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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Fun playing with people on GAF for once. Sorry I didn't play too hot though. Couldn't get my groove going.

I didn't get invited back....I suppose I really did suck tonight. lol. Time for bed, I suppose.
Got demoted to Silver II. I'm not really upset, I just try to learn something new from each game. Unfortunately, what I've learned is that I'm pretty trash. I played a horrible Vayne game, but I made up for it with a pretty good Vayne game after (even though I did half the damage of the teammate Ahri). But then I lost two in a row as Braum, and that cemented my demotion. I'm only gaining 16 or so LP per win so my prospects at gold are pretty grim. Oh, well, might as well play until the end.


i don't know what i can do to help people help our team. Was lux mid, doing good, was PLEADING with our voli, xin, and/or 'tank' teemo support to build a locket for their ap kog and elise. no one would, so i ended up selling my zhonya's for it, and finally ended up winning, but damn the struggle is real. :/

The ridiculous ranked game in question


Gold Member
We were an all ad team with a reksai who went full ad with opponents such as nasus, sej, tahm kench, annie and trist.

Mistakes were made. lol. it was just normal though so it was full of laughter instead of the usual depression party of ranked.


i don't know what i can do to help people help our team. Was lux mid, doing good, was PLEADING with our voli, xin, and/or 'tank' teemo support to build a locket for their ap kog and elise. no one would, so i ended up selling my zhonya's for it, and finally ended up winning, but damn the struggle is real. :/

The ridiculous ranked game in question

ugh, 60 mins. Hopefully the new season 6 will help accelerate long stalemates like that.

I mean for goodness sakes, even Starcraft 2 matches end much faster than that (I refer to the pros you see at "Road To Blizzcon" that surrender as soon as the battle looks lost). I think those matches end less than 20 mins.
ugh, 60 mins. Hopefully the new season 6 will help accelerate long stalemates like that.

I mean for goodness sakes, even Starcraft 2 matches end much faster than that (I refer to the pros you see at "Road To Blizzcon" that surrender as soon as the battle looks lost). I think those matches end less than 20 mins.

Also SC2 is played at the Fastest game speed, so the clock is sped up 1.38x. So it's even shorter then most people think. I kind of wish we could get even close to the game times there.


Also SC2 is played at the Fastest game speed, so the clock is sped up 1.38x. So it's even shorter then most people think. I kind of wish we could get even close to the game times there.

Riot is on the right track. On pbe they've increased death timers quite a bit it seems. 40 second + death timers at 30min will make that end game happen a lot quicker. So will increased global gold.

Imo that 30-35min time is the sweet spot. Good solid game and leaves time for another. Anything over 40min especially when one team is pretty far ahead starts to feel like a chore.


So, I just played my first normal game with a troll...

He locked Tahm ASAP, I took mid thinking he'd go support, he then decided to go jungle when we already had one, and once the game began the first thing he did was come up to mid to steal cs and spit me out as close as he could to the enemy. He then went for the mobility boots and began roaming the map, going to each lane and swallowing teammates to get them killed until we reached the 20 minute mark and were finally able to surrender.

The fact that the enemy team played along with his game was even more infuriating. I know that if a Tahm constantly came up to me to spit his teammates up as a trolling tactic I'd either focus him or just walk away, but I guess at my current rank people barely care about being good sports and will take any chances to get dem kills.
Of course when talking about game length I get in a game where we have an AFK and flounder until the 40 minute mark where we somehow win, it felt good but god damn that game felt awful for the majority of it. I really hope they shorten that stuff up.

The fact that the enemy team played along with his game was even more infuriating. I know that if a Tahm constantly came up to me to spit his teammates up as a trolling tactic I'd either focus him or just walk away, but I guess at my current rank people barely care about being good sports and will take any chances to get dem kills.

People will always do this. No one cares that you have a troll because it's still competitive, and they'll take an advantage they can get. We're not Zuko, no one really cares about honour all that much.


People will always do this. No one cares that you have a troll because it's still competitive, and they'll take an advantage they can get. We're not Zuko, no one really cares about honour all that much.

The thing is you're actually helping the troll. Even if you just ignored him and continued to play normally, most of the time your team would win anyway since you're always playing 5v4 (on top of the troll taking people out of the game every now and then). Killing the people the troll brings over to you is what allows him to infuriate his teammates and have a good time, so taking that away would make him have a miserable time instead.


might have to get ravenborn leblanc

i was hoping for a discount but eh, i have like a ton of rp sitting around

also july, def not blitz is up for sale at 520rp
Of course when talking about game length I get in a game where we have an AFK and flounder until the 40 minute mark where we somehow win, it felt good but god damn that game felt awful for the majority of it. I really hope they shorten that stuff up.

