this was an all for one game..........
lmao, why
ugh just don't know how to win a ranked game when I'm forced onto support. tried morg, braum, leona,naut, just can't get one over the last two days. If i stay bot, at about 10 min. I'll look up and it's already 1-9 and something like the LB is fed. Last game I roamed as braum after I backed, helped in a skirmish and picked us up two kills, but mf pushes up to the bot tower and dies 2v1. Then I get raged at by the MF and a lecture how supports are suppose to stay bot and if I leave again she'll afk. My mind is blown by some people and their mentalities.
My best advice is to both ward general objectives and try to give protection/set up kills for the teammates that aren't being idiots. Mother hen the gold star students and set up plays for them to either secure kills or let them get away from ambushes. Example: I had a recent game where every single lane fed and my ADC stole *our* Ekko's level 1 golem and crippled his early game. Yet we still won, because that Ekko started to snowball and all it took was a few lucky Qs (I was morg) and he could basically sweep their team with my shield on him, their CC coordination was so bad.
I am talking like, they had 2/3 of our inhibs and baron and me + him (mostly him) went even vs the whole enemy team before our Jax/Ez/Ziggs even showed up, and they just cleaned up for us. He vaporized their Trist and they had no peel so he just dunked 1-2 of them every skirmish then ulted back to me, even better if I landed a Q on someone straggling, he just destroyed them. We should have totally lost, but i just kept playing, cause why not? He was 0/3 at one point and ended up like 29/6 or something dumb (edit: 29/9, our Jax was 0/15 and laned vs a Diana...yea)
For laning phase, do your best to deny the other carry farm and give your carry as much as possible. Even if your ADC is dumb and likes to overextend, frustrating the other ADC can mean they aren't as big a threat to the rest of your team. Think about disengage champs too (Janna, Nami, Braum, Tahm, Lulu and Karma are all solid disengage champs), since if your ADC continues to be dumb you can minimize the kills the enemy ADC gets. I noticed that several of the champs you listed are all-in types. I consider that risky cause there is no way to tell if your team will do a follow up.
It's all about practicing and finding champs that work for you. You may prefer Annie or Nami or Lulu for their CC options. Doesn't matter how fed a squishy is if they are locked in a CC chain, and Annie and Lulu especially have some that are easy to land.
Oh, and don't forget you can ping to direct (but don't spam ping, no one likes that).