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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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idk. She doesn't feel worth using over other ADCs on the PBE
She's mostly unchanged but between cheaper items, Runaan's giving crit, easier gold gain, a lot more lifesteal to work with and that keystone mastery that increases auto attack damage as you hit autos and abilities she should be at least as good as she is now.
Man I need to learn how to jungle again. I feel completely lost playing any role other than support or adc right now. I've completely forgotten how to gank at all, my objective control sucks, my counter ganking sucks, I just feel completely lost when I'm jungling. It's sad because it used to be my main role and I carried myself to gold playing xin zhao. But I'm just not good at it and I don't know why. I can probably count my number of clean successful ganks in my past 5 jungle games on one hand.


In contrast to my last post, I just finished this game.

We had a jungle. They swapped Smite out at last second. Asked why we had no jungle. Katarina ot executed. I said let's just farm Vayne up. Vayne roamed. Noticed Katarina was kicking *. Katarina got increasingly risky to the point of "that's just stupid." Finished game. Saw I had most farm on my team. Laughed while crying internally.


Got to play Fiora finally, boy she is a lot of fun. Zipping around hitting people's weakspots then watching the one you ult scatter away. A lot of fun.
Got to play Fiora finally, boy she is a lot of fun. Zipping around hitting people's weakspots then watching the one you ult scatter away. A lot of fun.

I just unlocked her too since I had a load of points saved up. Fancied unlocking a new champ, and having another toplaner there if I ever need to play it, but I've only played botgames so far, no human experience yet which is always best, but she seems incredibly hard to use so I could flunk and let my team down.

She requires a lot of skill for sure to maximise her damage output and hitting those weakspots wherever possible, and being good at choosing what needs to be parried as well as the reactions to do so. Since her ult doesn't have an immediate effect though I feel very vulnerable, even if that's what the opponent should be feeling.

I'm gonna try her in a real game soon but I'm not sure if she'll click with me but I got her Nightraven skin from Mystery Skin. Was hoping I'd get the Headmistress or Royal Guard one if I got a skin for her. So I'll make an effort at least to get competent with her.



cool okami kindred


I still have to buy characters like Yi or Ryze. I just don't buy them out of principle! My mom raised me better than to scavenge in the 1$ basket~

j/k, I'm not that stuck up! I just don't like buying champs that I won't play


yea no way im ever getting ryze

i also tried to get rito support to take my ziggs back with no refund but the jerks refused to

i dont want the ip i just dont want him tainting my account


I just unlocked her too since I had a load of points saved up. Fancied unlocking a new champ, and having another toplaner there if I ever need to play it, but I've only played botgames so far, no human experience yet which is always best, but she seems incredibly hard to use so I could flunk and let my team down.

She requires a lot of skill for sure to maximise her damage output and hitting those weakspots wherever possible, and being good at choosing what needs to be parried as well as the reactions to do so. Since her ult doesn't have an immediate effect though I feel very vulnerable, even if that's what the opponent should be feeling.

I'm gonna try her in a real game soon but I'm not sure if she'll click with me but I got her Nightraven skin from Mystery Skin. Was hoping I'd get the Headmistress or Royal Guard one if I got a skin for her. So I'll make an effort at least to get competent with her.
Only problem I'm having so far is her weak point spots aren't as easy to hit even though it looks like they should be. I've had a few times where I've dashed in and hit the champion on the spot they are marked yet it doesn't accept the hit marker for some reason. Not sure if it's just a bug or meant to be.

I've also started walking away from champs to reset the marker if it's in an odd place. Though it can also be part of the fun trying to calculate hits and how to get their marked weak points, especially when jumping out of bushes.


Meddler said:
Some thoughts on the current state of Sona:

There are a number of Sona players who find Sona unsatisfying and feel she needs to be buffed, including some players posting on Boards who've felt that way at least since her rework last year.

Sona's performance in game, outside of organized professional play, is in a pretty reasonable spot, even in high Elo solo queue. She's also got a bit of the Amumu/Yi effectiveness by Elo curve going on, where she'll be pretty dominant in average games if she's a strong pick in high tier play. That matches up with her play rate, which is quite a bit higher (2-3 times on average, depending on the region) in average Elo ranges versus high Elo. That puts Sona at a pretty average play rate at most tiers of play, though does mean she's underrepresented in high tier play..

Sona's got a kit design that makes it really hard for her power to be satisfying. Her power's split between spell casts that affect multiple targets, auras that can affect multiple allies and power chord effects. That means each individual effect has to be pretty weak and therefore hard to feel, let alone feel good about.

Sona's got a really high reliability kit. Provided you've got at least a moderate handle on how her kit works you're going to see fairly consistent output from her. Because her lows aren't very low that also contrains our ability to give her high highs.

Sona's auras are powerful ally buffing effects with a high uptime. That means if solo lane Sona's ever in a spot where she's a solid, satisfying pick duo lane Sona's almost certainly pretty overpowered (since she's able to access her full effectiveness by contrast). That issue could potentially be addressed by adding a mechanic to Sona that's only useful if she's solo laning, though that runs the risk of feeling really forced and post laning adds yet another mechanic to a kit that's already splitting its power into a lot of pieces as above.

In terms of where that leaves us we could introduce some less reliable abilities and concentrate power (e.g. by removing auras, power chord or multi hit spells and in exchange buffing the remaining elements) to address points 3 and 4 above. That would lead to a drastically different Sona however. There might also be room for some small QoL or buffs, and I expect Sona will be discussed again internally after preseason follow up's on a good track (though I'm personally doubtful we've got much power to work with and simply buffing Sona until she feels good's going to set her up for a nerf).

Oh Sona....

She's like that really pretty innocent girl that you kinda like when you were young but then you realise that shes not as interesting as that crazy hot girl
I said it when they were fiddling with her kit and I'll say it now :Skillshot Q

Sona will never be allowed to be good as long as her harass is targeted.
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