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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Trist has a nice kit for beginners yeah, but you really need to practice farming with her because of her E passive.

I'd say Corki is by far the easiest ADC in the game to learn alongside Graves.

Yeah, no. He requires a lot of positional skill to use him properly, at least for me. His movement is too slippery and his W is hard to connect in team fights.
Maybe I play better with slow ADC such Ashe and Caitlyn. Haven't had any success with Graves either.


Yeah, no. He requires a lot of positional skill to use him properly, at least for me. His movement is too slippery and his W is hard to connect in team fights.
Maybe I play better with slow ADC such Ashe and Caitlyn. Haven't had any success with Graves either.

What are you using his W for?
Yeah, no. He requires a lot of positional skill to use him properly, at least for me. His movement is too slippery and his W is hard to connect in team fights.
Maybe I play better with slow ADC such Ashe and Caitlyn. Haven't had any success with Graves either.
Please don't tell me you're using Valkyrie for damage...


i'd say corki is a really easy champion for ppl that are a big more comfortable with the game. for absolute beginers he might be a bit of trouble since he has a more unique build path, lots of skillshots, all those trinity force procs, etc.

i'd say the easiest adc imo is jinx. tristana is another good suggestion, as is graves


I find Tristana, Ashe and Graves to be the easiest ADC's to play. Granted its my worst role but I'm pretty confident in my ability to use them.

I actually find Corki easy as well but maybe that's towards the fact that I find him more of a spell-weaver rather then an auto-attack based champion.
i guess this is one way to practice off roles.


It's not that hard, just gotta remember release Jinx with the 55% AS rank 1 Q that got to max W first and shit on everything

Those were the times
ppl maxing w is news for me, that's interesting

anyways, jinx to me is great cos even if she's easy she's very engaging to play and very fun which is not the same i could say about someone like tristana who's just lame

jinx is getting nerfs in the preseason anyways (-3 ad i bet xd), and lucian and caitlyn will probably be back full force so she'll go away again i reckon

i'm curious what they'll do to items like hurricane that will probably get removed or heavily reworked, since that'll have a big effect on kalista and who knows, maybe they'll make it so that varus and such buy it for reals. i kind of always liked the idea of hurricane, i feel like giving aoe to carries is kind of fun, but i guess it's probably really rough to balance

i guess this is one way to practice off roles.
u should use ghost, much more fun


Jinx is super boring outside of the sniping ult rocket you get on occasion, and the get excited passive that accidentally makes you run into their Darius


i mean, tp is better on pretty much everyone

it's just so boring tho

Jinx is super boring outside of the sniping ult rocket you get on occasion, and the get excited passive that accidentally makes you run into their Darius
duno why you'd say that, she has lots of fun mechanics, the double gun thing is fun, skillshots are fun, resets are fun, both her autoattacks feel really satisfying, global ultimate leads to really great moments and obviously her character design is fantastic. i also like how there's a timing element to all her spells, makes them feel a lot better imo

the only boring thing about her to me is that she's kind of op


Now sivir, there's a man's ad carry. Ashe too. But the manliest of all the ad carrys is corki.

Look into your heart Newt, you know it to be true
The best adc is the adc that is not an adc. MORDEKAISER. Who doesn't like killing the enemy squishy in 1 shot. Also he is the manliest, he has a giant mace that he bonks people with.
Morde for prez 2016.


I'm not too literate with the game, but Kindred definitely feels like going ADC over Jungling works out better. No CC to utilize herself, so why not play the role where the main thing you're expected to do is pewpew enemies down that have been CC'd by your other partners?

Also it turns her Ult into a goofy pushing tool since you can do dumb things and maybe get away with it.

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Against my better judgement I'm downloading League again to play with friends. What's happened in this game since February?
Against my better judgement I'm downloading League again to play with friends. What's happened in this game since February?

Fiora, Darius and Gangplank are pick/ban top. Mordekaiser is the best ADC in the game now. Veigar is getting nerfed because he's too strong, there's a catfish that can eat people and teleport around the map, there's an ability called Magical Journey and I work at Riot now


Against my better judgement I'm downloading League again to play with friends. What's happened in this game since February?

Dumb Juggernaut stuff.

Good amount of new/reworked AP items after DFG was removed. Some changes in jungle items and a bunch of champions with weird kits.
i'd say corki is a really easy champion for ppl that are a big more comfortable with the game. for absolute beginers he might be a bit of trouble since he has a more unique build path, lots of skillshots, all those trinity force procs, etc.

i'd say the easiest adc imo is jinx. tristana is another good suggestion, as is graves

I don't think graves is a good suggestion at all, tbqh. His short range and short dash make it weak for chasing, weak for escaping, and easily harassed. All of which feel like a bad combination for beginners. Trist is kinda okay for beginners I guess. Her aoe damage can make last-hitting unexpectedly difficult for newbies, though.

I think my "ADC for beginners" picks would be:

- Ashe
- Miss Fortune
- Caitlyn
- Varus

All fairly straightforward with fairly easy to use ultimates and none of which are overly reliant on skills or skill shots to carry. All the others require some real understanding to deal with their weaknesses or higher skillcap skill sets.
i wouldn't put ashe, mf or caitlyn as beginner adcs honestly.

ashe is 100% tied to hitting skillshots because her damage is super mediocre until she has at least 3 items and she's really immobile. same problem with varus, except that he's played mainly as a caster mid now. Caitlyn is even worse than those two because of her long ramp up time past the laning phase, often requiring a full build just to get over her mid game power trough. mf just has no real strengths in most team comps unless you try to build an aoe comp around her.

honestly the best beginner adcs are corki, trist and jinx. jinx has a good laning phase and a super strong mid and late game due to her high range, high damage and execute. her passive is super strong in teamfights and tower pushing is easy with rockets. corki has a huge 1 item power spike and is very safe and trist is almost impossible to kill if you don't fuck up super bad.


