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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Lots of changes to process, but a long-held problem with LoL that they've been addressing with the newer champions is the uniqueness of them, their skillsets and play styles. Their latest ADCs, supports, junglers all really reflect a more...how can I say...Dota-like way of approaching champion designs. Unique builds that change on a match by match basis is the natural evolution of LoL.

So instead of every ADC building from the same pool of 7 items, a dozen builds and itemizations can be viable. I hope that is the future of the game. A future where a LW and IE is not always the right answer for ADCs. Where maybe Armor + AS items become a thing that really open up possibilities.

what if last whisper was a component item


Individualizing adcs more looks nice, but having to adjust to major changes when I'm still not entirely used to the way the game is right now could take me a while... Then again, it isn't like I've drilled seasonal strategies or anything, so hopefully I'll be able to adapt without too many issues.

While I like Kog (and got its fabulous monarch skin when it was on sale), I think its increased reliance on mid-to-late-game items to do cool stuff will suck for me in normal games, where teams tend to be less organized and Kog's frailty can end up backfiring an awful lot. My general lack of skill at playing adcs probably won't help things either.

I'll probably try Bard out some more while it's available for free, but I guess I'll be purchasing Thresh once I get enough IP, and maybe go for Bard later if I end up liking him. Still, its reliance on good team coordination for roaming and helping out with Qs and ults complicates things more than when I'm using Morgana or Lulu, which have an easier time managing their abilities and telegraphing your intentions to the rest of the team.
please dude

clg changes players and staff like a cheap whore at south central. i bet next week we'll see double lift benched or moved to the jungle.
God damn these changes sound crazy. I'm really curious about the Quinn changes. The Graves ones kind of remind me a bit of Tychus in HotS with his weird autos, but a shot gun instead of a minigun. And Kog, hot damn I'm excited. Good job, Rito, you know how to do hype.

I really want to see AP Kog, from the looks of it, you might want to build Nashor's on him after the change.

Apparently they decided to push Quinn towards the mid lane rather than bot, which I'm super okay with. I wish I could try this out now, why can't they just let the PBE be open for everyone.

Thunderlord's Decree

Your 3rd attack or spell on an enemy champion shocks the area around them, dealing 10 damage per level plus 20% of your Bonus Attack Damage and 10% of your Ability Power as Magic damage to enemies in the area (30 second cooldown)."

I feel like Lucian will really benefit from this new mastery.
Apparently they decided to push Quinn towards the mid lane rather than bot, which I'm super okay with. I wish I could try this out now, why can't they just let the PBE be open for everyone.
How, exactly? They just said they think she'll be more interesting there, not that they're pushing for her to become a mid laner

EDIT- Nvm caught the comment about that. Not exactly sure what she's gonna do at mid but eh, will wait and see.
How, exactly?

Due to the roaming ability of her ult, according to Repertoir.


We are aiming for her to be optimal as a mid laner, since we feel that this is where Tag Team becomes most interesting/valuable for her team.

I know this will be quite a departure for players that played her mostly top lane, but we are hoping you still get to do more of the Quinn stuff you enjoyed doing from top lane in mid lane, except for some of the fighter bullying.

I somehow forgot to mention this in the original post, but I do believe this version of Quinn will be most interesting as a mid-laner, due mostly to the fact that Tag Team is much more interesting from the middle of the map.

From the PBE thread.

EDIT - Missed your edit.


Actually I'm not worried about any changes. Ima play regardless and like it.


Good plan. I'm cool with pretty much anything myself as well. The only game that I really didn't enjoy as much was the overabundance of super tanks. That was a dark time.


Considering what Riot said about Graves getting a new Q to compliment his new autos I'm thinking that's gonna be a passive on one of his abilities.

I don't think it'll be a problem either way. Tristana doesn't have this issue, and Graves can actually get up in a minion's face and blast it without hitting other minions.
I don't think it'll be a problem either way. Tristana doesn't have this issue, and Graves can actually get up in a minion's face and blast it without hitting other minions.
Yeah, even if it weren't the case it's not a problem for Trist so it won't be for him.

And who knows, if they fix fucking TP maybe we can go back to being aggressive and forcing people to farm under their towers is a good strategy again!


Kogmaw and Quinn changes both sound neat. Didn't seen anything about MF yet, and she was my first ADC so I'm hoping I like what they do with her.

They want Kog to be a turret like champ (more so than now) and his W active does 5 hits or so a second with high attackspeed so kiting is not an option while it's up and it does less dmg per hit, but still gives full on-hit effects. R will have execute dmg in exchange for less poke dmg too.

Quinn's R is used for mobility now and has no CD but has a channel. Harrier is based on Quinn's bonus AD, and her Q gives refunds for killing stuff to help with waveclear.


