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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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apparently he is super into League, went to the final in Berlin and all.

and no

but i'm just gonna go ahead and pretend this means league costumes for persona 5

I know. Every champion from his time needs an update of sorts.


would be interesting to see a manaless swain, tho his healing/pushing would have to be gated in some other way (maybe ult has a really long cooldown?). might actually make him more balanced, i dunno

i mostly think swain has trouble actually doing interesting stuff since his passive is just "survive lane" crap, two of his spells are targeted and super boring and for his ult he kinda just walks and stuff happens on its own.

like he has his thing that he's good at and i guess some ppl like that, but it could be a lot better if he had some interesting mechanics instead of all his crap

Has the community shrunk or grown since a year or two ago? Just curious.....

Talking about the LoLGAF community.
there's a few ppl from the old days gone, like scy and ferrio. rex and soda and dobs show up every now and then, and there's a some new people

so i'd say it's about the same in numbers

I mean, I'd play with Ghost. Dude seems mega chill.
famous last words


I don't think I'm going to make it out of Bronze before tomorrow night. I'm in Bronze 2 and I have been here 3 times. I can't seem to get a decent team in this division. It sucks. I obviously don't think I'm going to be filling the ranks of TSM or anything, but man I at least feel like I am better than some of the garbage that I've played with lately. It's so frustrating.


I finally got definitely not blitz yesterday and took it out for a spin, but the opposing team had made some dubious choices such as Vayne+Trynda in bot and then two of their players went AFK for some reason, so we just won.

For the second game I played yesterday someone locked Kat mid after somebody else had called the role, I switched to Trist and tried to convince the Annie to play sup for me, but then Annie and jg Amumu spent the whole game trolling Kat through chat, who tried helping me out in bot but wasn't all that suited for it since she had no way to earn gold outside of stealing cs from me. Predictably, the awful team comp and animosity among players lost us that one (oh, and top Trynda left the game after a while), and I ended up reporting every player in my team except for the Kat that at least tried to make up for having locked and wasn't acting like a complete jerk. While I get annoyed when people lock in roles, I'd much rather do a swap to give my team more of a fighting chance rather than acting stubbornly and giving the team an awful comp that is all but guaranteed to lose us the game just to get back at the people who lock champions.
I don't think I'm going to make it out of Bronze before tomorrow night. I'm in Bronze 2 and I have been here 3 times. I can't seem to get a decent team in this division. It sucks. I obviously don't think I'm going to be filling the ranks of TSM or anything, but man I at least feel like I am better than some of the garbage that I've played with lately. It's so frustrating.

I'm in the same place,kind of worse. Started the season at Bronze 5, after going 8-2 in my provisional, which kind of turned gotten me off of ranked knowing I would have gotten the same rank even if I trolled every game. Eventually I mostly got over it and improved to B3, but then I decided, once they announced the end of the season, to try and get in to silver. Terrible idea, so many games have been lost because someone is playing ranked when they shouldn't, most of the time it seems that it's because they have a garbage computer or connection.

Now I've fallen back to B5 and feel kind of shitty.


Is she a top laner?


COOLDOWN ON TURRET CAST 240 seconds ⇒ 300 seconds
CHANNEL TIME 3.5 seconds ⇒ 4 seconds

see you in hell

good that rito gave lux mana compensation but ahri and leblanc both buy mana pots waaaaaaaay more often than some of the mids in that list (anivia and veigar? ziggs? wtf) and got screwed


Holy shit what why

Why the fuck would you buff Soraka like this

cos this patch is built around making adcs ops

thats why they're all broken with broken items and mages and assassins get nerfed while magey supports get buffed so they can help adcs more

can't help but being a bit salty about how all my champions got nerfed by making mage builds like 1.5k gold more expensive but w/e

they nerfed zhonyas and made it 500g more expensive lol
I dunno, I wanted bot lane changes but not at the cost of going back to sustain bullshit.
I know you guys are seeing gold increases to Mage items but seriously you're going to have way more gold than before with the gold pacing changes
Yeah, there's more gold per 10 to go around, minions give more gold and new global gold sources. Mages can farm ultra hard so they'd get scary super fast.
but so will adcs?

That's the funny part, they're reducing the price on ADC items and adding more ADC items, and they're just increasing the price on Mage items while simultaneously nerfing them(The important one atleast, Zhongyas)(Instead of giving a power increase relevant to the cost, like BF sword went down in price and power).

This is an extremely stupid change.
Hi guys,

I recently got to gold 5. I've had some great games, but in my last one I got some weird pairings.

My team were mostly silver 2/1. I was the only Gold on the team and we had an unranked for jungler. That jungler wasn't very good, people lost lanes and we lost the game. I don't really too much. At the end of the game the enemy revealed two of their team were gold, two were plat and one was silver. One of the plats one their promotions with this game and said that she was duoing with a silver to get easy match pairings.

Is that against the rules or have I been playing the game wrong?
At least they've made it clear they'll revert the AP pricing changes if they suck so there's that I guess

I'm not feeling this initial patch either, I'm hella worried about sustain lanes, that shit is as unfun as teleport shenanigans, but this is nowhere near the state the season will begin at so whatever
So much for using G. Wounds to deal with champs like Vlad :X
But it still affects self heals, you can still deal with Vlad Mundo and whatever.
At least they've made it clear they'll revert the AP pricing changes if they suck so there's that I guess

I'm not feeling this initial patch either, I'm hella worried about sustain lanes, that shit is as unfun as teleport shenanigans

But it still affects self heals, you can still deal with Vlad Mundo and whatever. It's bot lane I'm worried about

Yeah, if they keep an eye on it thats good. But between the new items and cheaper core items for ADCs, and the sustain at bottom, it's...going to be a stale lane with alot of power in a team coming from an ADC who farms well. It's like they want to focus on ADCs being the most important role of the game.


At least they've made it clear they'll revert the AP pricing changes if they suck so there's that I guess

I'm not feeling this initial patch either, I'm hella worried about sustain lanes, that shit is as unfun as teleport shenanigans, but this is nowhere near the state the season will begin at so whatever

But it still affects self heals, you can still deal with Vlad Mundo and whatever.

Self heal includes Vlad's life drain?
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