I had no idea they took ranger's out. I build that a lot :/
Is the new teal thing supposed to replace it?
Not replace it function wise, it's a whole new item. Tracker's is essentially a mini-sightstone for junglers. Really good buy on tank/support oriented junglers like Maokai or Nautilus. I've never been a fan of buying Stalker's on those sorts of junglers. I never feel like I get the full benefit of the slow.
Zz'rot is staying as is stat and function wise but now costs a bit less gold, which once you factor in the increase in ambient gold the cost of the item is quite a bit lower than in S5. I think the item may become semi-core (3rd buy onwards, not including boots) on most pure tanks, lane or jungle. The voidlings serve to either stall out lanes that have the minion penalty, or super charge your own lanes that have the minion bonuses.
Not sure what I'm going to build on Xin Zhao now. The BotRK centric build that most players use has been nerfed, which god bless because I hate that damn build. Trinity Force is better now on him thanks to the CDR, but Ghostblade seems weaker between the increase cost and stat changes. Something like Warriors+BC+TF+Hex+Randuins certainly seems interesting, but I'd love to try some of the marksman focused items on Xin as well.