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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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You can easily change your masteries in champ select

Set up your pages so that most of the time you'll be changing the keystones only


I think using one mastery page is easier than ever once you get the hang of changing it on the fly.

I never understood why Bjerg was always low on the challenger ladder.


Had a REALLY weird bug earlier.

I was Sona with the speed Boots + Alacrity. I was moving to mid lane as we were at the point where teamfights break out. But I noticed that mid was pushed in a bit, and everyone was moving bot. So I right-clicked bot on the map, and then hovered my camera over to see that section.

Everyone was moving around, and some enemies started to show up around river. About fifteen seconds later, a fight broke out. Now, this was horrible map awareness on my part for sure, but it's not something you really expect to happen: I was still in base, by our Nexus Turrets. I thought my right-click didn't go through!

So I clicked it again, and paid attention to the fight again by hovering the map over. Pressed E to get my speed boost, so I should have been where the fight had moved to in about ten seconds tops. Said time goes by, and I was.... still by the Nexus Turrets. I held Space Bar to watch what the * was happening, and it turns out I somehow landed in a loop. Sona would move to just about mid-lane's entrance, and then warp back to right beside the Nexus. I watched this happen four times straight in the span of around ten seconds.

It was really weird man. There wasn't even a broken animation. Just... you're here, now you're there. Repeat.


Some masteries I'm using:

Support Tanks - Flex between Recovery/Unyielding for early/late game and Insight/Perseverance depending on taste

Support Healers - Flex between Explorer/Tough skin for roaming/lane and Insight/Perseverance depending on taste

Support Mages - same as above but take Thunderlords decree. Bandit is too good to pass up so you pretty much have to go Cunning

AD Carries - Flex between Bounty Hunter/Oppressor and Warlord's Bloodlust/Fervor of Battle

Jungle AP & AD Tanks - Personally I like a little offense on my tanks but you can also go 6/6/18 and take Feast instead of Double Edged Sword for more sustain.

Jungle AD Fighters - Flex between Deathfire Touch/Fervor of Battle depending on champ.

AP Mages - take Bounty Hunter if you're a snowball champ

Bruisers - Flex between Runic Armor/Veteran's Scars depending if you have a self-heal or not

I don't play much top lane but it's not too hard to figure out your choices depending on what you want to do in the game (sustain vs damage, early vs late game, attacks vs spell damage).

Here's what Phreak is doing: http://imgur.com/a/kbKWH

- Pick what keystone you want first. 18 points will be put in that tree with 12 or 6/6 in the others.

- Most carry, fighter and mage trees will be 18/12/0 or 12/18/0. Dangerous Game and Merciless is too good to pass up compared to the weaker equivalent Resolve masteries.

- Ferocity tree should almost never be used by supports, you are gated hard by Double-Edged sword and Feast which aren't good for them.

- The Ferocity keystones aren't that great for bruisers and juggernauts so you might be better off going 12/0/18 or 6/6/12

- If you're going support you want Bandit, and then Bond of Stone if you're a tank, and Windspeaker's Blessing if you're a shielder/healer.


All ADC All-Star team FTW. No other roles req anymore!

* Btw thank you Riot for making Quinn fun to play! :D I neevr regretted buying her but I always regretted buying her a skin. All good now



sealed with a kiss
i have like 12k ip, what champs should i buy D: i've been doing well with morgana but idk if she holds up once players get better?


played three games, opinions so far, might change with more games in, but i just didn't wanna play adc funland anymore today:

- dark seal seems like a noob trap. worse stats than dorans and too risky for not that much benefit. the only champion that builds mejais is lux anyways, and she needs the early regen so i'd say it's pretty bad as a starting item and if you can't buy mejais straight up when you back then you're probably not gonna buy mejais anyways
- morellos seems super bad now cos the build path is awful compared to athenes and it's so expensive that you might as well buy athenes for that price. this nerfs all morello champions like ahri and leblanc

- not having wards felt super prohibitive when i got red trinket, so i think as a mid ppl should probably just get yellow trinket. if there's a camp you wanna camp just buy a pink ward
- i'd like to say not having to buy wards makes it feel like i have more money but everything's so expensive that i kind of feel like i have less money than before
- except when i'm playing viktor, since his passive is untouched. for about 3700k (core+cdr boots) you're ahead everyone else that's catching up to the nerfs. plus you can get an early abyssal since that one is actually cheaper.

