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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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I think Hybrid or AP Jax could actually be a thing next season. With Rageblade being only 2500GP, it's a really cheap way to get his initial power spike, since it takes four hits to fully stack it and get the AoE and stats.

If only CaliTrollz was still playing, he'd be so happy.


soraka is complicated

winning through sustain is boring for everyone, but if she has great combat heals that's just a better dumber shield so it's hard to balance her around it

like if you made her w healing happen over time she'd be weaker in combat but that'd just push her gameplay towards avoiding fights and winning through attrition which is pretty bad already

i dunno what i'd do for her, op or not op she's never been fun to play against
Just reduce all healing on her besides her Q by half scaling down with ult ranks so she can't just health pot + coin her way through damage.

If she wants to get HP back then land those skillshots.


Damn. I didn't even think of that. I should have played mid Quinn instead of talon. I'll remember that in a year when I get into a game no one wants mid again lol


Tried Anivia out today on my daily IP game against bots, and while the AIs often did stupid things around my Rs I noticed properly spacing her Qs and getting used to her attack timing would probably take a while to get used to if I ever decided to play her for real.

Also, should I start buying refillable potions on some roles rather than stocking up on regular ones on my first couple returns to base?
Not saying you're wrong but runes are a bad comparison

Pro players often vary on the same champion

Keystones are easy to max Min but the interesting choices lie in the early utility vs defense choices

Maybe Im wrong

But theres a reason why Blizs removed the min max of skill trees in WoW and started doing the talent tree.

Maybe the keystones are like that, but right now mages getting only one real choice and adcs getting one real choice just screams out choice of illusion.

If they went deeper and offered unique keystones for each role(ie mages and junglers get separate set of 3 keystones across the three trees tailored for the role) itd be much better and that illusion of choice would become actual customization and choice.


i don't think it's intentional, but holy crap was it brutal. standard 400some move speed being dropped to 100 and some change with each additional spell.
i'm gonna try it, i didn't buy rylais cos it didn't seem worth it in the games i played but if slow stacking is back then i'm gonna play a whole lotta rylais ori

Damn. I didn't even think of that. I should have played mid Quinn instead of talon. I'll remember that in a year when I get into a game no one wants mid again lol
yeah i'm gonna hop on the mid quinn train at one point too

i wonder how her waveclear feels now


i'm gonna try it, i didn't buy rylais cos it didn't seem worth it in the games i played but if slow stacking is back then i'm gonna play a whole lotta rylais ori

yeah i'm gonna hop on the mid quinn train at one point too

i wonder how her waveclear feels now

like i said, i don't know if it was just it being broken by itself or a combination of those items with certain keystone. if only we had a sandbox mode.


Warlord's needs to get fucked. All you need is some crit and who needs Soraka

Yea I was wondering why ppl were complaining about only Soraka so much, I figured a Grievious Wounds discussion would have brought that up sooner.

I can't believe they threw so much self healing into the game and nerfed Grievous Wounds at the same time. Soraka loses a lot of her effectiveness when a CC support who allows their DPS to auto with Warlords up achieves a similar amount of healing, lol.


This Tryndamere



ok, irelia does have 1 thing going for her even though her core build has been super nerfed

her level 4 all in with ignite + corrupting potion is broken


ok, irelia does have 1 thing going for her even though her core build has been super nerfed

her level 4 all in with ignite + corrupting potion is broken

Yeah this patch is great for Irelia. TriForce into Essence Reaver is just ~hnnng

Frozen Mallet? Did they change that item? Wouldn't you be better off with Iceborn?

Well I went TriForce already so the latter wouldn't be of been a choice anyway and Iceborn is kinda shit on ez now. I also think Frozen Mallet is better against the team comp I was going against considering they had a Trynd and Xin Zhao two champs who are really sticky. We also had no exhaust rip


sounds like a net win for players

gj rito

The only drawback is no more early bird sales. I've bought a few 1350rp skins on the early bird sale the first week they come out. Now they wont do that and you'll have to wait 4-6 months. That's the only drawback.

It'll be straightforward now though. Buy skin day 1 full price, buy skin 6mo for 25% off, buy skin 1yr 50% off.


i want to say that they're going to have to do something to rageblade because it's too strong on so many champions right now


a lot of those said champions have very few options outside of rageblade right now so i dont know

maybe increase the cost? but that would probably make it inefficient
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