People will always do this. No one cares that you have a troll because it's still competitive, and they'll take an advantage they can get. We're not Zuko, no one really cares about honour all that much.

Does this still matter is someone is typing or afk?

If I work out an opponent is AFK I will leave him alone up-until the Minions agro him. Then I will take him out.

Then there are the times when I guy just stands there in the river. To me, I'm looking at that and thinking that's a bait. However he just dies and complain that he was 'obviously' afk. I am I the bad guy?
Does this still matter is someone is typing or afk?

If I work out an opponent is AFK I will leave him alone up-until the Minions agro him. Then I will take him out.

Then there are the times when I guy just stands there in the river. To me, I'm looking at that and thinking that's a bait. However he just dies and complain that he was 'obviously' afk. I am I the bad guy?

No you aren't, at least how I see it. It's their fault for standing out in the open.


also july, def not blitz is up for sale at 520rp

Yeah, I'll definitely be getting it... as soon as I get enough IP to buy the champion, that is. 2000 IP to go means it'll probably end up taking a while since I'm only playing a bot game for the daily IP and one or two normal games on top of that, but I guess it's still doable.


Does this still matter is someone is typing or afk?

If I work out an opponent is AFK I will leave him alone up-until the Minions agro him. Then I will take him out.

Then there are the times when I guy just stands there in the river. To me, I'm looking at that and thinking that's a bait. However he just dies and complain that he was 'obviously' afk. I am I the bad guy?

In normals I would leave them alone most of the time since I don't view those games as seriously.

In ranked though I would do it in a heartbeat. Sucks for them but when you want to win take as much advantages as you can.


Does this still matter is someone is typing or afk?

If I work out an opponent is AFK I will leave him alone up-until the Minions agro him. Then I will take him out.

Then there are the times when I guy just stands there in the river. To me, I'm looking at that and thinking that's a bait. However he just dies and complain that he was 'obviously' afk. I am I the bad guy?

Of course not, if the player can't take 5 seconds to b when they know they absolutely have to go AFK, then they obviously don't give enough shit about the game and are a hinderance to their team.

Usually even if they're not moving i assume it's a ruse and do not think they might be AFK until they're dead.


love playing ekko. finally bought him

btw I've been having this thing happen to me where after a ranked game I click play again and it sends me to the custom games lobby. does this happen to anyone else?


So, I just played my first normal game with a troll...

He locked Tahm ASAP, I took mid thinking he'd go support, he then decided to go jungle when we already had one, and once the game began the first thing he did was come up to mid to steal cs and spit me out as close as he could to the enemy. He then went for the mobility boots and began roaming the map, going to each lane and swallowing teammates to get them killed until we reached the 20 minute mark and were finally able to surrender.

The fact that the enemy team played along with his game was even more infuriating. I know that if a Tahm constantly came up to me to spit his teammates up as a trolling tactic I'd either focus him or just walk away, but I guess at my current rank people barely care about being good sports and will take any chances to get dem kills.

Just had something like this similar happen to us. Lately I haven't had much time for League if at all, so at the odd chance that I get a game every two days, I am really looking forward to it. Anyway, it was 3 of us and 2 strangers (they were not premade) and in champ select Annie decides to go mid. Right after he/she gave first blood (nobody made a single comment whatsoever, or ping and he/she died alone), proceeded to feed their asses off to just about anyone. Kept acting like a bot to the point where I was Tahm and swallowing her and taking her out of danger.

At first I thought maybe it was someone new (which is fine, lately we have been helping a friend level up so we know how deal with that and we never flame them either) but I checked and they were gold 5. I was like ok, maybe I can talk some sense into this person. I asked if they had had a bad day, to please stop and let us actually enjoy the game and so on. They kept ignoring chat and kept on feeding and we lost despite our best efforts. At the end screen Annie types: "thanks guys my bf was letting me play" or some bullshit like that, after the enemy team already said she was getting a x9 reports. Annie kept trying to play it off as if it was "his gf" playing the game and how well she did etc. I warned him/her that it still is a bannable offense (to share an account, that is) but yeah.

Anyway, absolutely annoying to have to deal with this shit. Yeah it was a normal, yeah I was still with friends and tried to have a good time, but going home after a long day only to get one stupid match, and it so happens to have this asshole in it. Idk, really upset me, and I don't usually get so rustled. I reported and worded it well under intentionally feeding, but I still feel that it's pointless.

Pd. sorry for venting off <3 also hi gaf!



Lighting is a bit intense but its fine.


i don't get why riot changed the mastery tree order

numbers look so awkward now and i'm not sure there's a win anywhere for doing that change
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