It's only one day and too early to see the trend holding, but tank junglers are largely dominating win rates for that position with Tryndamere being the lone exception because of his ridiculous interaction with the crit keystone.
Pretty much all of them are doing well. Some notables:
Nautilus saw a 2% win rate increase, but what's crazy is that the his support win rate has held more or less steady while his jungle win rate has seen a 5% jump. Moakai's been in the jungle dog house since every nerf aimed at his top lane hurt his jungling as well. He's jumped 10%. Other increases include Trundle, Zac, Sejuani, and Rammus who've seen increases in the 2-3% range. The only junglers in the top 15 on that wouldn't be considered tanks are Tryn, Xin, and Jax.
Looking for some additional jungle trends, one thing to consider is that jungle tanks are way more likely to pick up Tracker's. It dominates the item selection for pure tanks, Naut, Sej, etc. More interesting are the numbers when looking at champions who have data for Trackerss and either Skirmisher's or Stalker's. Win rates with Tracker's are always higher, much higher in fact. No big surprise, being able to put down two additional stealth wards is a game where vision has been reduced is much better than a light slow or DoT every now and then.
Finally, if you're using Talisman in your clears, make note that the steal applies to all monsters, not just the large one. So if you're level 1 and attacking Gromp, the maximum possible hp steal you're doing is 5hp/sec, but attacking camps like Wolves or Wraiths leads can give you 15hp/s or 20hp/s once you apply your AoE (mix in the odd auto attack to a small monster to keep up their life steal debuff). Just doing some tests, some champions clear much better starting at wolves or Wraiths than Gromp or Krugs. The changed routes tend to take more time to complete if you want to clear to level 4, but they're also way healthier.