78k damage dealt isn't even enough for me to carry.
Please, someone help me.
Please, someone help me.
78k damage dealt isn't even enough for me to carry.
Please, someone help me.
Im gonna do some some experiments builds with swain tomorrow. Thinking Tear into AP to do more damage because RoA takes forever to build if you can't get ahead.Looking up Swain builds it seems the go to build is RoA>Hourglass>more AP.
One of things that irk me with Swain is his movement speed, so I thought I'd try luden on him. It was OK and the movespeed helped a little.
I would assume a spirit visage would be good with the 20% from all healing sources. otherwise I'd say it's pretty open besides RoA and Zhonya's are pretty core. situationally i'm sure abyssal, rylia's, liandry's, dcap could all be fine. I'm no swain main though so i'll defer to breezy for the final word. haLooking up Swain builds it seems the go to build is RoA>Hourglass>more AP.
One of things that irk me with Swain is his movement speed, so I thought I'd try luden on him. It was OK and the movespeed helped a little.
Im gonna do some some experiments builds with swain tomorrow. Thinking Tear into AP to do more damage because RoA takes forever to build if you can't get ahead.
I would assume a spirit visage would be good with the 20% from all healing sources. otherwise I'd say it's pretty open besides RoA and Zhonya's are pretty core. situationally i'm sure abyssal, rylia's, liandry's, dcap could all be fine. I'm no swain main though so i'll defer to breezy for the final word. ha
idk i mean if you're going to go luden's cause you want keep up with people better I think rylia's would be way better, same ap, extra health, and at worst a 20% on up to 3 people from your ult.Yeah RoA takes quite some time to be made, doesn't help that when I'm behind and I lose a match sa Swain...RoA was the only item I build =_=
However Tear into A. Staff costs more than Rod of Ages by 300 Gold, and while the mana build up helps, Swain benefits from being a little tanky even if it is a little amount of bonus HP from RoA.
If anything, don't rush catalyst and aim for the AP item, build catalyst 2nd then finish up your RoA.
Rylai is questionable! At max lvl., Swain's Q will apply 40% slow, but his other abilities will apply a form of slow otherwise.
However Rylai does offer a good chunk of HP and AP. Liandry is also questionable, IMO you should just settle for Void staff, however Swain's abilities are damage over time anyways @_@
idk i mean if you're going to go luden's cause you want keep up with people better I think rylia's would be way better, same ap, extra health, and at worst a 20% on up to 3 people from your ult.
I find it pretty easy. Manage to get a a near perfect amount of CS in Toplane while dodging Nidalee's Spear once.Yeah I'll try out Rylai next time I play.
So Roa>Guise>Rylai.
I just wish Last hitting with Swain wasn't so difficult =_=
I find it pretty easy. Manage to get a a near perfect amount of CS in Toplane while dodging Nidalee's Spear once.
Also, do you know where you are gonna put Zhonyas? That is Swain's wild card right there.
Dont do it now in ranked because juggernauts will trample you.I actually go MID Swain ^^; I'll try top though.
Dont do it now in ranked because juggernauts will trample you.
Man I need to stop procrastinating and play ranked. Only a couple of weeks left to at least reach plat :s
Should of done 100k.
Man I need to stop procrastinating and play ranked. Only a couple of weeks left to at least reach plat :s
78k damage dealt isn't even enough for me to carry.
Please, someone help me.
I actually go MID Swain ^^; I'll try top though.
bro u gotta look like this
LoL ladies and gentlemencant ecide between fill or feed
Cos some people care:
Teaser of some JPN Leeg VO's
Yes, there are anime VAs.
Twisted Fate "Jaa Na" when he ults away and his voice actor is Dio.
Looks like I'm changing my language pack.
RIP enemy Twitch. Fear the AP Jax!
Ult to Yellow Card is ZA WARUDO.
RIP enemy Twitch. Fear the AP Jax!
All I need is a muda muda line and I'm set for life.
Refresh my memory; does Rylai apply a slow with abilities that empower their next auto attack?
So here are some builds I was thinking about for Swain-
Rylai>Guise>AP (No RoA)
One of Singed and Nunu's core items are RoA, but I watched a Twitch streamer rush Rylai and forgo RoA which seemed to help them quite a lot.
Does Swain really needs a Rylai though? He has a targeted slow already lol. I would at least recommend Zhonya's as one of the later items on Swain, because he can heal up using his ult during the Zhonya's, while not using any mana. :d Swain also needs some mana or mana regen to keep his ult up right?
25 minutes waiting for a support in Team Builder. Game starts. ADC disconnects. Rest of team refuses to surrender at 20, even though we're getting demolished.
I missed you, League...
000044.147| 0.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ERROR| Can not open file <LuxCrashingBlitz2.dds> *********
000044.147| 0.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ERROR| Failed to load LuxCrashingBlitz2.dds
000044.147| 0.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| WARN| r3dTexture EX: LuxCrashingBlitz2.dds - not found. Dummy texture created.
000044.148| 0.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ERROR| Can not open file <TurretInitialArmor.dds> *********
000044.148| 0.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ERROR| Failed to load TurretInitialArmor.dds
000044.148| 0.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| WARN| r3dTexture EX: TurretInitialArmor.dds - not found. Dummy texture created.
000058.163| 0.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ERROR| Missing effect texture <MushroomBuff.dds>
000058.163| 0.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ERROR| Effects could not find skin file <MushroomBuff.skn>.
000058.986| 0.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ERROR| Can not open file <ShyvanaDragonsDescent.dds> *********
000058.986| 0.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ERROR| Failed to load ShyvanaDragonsDescent.dds
000058.986| 0.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| WARN| r3dTexture EX: ShyvanaDragonsDescent.dds - not found. Dummy texture created.
000061.991| 0.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ERROR| Can not open file <TempChar_Square.dds> *********
000061.991| 0.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ERROR| Failed to load TempChar_Square.dds
000061.991| 0.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| WARN| r3dTexture EX: TempChar_Square.dds - not found. Dummy texture created.
000061.991| 0.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ERROR| Can not open file <TempChar_Circle.dds> *********
000061.991| 0.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ERROR| Failed to load TempChar_Circle.dds
000061.991| 0.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| WARN| r3dTexture EX: TempChar_Circle.dds - not found. Dummy texture created.
000061.991| 0.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ERROR| Can not open file <TemplateFighterPassive.dds> *********
000061.991| 0.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ERROR| Failed to load TemplateFighterPassive.dds
000061.991| 0.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| WARN| r3dTexture EX: TemplateFighterPassive.dds - not found. Dummy texture created.
000061.992| 0.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "TemplateFighterQ"
000061.992| 0.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "TemplateFighterW"
000061.992| 0.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "TemplateFighterE"
000061.992| 0.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "TemplateFighterR"
Played with Caitlyn (?) while she was on free rotation. It's so nice being able to play an adc that doesn't rely on skillshots. I see why she saw some recent popularity in Worlds
Still haven't played with Jinx yet even though I've owned her for a few weeks.
And LOL! Seeing lots of Cosmic Kassidin running around. he's actually quite deadly to adcs once he gets upclose. I ended up adding on magic resist item to Cait so I could survive his pursuit
That's a myth. It's actually the opposite.Well caitlyn is at least considered the beginner's adc right? One of those skill shots aren't usually used to hit people but to get away.