So after playing a round against three champs I've literally never seen in-game (Darius, Swain, and Ahri), I am reminded that Dota was a lot nicer to new players in that you could read what abilities the enemy had. There was nowhere I could read on what these guys were doing, I just see stuff happening and am left wondering, "Well, was that their Q, W, or E? Maybe their Ult? What's the cooldown? What about that guy? What were those?"

And there's nothing to do but wait 'til the game ends, and read up on them outside of the battle.


So after playing a round against three champs I've literally never seen in-game (Darius, Swain, and Ahri), I am reminded that Dota was a lot nicer to new players in that you could read what abilities the enemy had. There was nowhere I could read on what these guys were doing, I just see stuff happening and am left wondering, "Well, was that their Q, W, or E? Maybe their Ult? What's the cooldown? What about that guy? What were those?"

And there's nothing to do but wait 'til the game ends, and read up on them outside of the battle.
Unfortunately this is true

New players dont have the necessary micro to check the opponents abilities though

One thing however - the free rotation helps. You will predictably see those 10 free champions in new player games and so you can read up on them before playing. Having to learn the game 10 champions at a time makes it less daunting.

There are those smurfs who rush buy a champion to carry games though. Jerks, but they fall out of new player games pretty fast.

Ideally there should be an ingame "L2P book" that has the lowdown on all the champions currently in the game + info on some game mechanics

i dont know you anymore

Whats wrong with heimerdinger


Adc's with a dash or escape are probably the best for beginners. Corki, Lucian, Graves, Ez, Trist. It just makes it easier on you.
i wouldn't put ashe, mf or caitlyn as beginner adcs honestly.

ashe is 100% tied to hitting skillshots because her damage is super mediocre until she has at least 3 items and she's really immobile. same problem with varus, except that he's played mainly as a caster mid now. Caitlyn is even worse than those two because of her long ramp up time past the laning phase, often requiring a full build just to get over her mid game power trough. mf just has no real strengths in most team comps unless you try to build an aoe comp around her.

honestly the best beginner adcs are corki, trist and jinx. jinx has a good laning phase and a super strong mid and late game due to her high range, high damage and execute. her passive is super strong in teamfights and tower pushing is easy with rockets. corki has a huge 1 item power spike and is very safe and trist is almost impossible to kill if you don't fuck up super bad.
I disagree greatly.

Ashe is anything BUT tied to skill shots. lol, her only skill shot is her ult which isn't even remotely essential to her tool kit. Her split arrows thing can barely be considered a skill shot at all. That just leaves her Q, which you press when you need to slow an enemy and ideally if you can wait until you get your stacks on it. Sure she's immobile, but mobility isn't the real concern for new players; getting gold and last hits is. Her passive crit makes last hitting easier, her range keeps her relatively safe while doing so and her play style requires no high skill cap actions to execute. You literally right-click with Q on and throw out the ocassional W.

Varus can be played mid or ADC and he's fine at both because he has the range to keep him safe and again, his skill set isn't dependent on constant skillshots to do his job. He's better if he can hit them, but that's true of just about every champ in the game that has a skill shot. Almost every champion has at least 1 skill shot and Varus is no different. The difference here is that Varus is easy to execute and explain.

Caitlyn's range makes her ideal for starting out as ADC because she's almost always safe or can E her way back to safety. There is great value and safety in having a long range in League's laning phase. I can't support the suggestion that her ramp up is long as her wave clear is good and her damage output after laning phase is excellent.

Corki doesn't fit here as literally his entire kit is built on landing skill shots with great consistency and accuracy, learning to time and land the big R when it's up and constant kiting. Trist I somewhat (but don't completely) agree with because of how easy it is for inexperienced players to overcommit with Trist by jumping into fights at bad times. It's great that she has a nice escape, though. And again, her aoe passive can make last hitting challenging for new players who are struggling to last hit in the first place. Her passive will make inexperienced players miss creep kills. Lots of them.

Adc's with a dash or escape are probably the best for beginners. Corki, Lucian, Graves, Ez, Trist. It just makes it easier on you.

You're talking crazy suggesting Lucian or Ezreal are good for beginners. Let us recall there's more to learning how to play ADC than whether or not you can escape. The team fight ability management of all 4 of those champs is extreme and I half feel like you two are trolling me suggesting they're acceptable champs for someone new to League to try to play. Come now.

Maybe you guys have been playing so long you've forgotten what makes the game hard for beginners. Skillshots, last-hitting, understanding how far back you need to stand and how to manage your positioning, and managing abilities in fights.

Her ult is literally the reason you pick Ashe to begin with. Immobility is a big deal, same goes for Varus, if you aren't hitting his skillshots - SPECIALLY his ult - then his damage goes to the shitter.
Cait's range means nothing if you don't know how to take advantage of it which is what makes her hard to use.
Corki's skillshots are super easy to land and if you don't hit them who cares, you still get the sheen proc. On top of that he's a lane bully.

Her ult is literally the reason you pick Ashe to begin with

For a beginner? The hell it is.

as a beginner ashe you just arrow from 2m away and win. no skillshot required.

but this is true too. she's not setting up team fights with 3000 unit arrow hits as a new player. everything Ashe does is easy or can be made easy by taking the difficulty of landing the skill shot out of the equation. Which is the point. The easier a champ is to manage the skills of under pressure, the better they probably are for new players.
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