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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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So close to enter promos to bronze IV, got destroyed and lose 21lp while I gain 19 per win.

BTW, Need any tips, we are doing fine I guess but got destroyed in Late game


I am Jinx BTW

Look how much more CS Draven has than you. You would have had full build if you had kept up.At the very least, you should be competing for the most CS on your team (along with mid + toplane).

Try your best to work on your last hitting, and getting jungle creeps when the lanes aren't as safe. Place your wards to try to protect yourself and learn to last hit while being harassed (cause I lot of enemy supprts will do their best to throw you off).

Beyond that, be ready to move if someone is in your face, don't stand there and let them wail on you or you'll lose. ADCs have to position better than anyone else but are also rewarded very well for doing so correctly.
work on your last hitting.

also switch out those atk spd marks for ad marks to help your last hitting.

Last hitting? like kill them? My support just charged ignoring the tanks were focusing me so could reach the other ADC, had to run to save my life

It's fairly obvious your Hecarim dropped out for a very long period in the match. I wouldn't dwell on this one too much, or any 4v5 for that matter.

It was more obvious in late game where we needed him, their draven was nearle one shooting Morgana and me


So I lost like 5 ranked matches in a row. Isn't it possible to get demoted? Cause I got smooth ran over by a freight train all day yesterday. Went crawling back to ARAM to get a win





rip me


It was more obvious in late game where we needed him, their draven was nearle one shooting Morgana and me

Right, so why bother asking is the point I'm trying to make. The few who've suggested that your CS needs to be higher are giving completely pointless info. You're fighting a 4v5. You're going to give up a huge amount of map control and the end result as an ADC is that you're going to slowly starve for CS as the game drags on.

Quite frankly, even if this was a 5v5 the quality of the advice you're going to receive from only a picture of the match history isn't going to be particularly valuable.
Ok I need to know.

Why do so many Lux's try to exceed the cdr cap by buying Morello, Athene and Lucidity boots? Is it like a contagious mental illness?


Even Riot forgot about wits end in the preseason update

Should've made it an energised item that gives you a magic shield or something
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