.

How many of you dudes play it here?

I play it on my lunch break every day at around 1pm PST. My coworkers and I would love to get two more regulars at that time so that we don't keep getting matched up with terrible players. We aren't pros or anything, but a lot of our matches we lose we could've won with 1 more competent player to help us out.

My user name on there is the same as on here. I also play late at night and on weekends.


I can probably get in on that most days, bluemax. I'm a pretty bad ass support Kayle (unless Ryze is in my lane, OP mother fucker)


I'm up for games as well. I'm always looking for consistent people to play LoL with. I can't play during your lunch breaks, but I'm on usually 3-4 nights a week. My LoL name is also the same as my GAF name. I'll add you guys when I get home from work. I main as Nidalee right now, but sometimes play Evelynn or Fiddle. I'm also hoping to have enough IP to get Mortikaiser this weekend.


Totally forgot to mention that my name is JoeFu in the game. I'm uhh alright with Sivir I guess, but I've been using Teemo the last few games. Love that little guy.

And have any of you guys read the backstory on some of the characters? They're so stupid its awesome.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
I've decided to start playing this again. I played in beta for a long time with a friend and after he decided to leave the game behind it didn't feel the same without him, but screw him and the horse he rode in on! My LoL name is Oxrock, please add me to your friend list.
any noobs/ first timers want to play some games tonight? I just started playing today, if anyone's interested just post back here. Still getting used to the lobby ui and such, my summoner name is Lohta, not sure if you can add friends like that or not but feel free to add me if you can.


lakesideflight said:
any noobs/ first timers want to play some games tonight? I just started playing today, if anyone's interested just post back here. Still getting used to the lobby ui and such, my summoner name is Lohta, not sure if you can add friends like that or not but feel free to add me if you can.
Cool, I might jump on if I can pull myself away from MLB10/BC2. Same LoL name as gaf.
been playing a couple games as soraka, she's probably my favorite hero so far. Love her heal ablilities, and the one that gives mana to teammates.. I'll probably be on for a couple more games if anyone wants to join! Name ingame is Lohta


So I got access to the test real this weekend. Been playing the new character Ezrael and I don't know what to make of him. His attacks all feel incredibly weak, they're magic but the damage is based on physical power or something. Best build seems to be a combo of AP and AD but eh. Also all of his abilities are skill shots so if you're bad at aiming and timing stay away.

In other news I bought Ryze and played a practice game with him last night in which I accumulated 40 kills. 40. I've never been called a cheater so much in my life.

I played a regular game with him today and got a measly 19 kills. My rune set up from playing Veigar has been quite useful.

eznark said:
I can probably get in on that most days, bluemax. I'm a pretty bad ass support Kayle (unless Ryze is in my lane, OP mother fucker)

I'll make sure to check my list at lunch to see if you're on.
so far warwick is pretty cool, love his lifesteal and quick attack speed. Not that big of a fan of mordekaiser, I tend to do poorly with him. Playing now if anyone wants to join, name is Lohta.

Also, not sure if there is a DOTA thread around, couldn't find one, but if anyone wants to play some noob/beginner games I'm down. battlenet name is lakesideflight.
I'll be on later tonight. Probably around 9pm EST. I'll add you, and if your on at that time we can play (I normally have a few of my real life friends also).
My friends and I won a game in 16min last night. We got a triple kill before the game started, and had two of their inhibitors down by 13min. Strangest game I've ever played (we won when I was level 10 as Jax).


How are you guys liking Ezreal? I bought him and he's pretty fun. so far I've been making an AD build, but I heard the AP build is better late game. The first game I did terrible, but once getting the hang of him, his E plus Q spam is amazing on opposing heroes. So easy controlling mid lane with him.


Haven't played him since they went public with him, he's been okay in all the matches I've seen him in though.

Tomorrow we get Shen the tank ninja with his Sub Zero and Scorpion skins.

Also Gentleman Cho'gath!


Haven't looked much at the ninja dude. Read his abilities and they didn't look like the type of character I would play.


Just read the newest patch notes. Ezreal getting buffed :D. Also I don't see gentleman cho'gath, was it a lie?!?!!?
I really can't wait for them to release Urf...

I know it could be an April Fool's joke, but heck, they've been releasing heroes every week now, so anything's possible...

but yeah, still currently awaiting Voice Chat and more maps, it's such as hassle for my friends and I to communicate without relying on Ventrilo...

play for about a month now, and it's a pretty fun game so far, ASHE FTW!



New ninja releasing today, too bad the store isn't working :(

Been trying new champs lately and Nunu is pretty fun, his ult is hard to get people with, but if you can get in there on a group fight, you pretty much win, fun stuff.
How long do matches last for? And how is community towards complete newbs? I think my biggest issue would be building my hero the wrong way or getting wrong items among others


Still Tagged Accordingly
Melhisedek said:
How long do matches last for?

depends on player skill on both teams. matches can last anywhere between 15 minutes to over an hour.

Melhisedek said:
And how is community towards complete newbs?
better than Heroes of Newerth.

Melhisedek said:
I think my biggest issue would be building my hero the wrong way or getting wrong items among others.
read guides


Melhisedek said:
How long do matches last for?

Depends on the map and the skill of the players. There's a 3v3 map where games last on average about 25-30 minutes - the main 5v5 map usually lasts longer, about 40 minutes or so, although teams can surrender from 25 minutes in if they're being totally crushed.

And how is community towards complete newbs?

