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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Welp, I just finished reading all notes on my lunch and I'm afraid. I'm generally a mage or support, and both seem to have just gotten it a little rough. Nothing god awful and I understand it all...but might be time to learn some new positions and branch out.

RIP Vel'Koz. Hello Katarina.


I'm curious to see how snowbally this iteration is

because I feel that there are more win mechanics than ever

I also feel that that minion pushing change will ruin everything we know about wave control.... riot pls.

although maybe this will help our bad NA teams close out games for once
How do you deal with Shyvana top?

Playing Malphite. I went Sunfire/Merc Treads/Rabba. I was finally able to one v one her after the merc treads, however by that point she'd already gotten a 40 cs lead on me.

What do you build? In general I think that the matchup is a tough one and Malphite will need help.


I'm a bit disgusted by Soraka being unstoppable by grievous wounds. Her heals are insane and ignite was a necessary pick against her.

Welp, I just finished reading all notes on my lunch and I'm afraid. I'm generally a mage or support, and both seem to have just gotten it a little rough. Nothing god awful and I understand it all...but might be time to learn some new positions and branch out.

RIP Vel'Koz. Hello Katarina.

Support should be in a good position now. More aggressive supports should show up I think, since there's more to earn from snowballing bot lane.


If anything, a smart team that's behind should be able to more easily freeze a lane for their carry, right?

Mages with good waveclear are gonna be even more important now.


It seems like they're aiming at eventually removing grevious wounds

this is just the first step and the healers will just get pulled into line if they seem egregiously bad

soraka is pretty much the only one I'd look at anyway

If anything, a smart team that's behind should be able to more easily freeze a lane for their carry, right?

Mages with good waveclear are gonna be even more important now.

but how many minions do i need to create a slow push??

how many minions do I need to create a freeze??



I had no idea they took ranger's out. I build that a lot :/

Is the new teal thing supposed to replace it?

Not replace it function wise, it's a whole new item. Tracker's is essentially a mini-sightstone for junglers. Really good buy on tank/support oriented junglers like Maokai or Nautilus. I've never been a fan of buying Stalker's on those sorts of junglers. I never feel like I get the full benefit of the slow.

Zz'rot is staying as is stat and function wise but now costs a bit less gold, which once you factor in the increase in ambient gold the cost of the item is quite a bit lower than in S5. I think the item may become semi-core (3rd buy onwards, not including boots) on most pure tanks, lane or jungle. The voidlings serve to either stall out lanes that have the minion penalty, or super charge your own lanes that have the minion bonuses.

Not sure what I'm going to build on Xin Zhao now. The BotRK centric build that most players use has been nerfed, which god bless because I hate that damn build. Trinity Force is better now on him thanks to the CDR, but Ghostblade seems weaker between the increase cost and stat changes. Something like Warriors+BC+TF+Hex+Randuins certainly seems interesting, but I'd love to try some of the marksman focused items on Xin as well.


I was thinking the same thing, that was one of those items I was particularly interested in. Something like Warriors->Youmuus->PD->Tank. Or even Warriors->TF->PD and pick up the remaining CDR off of defensive items. Cinderhulk->TF->Essence Reaver->Tank is really interesting, but that's feels like a lot of money to throw down for three items. I can't tell if there's a go to build path on him anymore. Might have to adjust every game, which is perfectly fine with me, just a touch daunting.

Oh god 20% CDR on IBG is going to be disgusting on Skarner when called for.


Re snowball conversation that I'm having with myself because nobody is worried

Holy shit there's so much more gold... Everywhere.


Had a mid Kass auto-lock even though he wasn't first pick. Then our top proceed to tell us about how they aren't familiar with Fiora and then lock it in after we ask them to use someone else. "It'll be fine." says the 1/9 Fiora. Then TF locks in ADC and doesn't follow through on any engages, ends the game like 0/6. Our Rengar jungle end the game 3/9. I didn't do great as support, but nowhere near as bad. I ended 1/3/6 with 60% kill participation.

fuck everything
TSM apparently got Kasing and now they're fighting over who gets Sven

first part isn't even confirmed, and he was released by H2K so they don't care

Svenskeren said in writing of some form that nobody has produced that he'd play for H2K then TSM came in and he agreed to join them instead, now H2K is threatening legal action
Man I was excited for the FQC lineup buff. :(

I guess I'll still get FQC. I only hit slot issues until I think after 35-40 minutes.

But still, love any buff to my support Morgana. <3
first part isn't even confirmed, and he was released by H2K so they don't care

Svenskeren said in writing of some form that nobody has produced that he'd play for H2K then TSM came in and he agreed to join them instead, now H2K is threatening legal action
I know, that's why I said apparently
Man I was excited for the FQC lineup buff. :(

I guess I'll still get FQC. I only hit slot issues until I think after 35-40 minutes.
FQC still got a buff, new active is spooky ghosts
first part isn't even confirmed, and he was released by H2K so they don't care

Svenskeren said in writing of some form that nobody has produced that he'd play for H2K then TSM came in and he agreed to join them instead, now H2K is threatening legal action

To whom? LOL Riot? International business? American court system? Ask how all the big companies trying to take legal action with those Chinese knockoffs are doing. Huge waste of time... either you have more money or you don't. Player is just gonna pick the one that give them the fatter check/cheque (for you fucking euros!).
I know it sounds preachy but for your own sakes don't do dumb stuff like account sharing, ESPECIALLY not at season end, and DEFINITELY DON'T post it on a public forum

god dammit


Tentacle lady looks awesome, keen to try her out in top and see how it goes. Though her ripping souls out kind of sounds like it would benefit more with a support helping or being the support. Then again, Kindred is being played everywhere so no doubt this champ will go places as well.

Also holy Jesus at the preseason info. Just please, too much.
That's amazing


Gravelord Azir

Elderwood Hecarim

Gragas Caskbreaker

Ryze Whitebeard

Varus Swiftbolt

Braum Lionheart

wow I have high hopes for all these skins


omg solaire

She's probably on the new pbe patch tonight, and that would be the reason for it.

Information overflow indeed, though.

i guess she's a good reason for ppl to actually use the pbe now since most ppl will probably just abandon the damn thing as soon as preseason hits


More skins for Ryze and Gragas? Just what everyone wanted! So unprecedented!
Getting pathetic already. Next skin batch will probably feature Lee Sin, Teemo, Yi and Annie skins. So excited.

Forgot Tristana got a legendary. Haha. Priorities are real.


To whom? LOL Riot? International business? American court system? Ask how all the big companies trying to take legal action with those Chinese knockoffs are doing. Huge waste of time... either you have more money or you don't. Player is just gonna pick the one that give them the fatter check/cheque (for you fucking euros!).


wtf does that have to do with anything?
What is wrong with you dude
do you eat with a gun and shit stars and stripes

Under both UK law and US law, H2K have a potential case if what they claim is true.

With teams worth 1m+ and players buyouts at around 200k, a case could be worth it, depending how strong their case is.

More skins for Ryze and Gragas? Just what everyone wanted! So unprecedented!

Getting pathetic already. Next skin batch will probably feature Lee Sin, Teemo, Yi and Annie skins. So excited.


What if Solaire and Siegmeyer had a baby

Also is that Illaoi release skin basically Coco from Awesomenauts or what

makes me think of the faceless in wow (basically cthulhu)
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