First champion with two legendary skins.
nope, Cho has two, Corki I think has 3 technically? Ice Toboggan, red Baron and I think technically UFO was a legendary. Could be wrong on that though.
First champion with two legendary skins.
Cho has two? Gentleman and...hmm. And I forgot about Corki. But I don't feel bad about that.nope, Cho has two, Corki I think has 3 technically? Ice Toboggan, red Baron and I think technically UFO was a legendary. Could be wrong on that though.
Cho has two? Gentleman and...hmm. And I forgot about Corki. But I don't feel bad about that.
So close to enter promos to bronze IV, got destroyed and lose 21lp while I gain 19 per win.
BTW, Need any tips, we are doing fine I guess but got destroyed in Late game
I am Jinx BTW
Swain doesn't need anything, just leave him alone so no one plays him. That how I like it.A Dragon skin that's not Swain. Rito pls.
So close to enter promos to bronze IV, got destroyed and lose 21lp while I gain 19 per win.
BTW, Need any tips, we are doing fine I guess but got destroyed in Late game
I am Jinx BTW
Swain ain't no markspersonA Dragon skin that's not Swain. Rito pls.
So close to enter promos to bronze IV, got destroyed and lose 21lp while I gain 19 per win.
BTW, Need any tips, we are doing fine I guess but got destroyed in Late game
I am Jinx BTW
work on your last hitting.
also switch out those atk spd marks for ad marks to help your last hitting.
It's fairly obvious your Hecarim dropped out for a very long period in the match. I wouldn't dwell on this one too much, or any 4v5 for that matter.
Last hitting means farming. Your CS is lowLast hitting? like kill them? My support just charged ignoring the tanks were focusing me so could reach the other ADC, had to run to save my life
It's possibleSo I lost like 5 ranked matches in a row. Isn't it possible to get demoted? Cause I got smooth ran over by a freight train all day yesterday. Went crawling back to ARAM to get a win
looks cool but yuck tristLooks like Trist is getting a Legendary skin! yay
rip me
why is leagues website not fucking working for me.
Before Trist had the VU it had smoother animations.If you have shite taste then sure
Not as bad as using Rocket Girl though, why the fuck do pros use this thing
Highest ranked gaffer!I DID IT BOYS! WOOO!
newts too busy demoting to plat 1 :^)
What's the countdown for end of season? Feel like playing gate keeper for a few games
It was more obvious in late game where we needed him, their draven was nearle one shooting Morgana and me
Ok I need to know.
Why do so many Lux's try to exceed the cdr cap by buying Morello, Athene and Lucidity boots? Is it like a contagious mental illness?
Dont buy Wits End on anyone.
nobody posted it yet, but preseason starts tomorrow night
i don't want to run tp ever again
It's pretty damn good on Kayle against MR stackers.Dont buy Wits End on anyone.