Generally pretty good (at least on the European servers). Most often you won't get people saying anything at all if you're playing badly which is better than constant shit stirring, and although the matchmaking system isn't always reliable you usually get people on the same sort of level as you.

I think my biggest issue would be building my hero the wrong way or getting wrong items among others

Each character has a set of "recommended" items displayed in the shop if you're uncomfortable with experimenting. Certainly when you're starting out these give you a good build - although I've played quite a lot I'm certainly no expert and quite often the recommended items are all you need.

Both the European and US forums have posters who create guides to each character with their suggested item builds if you want to go with those. They vary in usefulness, and one or two are terrible, but they'll give you some ideas on what to focus on for your play style and chosen character.


Melhisedek said:
I think my biggest issue would be building my hero the wrong way or getting wrong items among others
Even if you don't know how, LoL has a recommended item that you can follow, which is displayed in the store, that does fairly well.

The good thing about LoL is that a character has many builds that you can experiment with. The only thing that irks me is at the higher levels, rune stacking puts a limit on the type of builds, but the player is usually decided on a single build at that point.

I'm still working on Yi with crit damage +. He is so cheap, but can be contained.


I've been getting into this game lately. It's pretty fun. My name there is Zupekadia. I've been playing with Eve a lot lately. I'm going to go through the thread when I have time and add people later.


I play on the EU servers and have yet to try out the new champ Garen. Anyone here has some impressions of him? Heard his whirlwind can break snares after they've been applied, is that true?


Delodax said:
I play on the EU servers and have yet to try out the new champ Garen. Anyone here has some impressions of him? Heard his whirlwind can break snares after they've been applied, is that true?
His whirlwind makes him immune to slow, and snares are a form of slow (100% slow). Basically, just like Master Yi's ulti.
I've been playing alot. If anyone want's to play add me. J Rizzle.

Not a big fan of TT unless it's 2 others I know. One idiot will kill the game on that map.
I'm still playing & enjoying this game. Doing very good with Shen lately.

But here's something else:
Since there is no mention on GAF about it and I can't make topics I thought I'd ask here.
There's a new kid on the block called Bloodline Champions, which is in beta atm.
It's more of an arena based game than a DotA clone, so no creeps, levelling or buying items. There is no auto attack, u have a main spammable attack, 5 abilities on different cooldowns and an ult that you charge up by using your cooldown abilities. You move with your keyboard, the mouse is used to aim (your bloodline looks at the direction of your mouse). There are currently 16 different 'bloodlines' equally divided in 4 archetype categories: tank, ranged dps, melee dps, healer.
This is my second weekend (the beta server is only on every friday to monday) playing and I quite like it. The developers decided to give away friend invites, I have 2 to share, let me know if you want one. edit: they're gone

Lord Phol

VaLiancY said:

How I hate you.

How I love thee! :D


Pugging is really a gamble. Yesterday I had the worst luck with groups and got several losses in a row :x. Today it was the total opposite!
Don't even know if I dare play tomorrow >>'. Will be fun to try som new chars though!

Btw, Im thinking of going with tier 1 runes until 20+ because Im a cheapo and I saw how expensive tier 2 was, is that gonna be a problem?
Lord Phol said:
How I love thee! :D


Pugging is really a gamble. Yesterday I had the worst luck with groups and got several losses in a row :x. Today it was the total opposite!
Don't even know if I dare play tomorrow >>'. Will be fun to try som new chars though!

Btw, Im thinking of going with tier 1 runes until 20+ because Im a cheapo and I saw how expensive tier 2 was, is that gonna be a problem?

I suggest you just save up your IP points until level 20.

the amount of rune slots and the rune effects aren't that significant until level 20.

and it gives you more time to save up for the expensive runes like crit dmg % runes which costs about like 800 or more.


Eh Grabbing runes at the low levels isn't bad, but once you hit level 16/17 then it is in your best interest to save up until you hit 20. The jump from tier 2 to tier 3 is pretty significant.

Although with the upcoming rework to the penetration system everyone should probably be holding out since there will probably be a ton of respeccing to go around.

In other news the new caster coming next week seems pretty cool. Might save up and get him to play instead of Ryze.

LonelyIsland said:
3 NINJAS? hot damn.

With the release of Akali, I'm gonna expect to face all ninja teams in TT soon...

Good thing there is the rule of inverse Ninja Power.

Anyone else playing TT less since they reduced the XP/IP on it? Unless I'm teaming up with people who I know I can win quickly with on TT I don't find it worth playing anymore. The average PUG team takes about 30-35 minutes to win at TT, so eh.
bluemax said:
Anyone else playing TT less since they reduced the XP/IP on it? Unless I'm teaming up with people who I know I can win quickly with on TT I don't find it worth playing anymore. The average PUG team takes about 30-35 minutes to win at TT, so eh.

I don't play TT at all due to it being only 3 players.

However, sometimes I play on TT when there's an hour before classes start just to be sure that it finishes early and in time.

For me, I guess I prefer longer battles with more heroes, so that I can save up for my full item builds and whatnot.


Katarina is so wonderful. I got most of those losses pre-buff (I lost almost every game with her pre-buff :lol), but with the recent buff of kat she isn't just fun to play; she's great too!


Jazzy Network said:
Have enough IP for either Karthus or Anivia. Anyone have any idea whos the better purchase?
Both are solid choices, but an Anivia that is played well is just flat out ridiculous...


Cheeto said:
Both are solid choices, but an Anivia that is played well is just flat out ridiculous...
Agreed. Anivia is a tad bit harder to play well, but the reward for learning her is great.
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