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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Ok. They need to hurry up and end this season and start preseason with all the fun changes. Worlds is over, get it done riot.

And while they are at it, I'd love to see the new role choosing draft released. Looking at my stats for ranked this season, even though the pool of games is pretty small, I see a trend. Nearly 40% of my losses came from roles outside of my two main roles. I had a 25% win rate outside of those roles. Pretty dismal.

A takeaway from this even without teambuilder style draft would be that I need to fight for my roles more. I've been generous and let other people jungle when they really beg for it but that needs to stop.


A takeaway from this even without teambuilder style draft would be that I need to fight for my roles more. I've been generous and let other people jungle when they really beg for it but that needs to stop.

I feel like most of the time if someone wants to jungle or support, then I'll let them if it's up to me. Having ppl who really know what they're doing there can win you the game alone.


Gold Member
Really close to the end of season now. Hoping I can reach D4 before the end but there's so many people playing mid Ryze and other worlds stuff trying to copy them but failing badly.


Tbh I play with the mindset that I'm not going to get a gank in lane. If our jungler comes to help out then that's great. If not, then it's no big deal. I refuse to be one of those people who plays the blame game or goes into crybaby mode when they don't get ganks.


I feel like most of the time if someone wants to jungle or support, then I'll let them if it's up to me. Having ppl who really know what they're doing there can win you the game alone.

Yeah. That's the thing. I figured that the people that are asking for the role would really have a good handle on it and I always felt I filled pretty well but this season its just not true. I'm really so much better at jungle (and adc to a lesser extent) that I'm potentially costing my team by filling. My win rate just isn't there. Especially top lane. I'm really not good at top. I'm not familiar with the champs and matchups, I don't have good sense of when to tp and even if I don't lose lane, I don't meaningfully impact the game. And somehow top seems to be the role I keep getting stuck filling.

I've also lost a step supporting. I used to be a pretty good support but I guess I'm not up on the support meta. I lose even with Morgana.

Gonna keep pushing for jungle and adc. If I get a higher pick, I'm taking it. Especially jungle. Never giving that up again if I have a choice.


Really close to the end of season now. Hoping I can reach D4 before the end but there's so many people playing mid Ryze and other worlds stuff trying to copy them but failing badly.
Yeah, you see attempts at making worlds-like comps but terribly executed.

I'll probably not play any more ranked until end of season. The meta is kinda bad right now and I'm happy with D3.


Yeah. That's the thing. I figured that the people that are asking for the role would really have a good handle on it and I always felt I filled pretty well but this season its just not true. I'm really so much better at jungle (and adc to a lesser extent) that I'm potentially costing my team by filling. My win rate just isn't there. Especially top lane. I'm really not good at top. I'm not familiar with the champs and matchups, I don't have good sense of when to tp and even if I don't lose lane, I don't meaningfully impact the game. And somehow top seems to be the role I keep getting stuck filling.

I've also lost a step supporting. I used to be a pretty good support but I guess I'm not up on the support meta. I lose even with Morgana.

Gonna keep pushing for jungle and adc. If I get a higher pick, I'm taking it. Especially jungle. Never giving that up again if I have a choice.

Ya, support and botlane in general can be a lil rough now, especially with so many people taking teleport. You push a lil too far and then all of a sudden you'll have having an 8 man dance party.
I hate that with people who try unfamiliar champs they think are OP or are going to instantly win them the game because they were frequently seen at a pro level. If you can't use the champ or don't click with them you're doing you and your team no favours. Plus it depends on your team's performance as a whole most of the time. People who say it's their first time playing a champ in ranked play is just selfish.

Also I love being a support main since it means 9/10 times I'll get my role and find games faster too.


Ya, support and botlane in general can be a lil rough now, especially with so many people taking teleport. You push a lil too far and then all of a sudden you'll have having an 8 man dance party.

Unless you're stuck playing normal matches like me, where I've yet to see a single TP used to make bot into a battle royale.

I hate that with people who try unfamiliar champs they think are OP or are going to instantly win them the game because they were frequently seen at a pro level. If you can't use the champ or don't click with them you're doing you and your team no favours. Plus it depends on your team's performance as a whole most of the time. People who say it's their first time playing a champ in ranked play is just selfish.

Also I love being a support main since it means 9/10 times I'll get my role and find games faster too.

Yeah. Just like in MtG, pro imitators sometimes think picking a strong competitive-level strategy is enough to win regardless of whether they have the game knowledge and execution to get it to work, and then they lose horribly because they barely even know how to play with it. I've come to fear going ADC with my fabulous monarch Kog because I still suck at aggressive play, and playing as a squishy ADC with no mobility would probably end up dragging my team down.

I tend to lose my support slot when particular champs are available in free rotation (like Blitz last week), and my main issue there is that my backup plan is going mid, which often gets taken up faster than support. I guess I could try Lulu top sometime, though.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Also I love being a support main since it means 9/10 times I'll get my role and find games faster too.
I have to keep jungling. It's started to get pretty boring for me. Tank clears feel too weak for me to take that many seriously right now so the champion pool seems really limited.


i feel like harrowing just got kind of buried behind worlds and preseason. i haven't finished reading it yet, but the mf story so far is pretty cool, lucian is pretty badass and reading about the harrowing while i'm going through the berserk manga is pretty cool

but yeah i dunno if the legacy skins are gonna be on sale or what, they didn't even do harrowing wards or anything, this year harrowing as an event felt pretty shallow, which might have to do with it just being on the same time as worlds and preseason


yeah, it's great, i kind of liked it even more than the manga golden age cos all the cut stuff in the anime leave more things up for interpretation. the manga just straight out tells you which isn't bad or anything, just unnecessary. also manga's too gratuitous for my taste, i don't mind gore so much, but it just feels silly the 100th time you see people's eyes pop off

manga's still pretty good, i'm right after the anime, so about a third of the series or so?

