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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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AP Xin Zhao jungle is so awesome.

This is why youre Gold V

Seems like there are 'keystone' style assets for the masteries on PBE

will riot be moving to a more power per point (with less points) mastery system?

Or are these just fancy borders for different tiers :/

I dunno man, would be a pretty significant overhaul of masteries if Riot changes their value per point

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
It's times like these when I come back after such an extended break that I'm glad League continues to feel comfortable. My mechanical skills and on-the-spot decision making are currently lagging but I'm hardly concerned with reacquiring those skills considering just how easy the game was to jump back into. Probably too late for me to carry my weight in ranked and climb from Gold I promos to Plat V but I'm still very impactful in normals. My forays into the fighting game genre have certainly paid off; I'm seeing the potential for "whiff punishes" repeatedly during the laning phase and I'm keeping my cool as an ADC even when I'm offensively out of position.

Karma is still way more fun than she has any right to be.



so apparently 4 people didn't want to play league of legends tonight :>

sadly not playing league of legends is very effective when half your team's made up of numbskulls that don't know the meaning of the word kite and "for the love of god stop chasing them you idiots!"


what's the strategy then?

you can't ever get an engage off against someone with so much kite, you can't pick anyone off because they have a billion ways of saving them and you can't siege a team with that much waveclear.

edit: not picking like shit at champ select doesn't count, i don't control what my friends pick
I hate how shitty Kha'zix's ulti is. Like, even basic abilities on other champs involving stealth are stronger than his pathetic 0.1 second invisibility or whatever.

I know he has the whole evolution gimmick tied to it, but those just makes his other abilities not suck. Kha needs to wait till lv 11 usually for jump resets while Tristana has them from the get go plus an ult active that isn't garbage.


I hate how shitty Kha'zix's ulti is. Like, even basic abilities on other champs involving stealth are stronger than his pathetic 0.1 second invisibility or whatever.

I know he has the whole evolution gimmick tied to it, but those just makes his other abilities not suck. Kha needs to wait till lv 11 usually for jump resets while Tristana has them from the get go plus an ult active that isn't garbage.

Yeah I think riot did go overboard with his nerfs in season 4, first they take the only good thing off of his ult, then nerf his damage, which reduced him to poking with upgraded W, then they nerfed that too.


I hate how shitty Kha'zix's ulti is. Like, even basic abilities on other champs involving stealth are stronger than his pathetic 0.1 second invisibility or whatever.

I know he has the whole evolution gimmick tied to it, but those just makes his other abilities not suck. Kha needs to wait till lv 11 usually for jump resets while Tristana has them from the get go plus an ult active that isn't garbage.

Nah it's not great but people really undervalue it. Speed boost, slow on hit and stealth is nothing to sneeze at, nor is proccing your passive 3 times on a gank. It's naturally a little weaker since half of its power budget is in the evolutions but i think people that say it's worthless generally just arent using his passive correctly
"Starting Champions"

Do you get to keep them ??

Btw Costy, the site breaks on mobile

so I didn't work on this specifically, though the team I'm on did some work with the guys who made this hub. We were going to use it but not right now, for reasons.

We will have our own stuff and will hopefully adapt this for EU in the future, but there are some hurdles to get over.

For example NA has a different new player champion pool than us, and their content was made with their pool in mind.

Players don't get to keep the champions. It's basically a replacement for the free rotation that we have for players levels 1-5. It's a specific static pool of 10 champions that players at those early levels can try for free, but they switch over to the new rotation once they hit level 6. The champions in it were chosen for various reasons, not just ease of use. That said it's something we're... open to changing, though not this year.

Still hopeful that my team will have stuff to show you guys in the coming weeks, to add to the new signup pages we launched in EU a while back.

Do you guys like this hub? Bugs with role filters/mobile issues aside?


I hate how shitty Kha'zix's ulti is. Like, even basic abilities on other champs involving stealth are stronger than his pathetic 0.1 second invisibility or whatever.

I know he has the whole evolution gimmick tied to it, but those just makes his other abilities not suck. Kha needs to wait till lv 11 usually for jump resets while Tristana has them from the get go plus an ult active that isn't garbage.

His ult is pretty underrated. Using it appropriately can easily make the difference between getting a kill (and the reset) or not.

With a 2 second cool down on your Q, you can combo with a Q, auto, hydra,auto, W, then ult and maneuver out of the way of skillshots and by the time the invis is up you have another Q->auto waiting. This gets you two Qs and two passive procs generally without much of an opportunity for retaliation.

