Unfortunately this is true
New players dont have the necessary micro to check the opponents abilities though
One thing however - the free rotation helps. You will predictably see those 10 free champions in new player games and so you can read up on them before playing. Having to learn the game 10 champions at a time makes it less daunting.
There are those smurfs who rush buy a champion to carry games though. Jerks, but they fall out of new player games pretty fast.
Ideally there should be an ingame "L2P book" that has the lowdown on all the champions currently in the game + info on some game mechanics
Whats wrong with heimerdinger
Yeah, I try to read on each week's ten champs. But I forgot that it had switched over already, so seeing the enemy comp was a confusing surprise.
And isn't Heimerdinger just one of the most annoying people ever to face?