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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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I just knew I was going to Bronze. Just finished my placement matches. Ranked Silver II :)

Team wanted to surrender. We were getting beatdown. Finally the enemy messed up. They went for Baron even tho they knew we were close by. We ran in there, aced them, and got Baron. That one play turned the tide into our favor and from that point on it was cake

I have somehow managed to take 5 steps backwards this last week in League. My W/L ratio has gotten sad. Think it's time I go beat up some AI to make myself feel better. Or find out where my mojo went.

I mostly regret my decision to look at Vel'Koz fanart with adult filter off....but at least I stumbled on this. Pretty cool design:



What the heck. That was weird. I was first pick and wanted to play ekko jungle but he was nowhere in my champ select. I own him... Thought maybe he was disabled and I didnt' notice but someone on the other team picked him. So weird.
My I dont get it, we are winning, why everyone just starts to jungle or just randomly go to their lane to farm minions when the whole enemy team is dead


I'm still having nightmares from missing the Udyr phage purchase when I was playing jax. (I hate level 1 invades) T_T

If I'm not mistaken, next season we can focus our entire champion pools on two lanes, correct? That feels rather comforting.
I mean, you live how you want, but I find it kinda pointless to play a game even if you're clearly not having fun while doing so.

You should have fun, but he has a point. He has Gold in his sights, but in a game like this, other people's skill impacts you as well and when you lose X amount of games you just get to a point where you want to reach your desired rank and be done with it.


I'm not trying to have fun right now. I have an objective and it's to get to gold. fun is irrelevant.

ah chasing that ole' carrot on the stick

You should have fun, but he has a point. He has Gold in his sights, but in a game like this, other people's skill impacts you as well and when you lose X amount of games you just get to a point where you want to reach your desired rank and be done with it.

I'm less inclined to blame others. In this game 1 man can carry to victory majority of the time (esp as ADC)
You should have fun, but he has a point. He has Gold in his sights, but in a game like this, other people's skill impacts you as well and when you lose X amount of games you just get to a point where you want to reach your desired rank and be done with it.
Oh, no, I absolutely understand his desire to reach gold. I mean, I'm trying to get there as well. I also understand his frustration when he's on a losing streak, but I think a reassessment on why you're playing the game needs to be made. Trust me, I've been there. I usually don't say anything in-game, but (and my friends can attest to this) I used to yell and rage at the game while we were on voice chat. There comes a point where you ask yourself, "Why do I want this rank, and is it worth all this stress and anger?" That's when I realized that gold doesn't really mean anything. Yeah, I get a cool border for a year and a free skin/champ, but does that make my life better in a significant way? Is it worth not having fun over? Ranked almost ruined League for me. There were days I just dreaded playing but I did anyway because I wanted to get to Gold. So my advice to him would be to stop playing to climb and start playing to improve. There are ten players in any game of League. You can hope for bad players/ragers/afker's for the enemy team and hope for hard carries on your team, but at the end of the day, you only have control over ONE player, and that is yourself. You are going to be the constant in every single one of your games, so logically the best way to win more games is to improve that one person. Even if I lose badly and attribute my loss to my teammates' ineptitude, I still recognize that I made about a million and one mistakes in that game too. And you know what, it's actually become fun, win or lose, because I get to see what little things I did wrong and work to play better the next game. When I play League, the only person I'm trying to really be better than is the person I was the game before. I hope he makes gold, but I also hope he finds enjoyment in the game as well eventually. :]


Tragic victim of fan death
Maybe I should find just two really good people and do 3v3 ranked and get to gold that way. Maybe that's easier...
if you're only getting frustrated over a skin you're not doing it right

play for gold because you want to be good enough to be in gold. at least then getting frustrated can be in the name of self improvement and progress instead of pixels

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
if you're only getting frustrated over a skin you're not doing it right

play for gold because you want to be good enough to be in gold. at least then getting frustrated can be in the name of self improvement and progress instead of pixels

Hey man if I can still win games on my shitty rig that sometimes stutters on 1v1s I think I'm a pretty good player.


omg it's been three days and seven matches and I finally won a game again @.@

I had like 8 out of 10 games as a win for twenty+ rounds, then I just hit a wall. Tilts and poor teamplay I guess. Minus one of them, which I'm still counting as a win in my head, where our jungle didn't smite Baron and let a Lux steal it with her orb thing. That was definitely a win.


Cant you just buy the skin?

I'm not sure how you'd get the gold border tho

I don't think I like this game enough to grind to Gold before Season 6 myself. I got other games I like to play too. If it wasnt such a shitty grind to get L30 maybe I would've had time to hit Gold in the 3 months or so I've been playing

The best ranked system I've seen so far was iRacing. That game motivated me to get ranked. There was no shitty grind to get to ranked play. From day 1, you can participate in ranked games (I think).

edit- Actually thats right, you are automatically in ranked play from day 1. No shitty leveling or grinding


Why care so much for a single skin on a single champion who already has multiple skins that are better?

Ranked is dumb.
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