I just was playing kha before the season ended and was doing super well with him. On my first clear with him I was usually able to do krugs red raptors, then back or if I got a good leash try to gank mid. After that I usually try to make some plays, and if I can't I go back to farming.Finally got to play in the new jungle. Tried khazix since he's been one of my favorites for ages.
Ouch. I started krugs and got executed on red buff. Easier my ass. Early sustain sucks for a carry jungler. I hate everything about the new potions. Even the warlords doesnt give as much as a couple health pots I'd buy normally.
I do not like the jungle item being more expensive.
Not a huge fan of the new warriors. Never felt like I had any sort of power spike.
Jungle was kicking my ass straight through minute 15.
I know they said they toned down the monsters but either that didn't go through or the new jungle items do not scale well enough with the monster scaling over time.
I don't want to have to be pigeon holed into a tank jungler again. Sigh.
It would've been a better time if we didn't have a diamond Yasuo wrecking our shit
I just was playing kha before the season ended and was doing super well with him. On my first clear with him I was usually able to do krugs red raptors, then back or if I got a good leash try to gank mid. After that I usually try to make some plays, and if I can't I go back to farming.
It is odd to me that the jungle seems more tank focused, even thought it is going to be more of an assassin meta. I haven't play the preseason yet, so I don't fully know but what I'm hearing it sounds kinda like that.
Finally got to play in the new jungle. Tried khazix since he's been one of my favorites for ages.
Ouch. I started krugs and got executed on red buff. Easier my ass. Early sustain sucks for a carry jungler. I hate everything about the new potions. Even the warlords doesnt give as much as a couple health pots I'd buy normally.
I do not like the jungle item being more expensive.
Not a huge fan of the new warriors. Never felt like I had any sort of power spike.
Jungle was kicking my ass straight through minute 15.
I know they said they toned down the monsters but either that didn't go through or the new jungle items do not scale well enough with the monster scaling over time.
I don't want to have to be pigeon holed into a tank jungler again. Sigh.
Glad to finally play with you. Thanks for the carry.Quinn is a mobility monster lol
So many damage items... So little damage.Our thresh did more damage than lee... fucking lee.
It is odd to me that the jungle seems more tank focused, even thought it is going to be more of an assassin meta. I haven't play the preseason yet, so I don't fully know but what I'm hearing it sounds kinda like that.
Trackers is an amazing item. Will be the only choice in competitive. Junglers won't have to buy a Sightstone because they'll have Trackers and Trinket.
Yeah rammus is smashing faces right nowad carries don't build last whisper until last item now, if at all. i've been watching streams where the adc won't even build a LW 6th item because they're so enamored by the new shiny things that make you pew pew faster.
tanks are actually in as good a spot as ever right now until ADCs get over their new shiny shit and start building armor pen
I just played a kha game and didn't have a problem with first clear. Consider cdr blues, make sure your masteries are right, consider talisman plus 3 red pot start over refillable pot if its still giving you a hard time (I didn't do this). I also think next time i play kha I'm gonna go talisman to cauliflower's warhammer before i finish chilling smite because running around with 0 ad sucks
I think if I took 3 red pot instead of the refillable one I might have avoided execution. Either way I definitely took more damage with the leashing changes.
My normal page has some cdr. Maybe I can tweak masteries too. What did you go? 18/12/0?
Tristana with Runaan's instead was pretty fun
I think if I took 3 red pot instead of the refillable one I might have avoided execution. Either way I definitely took more damage with the leashing changes.
My normal page has some cdr. Maybe I can tweak masteries too. What did you go? 18/12/0?
I think if I took 3 red pot instead of the refillable one I might have avoided execution. Either way I definitely took more damage with the leashing changes.
My normal page has some cdr. Maybe I can tweak masteries too. What did you go? 18/12/0?
But I just bought 50AUD worth of RP two nights ago!
Did I just see Solaire Gragas ?
Blue start is a must for AP junglers. Still go Machete though, starting Talisman is a noob trap because you take so much more damage.
but we already have a bardsyndra's getting smaller
never noticed her looking bigger than she should. i hope it doesn't mess up my mental image of how syndra's supposed to look lol
i'd say talk to rito support, they're usually pretty ok with this type of thing
yea i have no clue what that's about either
wish they had done a bard skin, i need a birthday present for a bard main friend of mine
Why exactly does Rammus have an extremely high winrate all the sudden?
Is it because he's the counter measure to this pre-season crit meta?
Look at only Today for both Ranked and Solo Queue.
Omg proof that Yasuo can loseNormally I'm not one to get too pissed off but this game was ridiculous.
Our bot was just garbage.
Technically it's a root, so you can still auto-attack or use a number of abilities even after taking a binding. Even though it's powerful it's also telegraphed, but yes, it is generally pretty strong.morgana's q is ridic, 3s stun? yes plz
Some people are taking him top lane too to lane against people who are taking adx topRammus didn't retain his high win rate past the 3s > 2.25s taunt nerf, same with Fiddle.
And especially not within the Juggernaut Meta where he averaged 51-52%.
Usually I consider something out of the range of 47% - 54% winrate to be actually broken or gimping yourself.
If your team was losing, you can pretty much force fights with HG boots and his Q at around 2nd tier turrets when they want to siege...that is, if you can even fight. Thus seriously prolonging the game (but ofc like most junglers lack the ability of safe ranged wave clear). Either that, or everyone is playing Yasou and pretending to be good with crits while some turtle says ok.
Some people are taking him top lane too to lane against people who are taking adx top
Rammus ganks against top and mid lane adc are also really strong
5 bucks the first fanart is porn