So Syndra manage to do 800 damage with a single E to my renekton.
did u have magic resist
So Syndra manage to do 800 damage with a single E to my renekton.
I know i had like 91 at some point, i need to recheck the math.did u have magic resist
syndra deals a ton of damage, saying 800 vs renek is pretty low on informationI know i had like 91 at some point, i need to recheck the math.
The only problem I have with the minion change is that there are so many factors.
Just make it so that for every tower down in the lane those minions are X% stronger. Then it's simpler for the common-folk to understand.
I'm curious about that actually.Impressions from my first game of the preseason:
-Thunderlord's decree feels kinda bad in bot lane. The cooldown is too long for the frequent trades in bot. I think offensive supports will run 18 in offensive tree and get the DoT keystone instead. Harassing supports like Lulu and Nami will probably want windspeaker's blessing instead.
I've been watching a few rekkles games and they were all pretty close fast paced gamesMan, these pre-season changes are so dumb. Every game is a stomp. Haven't had a close or exciting game in 5 games on this pre-season patch. Dnno if people just do more damage now with these masteries or new items, but it's so boring. Warding is fine, since everyone got 2 free wards on their trinket and the new jungle item with free wards. As a support u just cant dump those wards everywhere early with only having 3 stacks.
It sure is. Im going back to fallout 4.This stuff is weird
those are different cdrsSo normally with Masteries I just use a guide online and don't pay much attention to them, but since it's my first new season I'm having to do them all manually.
I know there's a 40% cap on CDR isn't there, so if I were to choose the Insight mastery which gives 15% CDR on summoner spells does that stack on top of the 40% cap, so if I bought something like Morello with Frozen Heart, it'd be a waste by going over in CDR with the Insight Mastery, does anyone know?
NA GAF, I need people on. I can't find any games in TB.
try youmuus/hydra/deaths dance/grevious wounds LWOf course I couldn't jungle or adc first preseason game. Bah.
Went Talon mid.
I miss flask so much. So So so much. Talon's weak early game was exposed. I got bullied hard.
Went serrated dirk first then started working on hydra. Not sure if that was optimal. I was really missing the flask and brutalizerI probably should have just rushed ghostblade for the penetration and CDR though.
New hexdrinker/maw is sweet though. I'm on board with that change.
Essence reaver doesn't seem like it's for Talon. Last whisper is a fraction of its old self.
Not even sure where to go from there. I had a maw, ghostblade and hydra when the game ended. Was still one shotting people so I guess it wasn't too bad. Couldn't figure out next item though.
I guess I could work an essence reaver build and go with crit. IE or PD or something.
the heck is smart cast
So does the bounty hunter mastery work with assists?
Wait, Mana Potions is removed?
What about mages who are that item dependant?
Mages that people used to buy mana pots on should've gotten mana buffsWait, Mana Potions is removed?
What about mages who are that item dependant?
I could never imagine wearing that jinx shirt out in public.
Smart cast? Activates abilities/actives by just pressing the key instead of key+mouse click. Makes for faster casting and reactions
The damage reduction for you and a friend is pretty huge and popular keystone
how does that work with targetted abilities
Thanks. I was leaning towards that + the regen traits for Tahm. I suppose I could just make different pages but I would like to play.
You hit the button while your cursor is hovered over them and it goes off right away.