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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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So do you have to hit Gold in order to get Sivir's new skin or can you buy with RP?

It took such a long shitty time to hit Level 30. I think I was only eligible to participate in ranked matches for 2-3 weeks top.Took me all this time to complete my placement matches

Good thing I never really play Sivir though. I like Ashe/Jinx better for long ranged plays


Pretty sure it only really matters to people right on the cusp of gold

Plus for whatever reason gold 5 seems vastly better than silver 1 in a lot of peoples minds. They the same thing


Ah thanks guys! Yeah I don't think I'm going to try hitting Gold in the few days left myself. I just wanted to finish my placement matches for practice + to see where I'd land.

I hope everyone else gets their new Sivir skins though :)


I actually like Ranked Draft mode tho so will continue to play for fun! :)

Was playing Teambuilder all this time. Teambuilder was fun but couldnt counterpick
Finally fixed internet. I could start playing ranked again though it's too late for Gold now (S5). This means me planting more wards than the rest of my team combined, and I'm not even support.
Are there any changes to jungling in S6? I feel like it's suboptimal if I don't go T2 Machete -> Sightstone + Red Trinket. In the end I still feel like I'm playing support except I'm moving around.


Are there any changes to jungling in S6? I feel like it's suboptimal if I don't go T2 Machete -> Sightstone + Red Trinket. In the end I still feel like I'm playing support except I'm moving around.
No shit u are feeling like a support if u buy support items. Man up and go damage like real men!
S6 jungle is easier btw.
No shit u are feeling like a support if u buy support items. Man up and go damage like real men!
S6 jungle is easier btw.

Yeah, but that's the thing. I feel like my Warrior enchanted jungle item isn't having as much impact as the enemy jungler who bought T2 machete, a Sightstone + whatever (boots or T3 machete components).
Are there any changes to jungling in S6? I feel like it's suboptimal if I don't go T2 Machete -> Sightstone + Red Trinket. In the end I still feel like I'm playing support except I'm moving around.
Camps deal less damage, two starter items now one for fighters that gives lifesteal vs monsters and another that gives regen while fighting, plus the new epic camp at Baron pit. Minions start earlier and camps give less XP if you don't have a machete so bye bye double jungling and harder leashes.


Is Mordekaiser getting nerfed anytime soon? I've been playing him every chance I get when he's not banned, and he just seems disgusting. I haven't had one bad game on him.

He's also got amazing synergy with a bunch of supports - I particularly like Nami and Sona with him for the sustain and buffs while fighting.

I've only ever lost games where enemy tanks have gotten sufficiently fed that there's no way I can get past them to kill everyone else without dying.


Tragic victim of fan death
If you place into a league as a team, do you have to play 10 games still? or are you good for rewards at that point?
Before or after you get placed into a league? Do placement matches count?

Placements count yes.

As long as you yourself have participated in 10 wins you are eligible for rewards.

If you go to the team page in your client there will be a red triangle above the amount of games played and wins that tells you how many wins you need to be eligible for rewards.


so, three people yesterday were legit surprised i don't cosplay lol

Where is my fanart Zky?
i can't even take a two day vacation

there you go

Are you an old fallout fan?
If so, no.
you mean, the other way around

if you're an old fallout fan fo4 will suck

I want to say that

Fallout 3 put Fallout on the map
i mean

there weren't any fallout games in like 10 years

so it's not like fallout was a niche game -__-

Well I loved fo1+2. Fo3 was pretty boring I thought.

Didn't end up getting fo4
i imagine it'll be less boring and terrible than fo3 since it's as far from the originals as it can get, so it won't necessarily looked like a bastardized version of really good games

but after that depends on beth

anyways, it's a beth game so you'll want to wait like a year to play it so fans can make it not bad and also if u like some stuff like narrative and good design and good combat you probably should just play something else

Do we know when the S6 changes will be pushed to live? I hope on the 11th.
would be nice on the 11th but most likely on the 18th

If you place into a league as a team, do you have to play 10 games still? or are you good for rewards at that point?
just so u dont miss it

you have to win 10 games, not just play them


relies on auto-aim
So when is the expected date for the PBE client to hit mainstream, next season start?

*@Costy: http://puu.sh/lboiS/b2b683aaa5.webm
omg it's been three days and seven matches and I finally won a game again @.@

I had like 8 out of 10 games as a win for twenty+ rounds, then I just hit a wall. Tilts and poor teamplay I guess. Minus one of them, which I'm still counting as a win in my head, where our jungle didn't smite Baron and let a Lux steal it with her orb thing. That was definitely a win.
I think I might go back to playing Earth Spirit


So when is the expected date for the PBE client to hit mainstream, next season start?

I think I might go back to playing Earth Spirit
Client? Alpha next year I think.

Pre season patch should come in a week or two.
Season proper in January or February.
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