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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Gold Member
damn on your way to the top

That master was pretty good unfortunately his ego is so high and he purposely trolled the game. Can't believe it honestly. We had the game in the bag but he just went full troll mode and kept 1v5 the enemy two lanes away from where we grouped up 5 times. He did it because he thought our leb sucked. Omg.

At first we were cursing him but we thought it was a waste of time and frustration. We would just tilt harder the next game if we payed attention to him. Won a baron fight 5v4 and still he went full retard and went inside their base.
I need more GAF to play with. I'm on just about every night after 10:00 PM CST. If anyone is on regularly and would like to play a bit more. Tired of playing by self.

No pity parties though. That's for chumps.
Spookie Boogie.

Also, haven't played for a while...How's the state of Rumble? I seen him at worlds but it seems as if his win rate overall is severely gimped all sudden. The last nerf I seen was his ulti CD...is it really that bad?


Gold Member
The lol client is freaking garbage. I'm glad it's getting replaced. My client randomly DCs on champ select omg two dodges in a row. that 15 lp omg.
Uh...did this thread once derail onto NieR: Automata?

As for Singed...Just stop and go play Yorick and make other top laners realize they picked the wrong lane.


Some dude tried to play Kindred ADC against me. The good Samaritan I am, I told him that was some dumbass shit at the end of the game.
I hope the new client fixes reconnect issues. I feel like if I don't reconnect within 3 mins it will never reconnect on its own.

Right now OCE still thinks I'm in game even though we finished the match after I reconnected. It's been 10 mins now. I even relogged in.

edit: Of course, the night I get a bit of free time and decent connection, OCE goes down.


Tragic victim of fan death
Does anyone want to help me with getting to gold? I got really upset during one of my games and kept playing got demoted down to Silver 2 and I'm playing with even worse players. The problem isn't that I can't win my lane but so much that I can't carry my games therefore it lowers the chances of me winning games. I would like some help in queuing up with some players that will get me to gold before the rewards deadline next week this week.... T_T Please help....


Can't believe I missed this

That's great and all but what about offensive TPs? Get these fucks outta my lane
When it was buffed to the reduced cooldown was the same time it became mandatory on top laners. Hopefully reverting it does something since laning won't be as safe.
started a new 3v3 team this morning and went 5-0. Placed Gold 2.

The best part of end of season is the people playing 3v3 who don't know how to play 3v3 properly.

Like the Diamond 1 Ekko last game. lol
When it was buffed to the reduced cooldown was the same time it became mandatory on top laners. Hopefully reverting it does something since laning won't be as safe.
Actually I just realized that not only is this nerf meaningless but offenssive TP use is actually buffed because of the Insight mastery on the defensive tree. So yeah, unless Riot increases TP CD to at least 330 seconds then things are either staying the same or getting worse because no top laner is gonna give up 265s CD teleports for 50% extra base HP5. awesome.
zilean top
adventures in silver


Actually I just realized that not only is this nerf meaningless but offenssive TP use is actually buffed because of the Insight mastery on the defensive tree. So yeah, unless Riot increases TP CD to at least 330 seconds then things are either staying the same or getting worse because no top laner is gonna give up 265s CD teleports for 50% extra base HP5. awesome.

Oh, you're right. It's not in the utility tree anymore.

Are you being serious or just joking? I really do need help....

I genuinely don't have time dude. I placed into silver 1 and I don't even have the time to get to Gold in solo queue on my EUW account. I gotta win 5 more treeline games to get gold rewards on that.

Plus you probably wouldn't want me at 4x the ping trying to help you.

Sorry mate.
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