Corki Update

Corki's identity as the magic damage Marksman is being reinforced

Hextech Shrapnel Shells now cause Corki's basic attacks to deal split damage (half magic, half physical) instead of bonus true damage
As a result, Hextech Shrapnel Shells now interacts with attack modifiers like Trinity Force and Critical Strikes once again
Gatling Gun also deals split damage and now shreds both Armor and MR (but at reduced amounts)

Corki will have a new tool to utilize in the form of "The Package" that grants him access to "Special Delivery"
The Package will arrive in Corki's base after an interval. Corki can return to the fountain to pick it up temporarily gaining extreme out of combat Movement Speed and upgrading Valkyrie into Special Delivery.
Special Delivery allows Corki to perform a bombing run - it travels much faster and further than Valkyrie, and drops incendiary bombs that knock aside enemies in the path (think Draven E) and leave a deadly fire trial behind that both slows and damages enemies who dare to cross it (or get forced into it!)
Special Delivery can be used to cut off the retreat of a fleeing foe or to cause chaos by splitting the enemy team apart in team fights

Corki will have to take more risks with the update

One of the longer standing issues with Corki has always been his relative safety among the Marksman class due to having strong ranged poke and one of the most powerful escape abilities in the game (Valkyrie)
Valkyrie's range is being substantially reduced
Utilizing The Package is a fairly risky play with large payoffs when executed correctly
I know this is a lot to take in, but hopefully yo


It's hard to keep up with all the new info.

Rift Herald


Spawns at the Baron Pit
First appears at 4:00
Respawns every 5 minutes
Despawns at 19:45 unless in combat; hard despawns at 19:55 no matter what

Encounter details:

Melee-only attacker - but hits pretty hard. Need to be able to take a punch to tank RH.
The Eye will occasionally open, exposing RH to bonus damage on attacks from behind equal to 12% of RH's Max HP as True Damage.
Takes 35% less damage from ranged Autoattacks.

Reward details:

50 global gold to everyone on the killing team
Drops "Doom's Eve" buff to the killer:
10% increase to all non-true damage and bonus 40 MS
Enhanced Baron Recall
Enhances nearby minions offensive power, same as Baron buff, with an additional attack speed increase. Does NOT increase their defensive power (don't worry, you won't have to deal with last-hitting Baron buffed minions in lane)
We'll be dropping a Dev Blog explain


I wonder if having an objective in top lane will reduce the incentive to teleport bot lane, or just the old 5 man ganks bot.


Wait that doesn't make sense.

It travels faster and farther than Valkyrie, but they're reducing the range on it?

uhhhhhhh. One does not the other make...unless they're saying that the range will be reduced until he gets special package?

The way I understand it, Corki gets one empowered Valkyrie per special package he collects. It's a one time use and he needs to collect another package to use it again. So, weaker without package, better with package.


Wait that doesn't make sense.

It travels faster and farther than Valkyrie, but they're reducing the range on it?

uhhhhhhh. One does not the other make...unless they're saying that the range will be reduced until he gets special package?

Special Package buffs Valk, but without it it will be lower/weaker? than now.

and beaten
Wait that doesn't make sense.

It travels faster and farther than Valkyrie, but they're reducing the range on it?

uhhhhhhh. One does not the other make...unless they're saying that the range will be reduced until he gets special package?
They reduced the range slightly to make sure Corki with the new package doesn't suddenly turn into Nocturne

800 > 600, imagine Corki with a 2400 range W rofl
Special package is a one-time use until the next Special package a couple of minutes later.

Oh, a one time use.

Weird. It's definitely unique and makes Corki stand out but....having to go back to base to pick it up...I guess that's where the MS comes in. But it should be considerably buffed if they're going to have to hold on to it in order to use it effectively. I can imagine that Corki's and their teams will play alot more careful if they're wanting to utilize the package..that kinda...kills options in terms of engaging an opponent.
Starting gold is now 500, you can't stack potions with flask anymore

Time for champions with weak early games to actually have a bad time early.


Adc itemization

Infinity Edge is slightly weaker now (little less AD), we shifted power elsewhere so it's less automatic and so that we could add cooler things to the Marksman space.

Essence Reaver scales its CDR off of your critical strike chance so that it works as a big core item (think IE space). It can now give upwards of +30% CDR.

Phantom Dancer does stuff other than just be straight up damage. Bonus movement speed while near your opponents and you take last damage from the last champion you hit. Isolate and kill people, basically.

Rapid Firecannon charges up like Shiv, but when charged instead of prepping you for the thunder, increases your attack range and gives you a fiery hit at the end.

Shiv does even more damage versus minions. It's specialized further into being the bursty clearing tool.

Hurricane now crits and the bolts crit. Also movement speed. It's in the PD / Shiv space now, so it should be an option for more Marksman.

Executioner's Calling is back, but it's a bit different and cheaper. Also it's a component item. It builds into something new.

Last Whisper is now a component item. It builds into new things.

There's something called Giant Slayer. It hurts health dudes.

Merc scimitar has Lifesteal, you should feel comfortable taking it over BT.

Death's Dance exist. It has something like Lifesteal but better. Also it "delays" damage.

And tons of changes all over the place. This is just some of the marks targeted ones.
Shiv does even more damage versus minions. It's specialized further into being the bursty clearing tool.

Nice buff to yas.

Also I wonder how this will effect people like yas and jayce and other ad people.
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