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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
How can I make Mao support viable?
Play him like pretty much any other support tank. Look for engage opportunities. Soak damage/peel when needed. Try to manage mana properly because that's the hard part with something like Mao.


This poor irelia top.

I kill her in a gank.

Wait 40seconds in the top bush.

She comes back, gets 1 cs and dies immediateley after.

She comes back and I gank from river after she gets 2 cs.

Died 3 times before 5 minutes. That's gotta make you tilt.


Maokai is imo kinda weak without gold and provides little utility. Amumu sup would be much better if you want to try new things^^


his ult is like a huge aoe root ^^
Maokai is like a much weaker Leona, when he engages he has to commit, but it's not a stun, only a root


Trying out Diana, she's a lot of fun in jungle. Ridiculous clear and if you can pick on the squishy ones she can turn into a beast. I quite like her ult, because even though I may use it just to finish someone off without Moonlight its got such a low cooldown I'm good for what's next.
I don't think doublelift is a good pick for TSM since the guy is 22 years old, which is considered old in competitive gaming. From now on he will only decline.
NA doesn't exactly have upcoming talent and Regi can't fill the roster with 4 foreign players, if you have to take in a NA player it would either be taking Xpecial in - lol - putting Pinoy up to play - lol - or taking a consistent aggressive vet like DL and getting some koreans in there. TSM Rush let's gooooooo


Okay I'm in teambuilder queue and I've been matched with Nasus support three times today (before dodging). Did I miss a streamer play it or something? What the hell is going on


Okay I'm in teambuilder queue and I've been matched with Nasus support three times today (before dodging). Did I miss a streamer play it or something? What the hell is going on

Someone probably played him during the tournaments, yea. It was the same thing lately with me vs Shen support (and Shen is pretty badly countered by Tahm support so sucks to be them).

Anyone know if the legacy Harrowing skins will be on sale this year? I assume so since that happens every year, but I can't seem to find any info on it. I want to buy Headless Hecarim.

They shouldl arrive in the store around the same time as the new skins will. And since the Slayer skins + Zombie Nunu still aren't in the store yet (lol) we haven't missed em yet.


relies on auto-aim
At least one of the games was good during the Finals.
CLG into the trash killed me, so good.

Wonder how much change the vision stuff is actually going to do since there are still so many other ways to ward.


I like that they are trying to speed up games. I appreciate that. Makes the early and mid game more meaningful. So many of my ranked games seemed like early meant nothing and all games were decided by late game team comps. Longer death timers is awesome. Looked like by the 30min mark it was almost 40 seconds.

I don't want to lose the game just because someone picked a veigar on the opposing team. Need that early game to count again.


Yeah I'm down with faster matches. Last night I did 1 ranked match and it went 51 mins. Was tired after and didnt want to play anymore even tho we won


How can I make Mao support viable?

Like dimb said, biggest challenge is managing mana properly. Being balanced for solo lanes makes his mana costs relatively high, particularly early game usage of his ultimate.

The data I'm looking at tends to favour maxing W first over Q, but the sample sizes are so small it's worth experimenting on your own. I can think of cases for either, depending on lane partner and the opposing duo.

Also keep his passive in mind. He'll get much more mileage out of it against spammy lane opponents.

Maokai is imo kinda weak without gold and provides little utility. Amumu sup would be much better if you want to try new things^^

Opposite, actually. The big reason Maokai worked so well in the S2 jungle was because he doesn't actually need all that much gold. What elements of his kit made that true didn't change following his rework. Likewise, he's worked well since his rework in the solo lane because he can play to his teamfighting strength without having to farm non-stop. He has lots of free tanky stats and free wards with his saplings.

They shouldl arrive in the store around the same time as the new skins will. And since the Slayer skins + Zombie Nunu still aren't in the store yet (lol) we haven't missed em yet.

Good to hear, thank you.

I like that they are trying to speed up games. I appreciate that. Makes the early and mid game more meaningful. So many of my ranked games seemed like early meant nothing and all games were decided by late game team comps. Longer death timers is awesome. Looked like by the 30min mark it was almost 40 seconds.

I don't want to lose the game just because someone picked a veigar on the opposing team. Need that early game to count again.

I'd like faster games too but I'd prefer if they made items that are all about pushing your team's advantage but potentially lets the other team back in the match.

Take zz'rots for instance. Right now it's a cost effective item with a neat active. What if the combat stats were shit, but the item was absolutely boss at pushing lanes and smashing objectives? If your team's ahead, a member can buy it to press the advantage, the opportunity cost being that your team hasn't invested gold in combat and that gives the other team a chance to come back with a solid fight or with picks, assuming they can manage to not let the voidlings from zz'rot run rampant.

(for the record I'm starting to think that zz'rot is super underrated right now as-is thanks to its consistent but small buffs. It's the only AR+MR cost effective item in the game and the buffs they've given to the void minions make it insane for pushing. With a typical tank build a "super voidling" causes 20% damage to a tower, even more to an inhib. I haven't played in a while nor played a champion on whom it would be a good buy so I haven't be able to try it in an actual match)


Gold Member
Do zz'rot minions get the baron buff?

I could see it working well on the new neutral minion on the baron pit next season because I've seen some top laners build Z portal like tank chogath for instance.



so good

i swear i'll punch you breezy

this artist is amazing btw



It has been decided, J4 support is legit.

good luck^^ I enjoyed playing off meta supports like GP before his rework, its was fun and underrated sometimes. Even as an ADC main I've played with so many different supports like Rengar or Zed and strangely those games end mostly good.
had an awesome weekend in Berlin watching worlds

though I woke up this morning, checked Reddit, saw the news, went back to sleep, woke up again hoping I was back to reality


wtf NA

also I have a code for Championship Kalista and Championship Thresh, I'll give them out when I am less tired
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