Also evolve E first. The Q still does good damage but the reset and longer jump distance is invaluable to ganking. The only time I evolve Q first is if I'm getting constantly invaded by a Lee sin or something.


what's the strategy then?

you can't ever get an engage off against someone with so much kite, you can't pick anyone off because they have a billion ways of saving them and you can't siege a team with that much waveclear.

edit: not picking like shit at champ select doesn't count, i don't control what my friends pick

well u have 2 ideal strategies

1. you pick them
and I dont mean the half assed kind of pick where they're all pretty much there and save them. pink, sweep their JG, you're bound to catch 1-2 just walking around. catch and kill with alistar/vi and pressure an objective

2. amazing wave control
slow push top wave, send GP bot to split. when they go to defend the two lanes, gp ult + ali glory engage and blow up the jinx before the TP is complete

the other possibility is to do a FNC v AHQ and hope you just aoe and blow a bunch of them before they react late game


Leona won her first ranked match but that was difficult. My adc was a huge troll. He was begging for mid in lobby but didnt get it. So he goes adc and when sees im going Leona, "omg Leona is awful!". Even tho like me, he's new to ranked. Then after game starts he's dying left & right at the very beginning. I just couldn't keep him alive. I have a replay I might even upload it.

ADC finally gets salty and demands the jungler come camp bot. Jg refuses. Then he goes afk at some point. And then lastly I think he decided to start feeding the enemy team.

Luckily we won the match but it was mostly a 4v5! I really want the new ranked-teambuilder mode though. I do not care for Draft very much.

Still had fun though but havent seen no drama like this in a long time. Since I've been sticking to teambuilder and ARAM mostly



i stole my zed's penta earlier tonight in our last push to win the game on malphite

it was stolen by sunfire cape

i didnt have sunfire cape components until that last fight in end game



Leona won her first ranked match but that was difficult. My adc was a huge troll. He was begging for mid in lobby but didnt get it. So he goes adc and when sees im going Leona, "omg Leona is awful!". Even tho like me, he's new to ranked. Then after game starts he's dying left & right at the very beginning. I just couldn't keep him alive. I have a replay I might even upload it.

ADC finally gets salty and demands the jungler come camp bot. Jg refuses. Then he goes afk at some point. And then lastly I think he decided to start feeding the enemy team.

Luckily we won the match but it was mostly a 4v5! I really want the new ranked-teambuilder mode though. I do not care for Draft very much.

Still had fun though but havent seen no drama like this in a long time. Since I've been sticking to teambuilder and ARAM mostly


That stinks. Fortunately that's not super common. Especially in placements people are generally pretty try hard.

Good that you pulled it out as a win anyways!


You're talking crazy suggesting Lucian or Ezreal are good for beginners. Let us recall there's more to learning how to play ADC than whether or not you can escape. The team fight ability management of all 4 of those champs is extreme and I half feel like you two are trolling me suggesting they're acceptable champs for someone new to League to try to play. Come now.

Maybe you guys have been playing so long you've forgotten what makes the game hard for beginners. Skillshots, last-hitting, understanding how far back you need to stand and how to manage your positioning, and managing abilities in fights.

Ya I was thinking champions for players new to the role and not necessarily new to the game. I feel like positioning in fights is huge for an adc. Especially in things like solo queue where you can't always rely on teammates for peel or anything else. Maybe i'd take Lucian out of there because of his short range.


Reminder of last day of season? I need to play my promos and see if I can squeeze out gold 3 again before end of season. Or know when to stop completely if it looks like I may drop a division.


Not long at all. Can't wait for it to end really. I just want to play ranked without end of season hanging over my head. I don't think I'd drop much but you never know. I've had some really bad runs in the past

I'll probably get back into playing ranked soon. I'm starting to get comfortable using my hand again.


Ghost how many wins did I say it took to get from level 26 to 27? Like 8? I can't do it for the remaining levels on my smurf its too much


well u have 2 ideal strategies

1. you pick them
and I dont mean the half assed kind of pick where they're all pretty much there and save them. pink, sweep their JG, you're bound to catch 1-2 just walking around. catch and kill with alistar/vi and pressure an objective

2. amazing wave control
slow push top wave, send GP bot to split. when they go to defend the two lanes, gp ult + ali glory engage and blow up the jinx before the TP is complete

the other possibility is to do a FNC v AHQ and hope you just aoe and blow a bunch of them before they react late game
yea sadly some really bad early moves gp and vi made set them back a whole lot and gave morg two kills which pretty much chained me to mid turret for most of the game, and gp was pretty shut down in case we wanted to splitpush. i was pretty far ahead mid which i guess balanced the whole thing but then we got baited in a teamfight and jinx got a triple kill and that was about it

fun times


i mean now is probably the best time to play if your hand is injured, what with popular non mechanically intense champions being the most popular. morde, veigar, garen, darius! it's a noob's dream right now.

who was it that used to piss and moan about Syndra being "press R to win"?

What do you have to say about her now that we have veigar strong again huh? huh? huh?
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