A@trox too stronk
didn't think we'd win that one
A@trox too stronk
Sightstone charges go pretty fast to me, and if you dump all of them you lose out on being able to deep ward after taking kills. There are mind games with warding around spots that get swept in League too.For example, in Dota 2, there are a ton of weird little nooks and crannies you can throw a ward. This allows people to play mind games with wards. In League, you just pump out wards like candy and sweep all the time.
I know you can't compare the games 1:1, but the whole ward/sweep dance is unnecessary padding and boring to watch and do.
I got to play the new Fiora for the first time and she's really fun to play. Her mechanics are incredibly smooth and rewarding. I could've turned the triple I got into a Penta had I timed my cooldowns better and parried Garen's Q, but I genuinely have no idea what the cooldown on it is. Speaking of Garen, playing against him was incredibly frustrating. I had him down to 15% health by punishing his misplays and he just regen'ed while missing a few minions. ;_;
At any given time, in a professional match, there's too many damn wards. Limit team wards to 3 or 4, raise the price on pink wards exponentially whilst giving it back its invisibility, limit pink wards to 1 per team, in order to prevent griefing put a timer on wards in inventory(If you don't use it in X minutes it disappears), that would make for more exciting play.
These ideas sound terrible.
That dota example just sounds like you don't understand dota
Sightstone upgrades will be part of the changes. Intent is to still keep those in a position where they're generally more appealing on supports than other classes though.
ritophreak said:teemo mode will be in 5.21
ritocosty said:i confirm teemo mode
You get -3lp and you have to wait 5 minutes.Yo, next time I enter ranked lobby and see something bad going down is it okay to dodge? I haven't completed my 10 matches or whatever though to become 'ranked' (I've only done one match). So I'm wondering if I exit lobby will it count as a loss? Not sure how that works. Also not sure how many ranked matches I need to do to get a rank
You get -3lp and you have to wait 5 minutes.
Though, what's even better than dodging is getting someone else to dodge.
Pretty sure it doesn't count as a loss in provisionals.In his case I think it will count as a loss when he's still in prvisionals, probably best just to play then out. You have to play 10 before you get placed in a rank division.
Pretty sure it doesn't count as a loss in provisionals.
Eve mains would welcome this.
Then again, people in lower elos never buy pinks
Or look at their minimap...
.Meddler said:You guys think bot lane is a constant but pounding now wait til you can only have 3 wards on the map
Pretty sure it doesn't count as a loss in provisionals.
Pretty sure it doesn't count as a loss in provisionals.
Huh guess not then, thought I heard different before but good find.
Hmm, everyone on their team is AD. Think I'll pick Malphite.
Most damage on team, built nothing but armor.
.Meddler said:If you hate having some 5v5s bot lane now, wait until we make TP a consumable item!
Nothings impossible when you trydidn't think we'd win that one
Idon'tmindifyouwanttotalklikethis.Newt I'd reply but i have a broken spacebar D:
Been watching IWD play kindred a few games. It uh, hasn't changed my opinion on her
No clue where the respectable win rate on them is coming from, seems so bad
What does that even mean lol.Disclaimer: i am not an adc player
Who said adc?That I suck at bot lane.
Who said adc?
You sup whether you like it or not.
Did they kill techies again?hey guys dota is reetarded how are you doing
All i know is something happened.i'm so confused
hey guys dota is reetarded how are you doing
He probably got destroyed in a game of Dota or somethingDid they kill techies again?
All i know is something happened.
Suphey guys dota is reetarded how are you doing
Pretty sure it doesn't count as a loss in provisionals.
Thanks for jogging my memory subtles, it was in a Trinityforce Podcast interview with Riot Lyte in May, so its newer than that reddit thread. He basically says that if you go 10-0 in placements but it took you 20 games because of you dodging the system with take that into account and you'll get a crap ranking. link to the part of the interview here.It doesn't count as a loss, but it definitely has an impact on your placement. There was an interview done on the official forums (I think with Lyte and his team when they released the new report system?) where they confirmed as much. I'm off to bed but will be sure to post the source in the morning if I can dig it up.
hey guys dota is reetarded how are you doing
Well in the end they nerfed: morde, skarner, Garen, darius, and sated devourer.We have hyper carry tanks and adc junglers
So not too bad i guess
Imagine a Moba where nobody can ever surrender.this time my team had 2 afkers~
having to wait 20 minutes to surrender really sucks