i mean as long as ahri gets a cool chinese skin
well, remains to be seen what it actually means, so probably just wait and see. from as long as i've been playing this game riot has never done much for halloween or christmas or whatever, it's always been a couple skins and that's it. they mention harrowing and snowdown, dunno what it'll mean for like big story evens like shurima or bilgewater, i'm guessing we'll still have those since this seems to be just riot wanting to make big events revolve around dates they set themselves, not necessarily real world events
i feel like rito might want to do like their own shadow isles/harrowing thing, but maybe they don't want to make it in halloween, they want to do it in july and have it not be halloween related, just actually runeterra stuff with lore and crap. something like that
i dunno, i'm not ready to call it lame cos i'm not really sure what we're missing