Is it just my client or do updates take forever to download? I always seem to get only 200-300kb/s, despite being on cable and getting upwards of 3 MB/s in Steam. 150mb patches take far too long.
That's exactly my jungle mentality. Why help a lane that is clearly doing fine when another is being crushed by either their jungle ganks or just a good matchup. A jungler should be ebbing and flowing around the map, but they should also direct their attention to spots that are hurting more. It'd be like a doctor administering a bandaid to your cut toe when you've got a gaping wound on your neck.
So....6 losses in a row tonight. Jesus fuck. This new patch makes it damn hard to come back if the enemy team is ahead.
Question: what is your jungle philosophy on a lane that is losing. I used to think if a lane was getting dominated, you focus on other lanes that have a chance to push them ahead. However, just played a game with an Olaf who gave up 15 deaths by end. 0 kills. Top lane. At 3 deaths, I told our jungle he needs to get up there before top lane tilts and collapses. He didn't, and top lane imploded. I'm a little pissy that the top lane was ignored, especially since mid was destroying and bot (me) was doing ok holding off. Curious where you guys stand. In the end, our top lane doomed us.
That's exactly my jungle mentality. Why help a lane that is clearly doing fine when another is being crushed by either their jungle ganks or just a good matchup. A jungler should be ebbing and flowing around the map, but they should also direct their attention to spots that are hurting more. It'd be like a doctor administering a bandaid to your cut toe when you've got a gaping wound on your neck.