it's gonna take me forever to finish


yeah, it's great, i kind of liked it even more than the manga golden age cos all the cut stuff in the anime leave more things up for interpretation. the manga just straight out tells you which isn't bad or anything, just unnecessary. also manga's too gratuitous for my taste, i don't mind gore so much, but it just feels silly the 100th time you see people's eyes pop off

manga's still pretty good, i'm right after the anime, so about a third of the series or so?

it's gonna take me forever to finish

I loved the show, but hated how it ended. If I somehow end up rich one day, I'll pay someone to finish the show, lol. I always considered reading the manga, but I've never really got into reading any manga at all. I did read a chapter of Naruto once though just so I could see what happened next, back when I was caught up, but that was really it.
New Quinn is a lot of fun. Triple Harrier (P+E+Q) and the Q execute is pretty vicious damage, and I love just being able to roam anywhere anytime with the ult.
Any time during this week. I really hate how Riot refuses to release Halloween skins during you know, Halloween.
This is what I was wondering. I've only been playing since about February but was wondering when there'd be a focus on the Halloween stuff. I know there's been the World's stuff going on but would've been cool to see the zombie skins actually on Halloween. As soon as it hits November 1st is when Mariah Carey's bank account starts filling up again.

Plus I frequently queue with Jinx players and wanted to see them rocking the new skin :(

I don't play her but I hope they do bring back the Legacy skins for a couple of days so I can pick up Lollipoppy for the Godlike splash art. Maybe I could use it if I click with her post-rework.


I loved the show, but hated how it ended. If I somehow end up rich one day, I'll pay someone to finish the show, lol. I always considered reading the manga, but I've never really got into reading any manga at all. I did read a chapter of Naruto once though just so I could see what happened next, back when I was caught up, but that was really it.
yeah i haven't read manga in ages either. too expensive to buy anymore (tho i'm totally getting klk when it releases here) and i don't like reading off the screen.

berserk anime was great, i actually really liked the ending too

dont worry about not knowing how it ended

not even the writer knew how to end it
they never do :T

New Quinn is a lot of fun. Triple Harrier (P+E+Q) and the Q execute is pretty vicious damage, and I love just being able to roam anywhere anytime with the ult.
really want to try her, tho i'm not sure what she does if she can't assassinate reliably since getting hit knocks you out of valor mode


yeah i haven't read manga in ages either. too expensive to buy anymore (tho i'm totally getting klk when it releases here) and i don't like reading off the screen.

berserk anime was great, i actually really liked the ending too

Actually it really wasn't the ending that I didn't like. The story itself was great. It was just how there wan't any more.


The old support main in me is trying to break free. But I can't bring myself to voluntarily do it anymore unless I'm in the lane with someone I know. Not with the current 10 minute double tp bot plus jungler meta. Id rather be one of the ppl teleporting in at 10 minutes and take my chances with that


Tragic victim of fan death
Honest question. How do you fix Teleport? Limit to one champion per team or something? Like... I don't know.


Honest question. How do you fix Teleport? Limit to one champion per team or something? Like... I don't know.

Make it have a long cool down at the beginning of the game and gradually lower the cool down based upon champion level might work
Honest question. How do you fix Teleport? Limit to one champion per team or something? Like... I don't know.
Nerfing the cooldown for starters but IMO they really need to make it so you're locked out of using TP for like 30 seconds after you die so if you get killed you have to walk back to lane and lose gold / XP.


Nerfing the cooldown for starters but IMO they really need to make it so you're locked out of using TP for like 30 seconds after you die so if you get killed you have to walk back to lane and lose gold / XP.
this is not a good idea because the problem with tp is not that it's a good defensive option but that it's also the better offensive option as well (since u can trade aggressively and tp back and continue to dictate the lane)

like i think tp to lane as a comeback mechanic is pretty good, the problem is that right now it's too quick

just nerf base tp cooldown, both to turrets and wards

Make it have a long cool down at the beginning of the game and gradually lower the cool down based upon champion level might work
this is what i've been saying, really hammers down that tp is a long term team-oriented investment that's gonna set you back pretty hard if you tp bot, but if you survive that you got a global advantage in the mid-late game


Could they just buff other summoner spells to actually make them useful
instead of just being tools for Newt to take lobbies hostage
I still don't see how being able to react to ganks is a problem.

for me as a former ADC main (and I don't work at all on balance so this is just my opinion as a player) it's not very fun to have to play every lane passively out of fear of the enemy top laner and/or midlaner teleporting bot for a massive clown fiesta

I like to 2 v 2
Could they just buff other summoner spells to actually make them useful
instead of just being tools for Newt to take lobbies hostage
That doesn't solve anything. You can make Ignite do a billion damage, the guy still TP backs to lane with little lost and now mid and bot are fucked because of improved ignite.



TP's defensive uses are it's biggest issue outside of bot lane
nerfing the cooldown also nerfs tp's defensive use without removing that use entirely

it's important to leave some defensive use so weaker champions in lane can also survive

Could they just buff other summoner spells to actually make them useful
instead of just being tools for Newt to take lobbies hostage
they're actually removing clarity and clairvoyance from pbe

also tp is the outlier, the other spells are mostly ok, no need to change the others
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