- poke seems pretty op thanks to potions being so expensive. i have yet to try starting with the new flask so that might be it, but basically if you rely on potions to survive poke then you're fucked. i went leblanc and ahri against ezreal and velkoz and got shit on. then figured i'd try poke myself and got viktor into katarina and i absolutely demolished her. gotta try the new flask to be sure, but seems like if you go dorans on dorans (or worse, dark seal on dorans) vs poke you're always gonna lose.
- velkoz had 45% cdr and felt very unfun to play against. i'm not sure if 45% cdr is something that should be in the game

- turrets feel too weak. our top laner made a play bot, so lucian took down two turrets straight. i think it's a good move to remove the armor/mr stuff and replace it with health, but seems to be way too little health.

- didn't even notice the fancy keystone masteries. i guess they're doing something but eh.

- i like the quicker gametimes. i think part of it is thanks to turrets being super weak so you get one good push and you take half their base, but i think with some balance around it can be pretty decent

i have like 12k ip, what champs should i buy D: i've been doing well with morgana but idk if she holds up once players get better?
she does pretty ok across all elos and i think the season changes benefit her quite a lot. i find her kind of boring tho. why don't play nami or zyra if you like mage supports. nami's more defensive/supporty, while zyra is like killstealing with tentacles


I'm curious about that actually.
The math suggests that for first few levels, deathspeakers touch is better since its 6 damage vs a 10 damage proc but by level 4, thunderlord's has a 40 base which means you have to trade on 4 seperate occasions just to beat that damage

Some supports can't even proc the thunderlord's 3rd hit that well I imagine.
A fair point. Maybe I'm writing it off too early.


I'm sure you'll notice the keystones when you're looking for them zky. They're really strong for the most part. Especially the crit one because lol

The only one thats really invisible power is the damage transfer one on the defensive tree


I'm sure you'll notice the keystones when you're looking for them zky. They're really strong for the most part. Especially the crit one because lol

The only one thats really invisible power is the damage transfer one on the defensive tree
yeah i think so too

i played leblanc with the movement speed on burst keystone but since you tend to just jump around with her i couldn't really tell

and the deathfire mastery is i dunno, more damage


yeah i think so too

i played leblanc with the movement speed on burst keystone but since you tend to just jump around with her i couldn't really tell

and the deathfire mastery is i dunno, more damage
You should be using thunderlord's on lb imo


played three games, opinions so far, might change with more games in, but i just didn't wanna play adc funland anymore today:

- dark seal seems like a noob trap. worse stats than dorans and too risky for not that much benefit. the only champion that builds mejais is lux anyways, and she needs the early regen so i'd say it's pretty bad as a starting item and if you can't buy mejais straight up when you back then you're probably not gonna buy mejais anyways
It's not a huge noob trap

You don't even need kills for it to be as gold efficient as dorans

The item equals dorans in terms of gold value of stats after 3 pots and has bonus synergy with the missing mana mastery

Imo, fighting mids shouldn't take dark seal, instead, mages who can wait until a team fight and grab some stacks will make the item super efficient

This is cos the lack of raw hp means you need to make up the value through frequent trades + pots

That kind of pattern just doesn't suit an an in assassin
I'm re-doing my runes. I used to run hybrid pen marks for mages. Still worth it, or should I change it for Magic Pen? (My logic behind hybrid pen, is too make it easier to last hit, and because I like to harass with AA when my enemy tries to farm)
It's pretty sad that the highlight of my 7 game losing streak is a game where the enemy team actually destroyed my nexus and my team didn't have to surrender in 20-24 minutes.


You should be using thunderlord's on lb imo
yeah, i was just trying out stuff i guess

i like ms buffs

but i'm not gonna play leblanc for a while, basically any morellos champion feels bad right now

It's not a huge noob trap

You don't even need kills for it to be as gold efficient as dorans

The item equals dorans in terms of gold value of stats after 3 pots and has bonus synergy with the missing mana mastery

Imo, fighting mids shouldn't take dark seal, instead, mages who can wait until a team fight and grab some stacks will make the item super efficient

This is cos the lack of raw hp means you need to make up the value through frequent trades + pots

That kind of pattern just doesn't suit an an in assassin
i don't think anyone will take it

it's just bad laning stats
So....6 losses in a row tonight. Jesus fuck. This new patch makes it damn hard to come back if the enemy team is ahead.

Question: what is your jungle philosophy on a lane that is losing. I used to think if a lane was getting dominated, you focus on other lanes that have a chance to push them ahead. However, just played a game with an Olaf who gave up 15 deaths by end. 0 kills. Top lane. At 3 deaths, I told our jungle he needs to get up there before top lane tilts and collapses. He didn't, and top lane imploded. I'm a little pissy that the top lane was ignored, especially since mid was destroying and bot (me) was doing ok holding off. Curious where you guys stand. In the end, our top lane doomed us.
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