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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Could be since she's a Priest, but who knows. She sounds pretty large and carries a heavy stone(?) weapon and both of those'd emphasize physical strength yea? So could be either really.

Maybe she could be another ball user like Syndra and Ori. I remember reading that Syndra and DotA's Earth Spirit came from the same concept from before PenDragon came over to Riot, maybe they'll be reusing some of the other ideas they had.
Would it be stupid to say... maybe there's gonna be an item that increases your attack range for markmen?

Honestly though that sounds retarded.
Don't worry, it's either an active or only works vs towers. Riot will never give an item that increases range of champions like Vayne
Sounds like they're removing the consumable.

And I don't know about you, but I nearly always go red trinket when I play support and just buy pinks whenever I can.
Stealth wards are not Vision wards


Would it be stupid to say... maybe there's gonna be an item that increases your attack range for markmen?

Honestly though that sounds retarded.

Well if Hydra's passive and active work for Melee only they can have the item work for melee champs only.
Pwyff said:
Reinboom has actually done a huge sweep of SR's map geo to solve for a lot of vision bugs / line of sight things with wards. This is just very high level for now.
About time
You'll see a few changes to support this rather than a raw "strip wards out." Pink wards, for example, are getting cheaper, trinkets automatically upgrade, and sweeper has some new functionality. We'll have more details next week!

[edit] Big one: Yellow trinket starts with 2 wards automatically.



big change: no stealth wards (wtf)
mana pots gone
weird ass rift herald thing
new masteries

I started playing at the worst possible time.
How do you play this game without Stealth Wards? No public match is ever going to keep a Pink out at all times.

They're either putting something else to fill in for them, or we're about to have insta-gib city.

Also I just set up twelve Mastery pages. Let me see how many of those will be getting changed. >.>

Quick Edit: saw above post. Nevermind, Ty Riot!


Holy shit, loving all those vision and trinket upgrades. Automatic upgrade? Yes please.

Curious to see what the sweeper functionality is. Can't think of many, thats for sure.


So I'm guessing every jungler now has to buy a sightstone. Since most go sweeper early and buy green wards, that's off the table now. No way to put down vision and remove it without a sightstone.

Interesting. I'm not completely adverse to it. In fact I kind of like forcing a focus. Do you want to be a vision granter or remover. Unless you are a support or building as a support.

Just hope it doesn't kill the carry jungler.


If I wanted to update sweeper functionality I would make a sweeped area be unwardable for a certain period of time, 1 min probably. That would offer some interesting strategies for the bot lane with 4 wards, preplanning ganks, objective control. Would be interesting.


Quinn rework is here!

Tag Team (R) has been heavily repurposed into a strategic map mobility tool:
Tag Team's visuals have been changed from Quinn leaving the game space to Valor flying Quinn around beneath her.
Tag Team now has a 2-second channel at its start, and no longer has combat spells or basic attacks.
Tag Team now has no cooldown, and its Movement Speed bonus is now very dramatic.
Skystrike has been retained, but deals less damage and does not deal increased damage based on targets' missing Health.

Blinding Assault (Q) has been repurposed (and renamed) into more of a waveclearing tool and less of a dueling tool:
Q's name has been changed to Aerial Assault, because... the spell no longer blinds.
Aerial Assault now marks its primary target as Vulnerable (passive mark).
Aerial Assault now does up to double damage based on targets' missing Health.
Half of Aerial Assault's cooldown is refunded if it kills at least one enemy.

Various other changes:

Harrier (P) attacks now deal a percentage of Quinn's total AD rather than a base and bonus AD ratio.
Vault (E) has had its dash speed increased, and it should now more reliably return you along the vector you dashed in on.


Quinn players: "I'm flying, Jack!"

I like this idea in the comments on League's site about the new monster getting eaten by Baron if you don't take it out in time. Just for a cool animation, no other reason, really.




Nope. If you basic attack from Tag Team, it will fire the basic attack, fire a Skystrike, and cancel Tag Team.

less enthused



The zone control marksmen (traps are on a charge system now)
New play feel with headshot combos (trap and E trigger a guaranteed headshot on the target)

Miss Fortune

The wombo combo marksmen (ult scaling way better, can crit)
New play feel with impure shots replaced with "love tap" new passive that gives bonus damage when swapping targets (this works well with Q)


The true glass cannon hyper carry (tons of dmg needs protection)
W now doubles ALL attack speed and allows him to break the attack speed cap (but ad is lowered to 60%)


Magic damage marksmen -> passive now does big magic damage instead of true and all spells now do magic damage
New mechanic: Special Delivery -> every ~5m in the game corki gets a special set of bombs in his base that allow him to cast a super mega W with much bigger range and impact


The map mobility/roaming marksmen
R reworked as a utility focused spell -> 0 cooldown and gives quinn crazy out of combat speed to quickly move around the map, not used for assassination anymore


We finally made his shotgun a shotgun -> up close burst damage marksmen
Basic attacks fire multiple buckshots in a cone -> more damage up close
Q reworked to synergize better with the new basic attacks

fuck yes
Lots of changes to process, but a long-held problem with LoL that they've been addressing with the newer champions is the uniqueness of them, their skillsets and play styles. Their latest ADCs, supports, junglers all really reflect a more...how can I say...Dota-like way of approaching champion designs. Unique builds that change on a match by match basis is the natural evolution of LoL.

So instead of every ADC building from the same pool of 7 items, a dozen builds and itemizations can be viable. I hope that is the future of the game. A future where a LW and IE is not always the right answer for ADCs. Where maybe Armor + AS items become a thing that really open up possibilities.
Lots of changes to process, but a long-held problem with LoL that they've been addressing with the newer champions is the uniqueness of them, their skillsets and play styles. Their latest ADCs, supports, junglers all really reflect a more...how can I say...Dota-like way of approaching champion designs. Unique builds that change on a match by match basis is the natural evolution of LoL.

So instead of every ADC building from the same pool of 7 items, a dozen builds and itemizations can be viable. I hope that is the future of the game. A future where a LW and IE is not always the right answer for ADCs. Where maybe Armor + AS items become a thing that really open up possibilities.

Yup. If they're able to deal with the homogenization with roles then that's a good thing. Riot shouldn't fear that their playerbase is too stupid to deal with wildly different characters in the same role(IE Mordekaiser or Kindred being completely different from a Tristana), they need to fundamentally change existing characters skills and how they approach a situation.

Reading off Graves skillset for example, he'll probably be better as a close range, beefier ADC who can strive in Teamfights better than a kogmaw, who will get rekt.
On hit stuff is going to be crazy. He already gets a lot of attack speed from his passive on his q.

On hit koggy is going to be strong. The thing is that apparently his speed up makes him lose 40% of his AD, meaning that builds like Nashors, BoTRK, and LW are going to be much more viable for him then straight up building an IE.

There definitely will be more of a variety in builds for ADCs if they go through these changes aimed at getting the most out of the unique perks of each champ. Which is a good thing.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Really like the changes they're pushing for. Mastery system sounds like it's being cleaned up. The AD carry thing is a good example of how Riot operates as a company to return to old champions and majorly update them to create more diversity. Good vision changes too. Also happy about the removal of mana potions and green wards.
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