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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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nerfing the cooldown also nerfs tp's defensive use without removing that use entirely

it's important to leave some defensive use so weaker champions in lane can also survive
It's also important that if you get killed you need to get a disadvantage and that champions that are supposed to be weak early are allowed to be bullied early.

If you die with TP up you need to suffer the consequences somehow.
for me as a former ADC main (and I don't work at all on balance so this is just my opinion as a player) it's not very fun to have to play every lane passively out of fear of the enemy top laner and/or midlaner teleporting bot for a massive clown fiesta

I like to 2 v 2
That's alright but I guess there should always be some method of reacting to jungler visits or midlane ganks or whatever.

The concern for me is that TP gets nerfed too much and people just stop taking it.


for me as a former ADC main (and I don't work at all on balance so this is just my opinion as a player) it's not very fun to have to play every lane passively out of fear of the enemy top laner and/or midlaner teleporting bot for a massive clown fiesta

I like to 2 v 2

This mirrors my feelings on the current meta.

I look forward to preseason.


That's alright but I guess there should always be some method of reacting to jungler visits or midlane ganks or whatever.

The concern for me is that TP gets nerfed too much and people just stop taking it.

Reacting to a good junglers gank is a vision game. You are punished for poor vision, rewarded for good vision.

Reacting to a TP is impossible unless the mid and top laners are just spamming pings the instant they can't see their laner. There's almost nothing a bot lane can do to prevent the TPs from coming in short of playing ridiculously passive (and still possibly get 5 man tower dove) or being super aggressive killing advance wards. Can't do the latter very well when you are fighting a sightstone with your single sweeper or 100 gold a pop pink ward though. Just not fun.


It's also important that if you get killed you need to get a disadvantage and that champions that are supposed to be weak early are allowed to be bullied early.

If you die with TP up you need to suffer the consequences somehow.
cooldown solves all of that imo


TP can only be used on towers

TP can only be used on a specific tower one time

TP can be used on all towers in the game, friendly or enemy




What if TP started the game on cooldown? Coupled with CD nerfs it'd mean you couldn't use it defensively super early, so it's not such a get out of jail free card. Say you can't use it for the first 6 mins of the game or so?



What time-span would that supposedly be, and how much do old skins typically go for? Definitely Not Blitzcrank has to be mine if it's one of the skins that becomes available during harrowing, but I'll have to save up enough IP to unlock Blitz before the skins are gone or risk having to pay RP to buy both the champion and the skin (yuck).


after landing tp turns you into a lollipoppy state that rapidly decays for 1.5s. if you click on an ally during that time they also turn into lollipoppy and it refreshes your lollipoppy state


Increase tp cast time and cool down. Reduce tp cast time as well as cool down with distortion boots. Break homeguard on tp cast. Break tp cast if damaged in the first two seconds of channel.

Alternatively disallow tp'ing to stealth wards. Create a TP totem which is visible or just use pink wards.
cooldown solves all of that imo
It doesn't solve anything but offensive use. If you can't kill someone twice in the span of a minute without taking risks then taking said risks to get a kill will likely be a waste because the enemy will just TP back missing almost no minions but now you're low on mana / HP so you have to back yourself, giving the enemy like a minute of free farming, effectively negating whatever advantage you got and possibly putting them ahead, but now they have resistances 5 pots and your ignite is down whoopdeedoo

Nerfing the CD doesn't change anything about that, nerfing sustain from pots helps cheese strats with cloth / flask starts into a quick back at 800~900gold but that's about it, if you TP after dying successfully then the damage is done. Frankly I only truly care about nerfing offensive uses but if their goal is to make TP not mandatory nerfing just the CD won't change a thing and buffing other summoners to combat it is a terrible idea.


Increase teleport cast time to 3.5 seconds. Make it place a small "teleport totem" down anywhere on the map as long as it's not in the fog of war. This totem has three health. If the totem is attacked three times (like a stealth ward), it disappears and teleport is cancelled.

You can still defend towers, but only if the enemy isn't around to cancel your TP. You can still gank, but not from the middle of lane or the middle of the fight without the threat of the TP being cancelled.

riot hire me


TP back to lane. The effect wouldn't last that long. And to TP close to fights just not into the middle of fights.

this is awful because if you're teleporting far enough away from a fight and you're not a champion to take a big advantage from tp/homeguards you're already minimizing your impact to the fight at hand. with that kind of nerf there'd be no point to ever using TP. Even a 2-3 second debuff is too much


It doesn't solve anything but offensive use. If you can't kill someone twice in the span of a minute without taking risks then taking said risks to get a kill will likely be a waste because the enemy will just TP back missing almost no minions but now you're low on mana / HP so you have to back yourself, giving the enemy like a minute of free farming, effectively negating whatever advantage you got and possibly putting them ahead, but now they have resistances 5 pots and your ignite is down whoopdeedoo

Nerfing the CD doesn't change anything about that, nerfing sustain from pots helps cheese strats with cloth / flask starts into a quick back at 800~900gold but that's about it, if you TP after dying successfully then the damage is done. Frankly I only truly care about nerfing offensive uses but if their goal is to make TP not mandatory nerfing just the CD won't change a thing and buffing other summoners to combat it is a terrible idea.
thinking about it some more you're right, tuning only cd is too simple to balance the spell for that many uses (anti-snowballing, splitpushing, helping other lanes), but i'd like to see if there's a better mechanic

i think ur thing just promotes aggressive trade into tp too much and i hate that garbage
thinking about it some more you're right, tuning only cd is too simple to balance the spell for that many uses (anti-snowballing, splitpushing, helping other lanes), but i'd like to see if there's a better mechanic

i think ur thing just promotes aggressive trade into tp too much and i hate that garbage
I dunno I'm just brainstorming, I don't know how to properly give it drawbacks. I just know that nothing will change for mid and top if Riot doesn't change how the spell works somehow.


Screw it indeed. Summoner spells are boring. Let's go the opposite direction. Tp should have 1 second channel, 60 second cool down, tp anywhere within radius equivalent to twisted fate ult radius.

There. Everyone takes flash and tp. New meta. See a TP gank coming in? Tp out. Enemy tp after recall? Tp to another lane and gank them.
Quick question: can you drop from gold 5 to silver?
I'm not really in the mood for ranked but also sick to see a Veigar every time in teambuilder. Fuck this broken champ.


Legit question: Why can't TP just be a cheap consumable item with the same high cooldown

This just means everyone on the team will be able to teleport anywhere at any one time. That's not really a solution, just spreads the problem around.

I'm all for increasing the CD and restricting it's early game use. That or maybe give it a range, but I have not fully assessed the downsides of doing that, especially since it might be indirectly nerfed a bit due to fewer green wards.
Legit question: Why can't TP just be a cheap consumable item with the same high cooldown
Because it creates new problems without solving the old ones. Turn TP into a consumable and now you have early monsters shitting all over the map while also having big lane kill pressure.


Cause this game is not Dota.

I actually mis-remembered Town Portal Scrolls as having no CD. I just looked it up again and realized I'm mistaken.

Okay then, yeah, a higher cooldown would be a nice start. But really I don't know if a global teleport is even possible to fully balance. :X


Tragic victim of fan death
If everyone takes the same summoner spell like flash I always found that poor game design and philosophy. If everyone takes Flash it's a problem If everyone is taking teleport then it's a problem. Idk... maybe I'm just being too picky.


I also think Flash is a shining example of major oversight. Just friggin' have it built into every champion. There's no reason not to take it. Ever. Don't give people the illusion that you get to choose two Summoner Spells when it's actually one and even noobs know it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Flash is objectively the most fun and interesting summoner spell so I'm not really that bent up about people taking it across just about every champ. Teleport creates a more rigid and passive playstyle in its own lane while punishing other lanes for aggression. I'm okay with some people using it but it makes Ignite feel fairly worthless by comparison on the top side of the map. An increased CD, the early Baron pit stuff, and double jungling gains being lowered will change a lot about TP. Just have to see if it's enough.

Part of me did like double jungling though.


Flash is objectively the most fun and interesting summoner spell so I'm not really that bent up about people taking it across just about every champ.
Part of me did like double jungling though.

It is the funnest spell to take. I just don't like seeing "Summoner Spell 1" and "Summoner Spell 2." We all know it's only one, so just let people take one and give everybody Flash.

rip the following:


Ignite/Exhaust is super fun. Mark someone for death.


Gold Member
Why don't you just remove everything then.

Don't nerf tp. I think the new neutral at baron will make contesting it a priority so combat spells may make a comeback on top lane.

Ignite TP is still being used but mostly on Fizz and Hecarim.
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