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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Gold Member
I think TP isn't that much different from before if you buy ionian boots and get the summoner cdr from the mastery. In fact it's much faster plus you don't have to worry about tping on minions to reduce the cd when they're far from your tower.
I think TP isn't that much different from before if you buy ionian boots and get the summoner cdr from the mastery. In fact it's much faster plus you don't have to worry about tping on minions to reduce the cd when they're far from your tower.
You don't even need Lucidity, just the mastery alone guarantees you'll have basically the same defensive uptime and better offensive uptime than before.

We're still in a honeymoon period so people are trying stuff out and ADCs are a bit annoying to deal with early thanks to early crit overloaded kits and babysitter supports but as soon as those things are ironed out we'll go back to 5 man parties down bot all day. That mastery needs to go poof from the defensive tree.


the refillable potion is such an unfortunate design for junglers

if you need to spam pots, then the 100 hp for 150g makes your first clear terrible
if you can sustain a clear on 100hp, then you dont really need a refillable potion....

junglers will have to back earlier and to make use of their refillable potion, losing really valuable time and the hunters potion is not a viable start in and of itself.

Yeah. I think the new pot trapped me. Its really not good for first clears.

I don't usually run asp on khazix. It may help his first clear but it doesn't add anything to his kit. He's an ad caster and looks for burst. Vamprism might be something I'd need though. I don't remember what keystones I took offhand except the increased ability damage one.

My best Kha'Zix run was going 6/18/6 with a typical AD heavy rune set and machete+pots. Picked Feast instead of Double Edge Sword. I know what the math looks like but Feast results in a much healthier clear. Did this in custom without a leash so with a leash it'd be easy breezy. I think too many people are hell bent on going 18 in Ferocity for anything damage related. The cunning tree has a great mastery for assassins in Merciless (which is fantastic for ganking junglers) and the Stormraider's Surge mastery.

The mileage you get out of Deathfire touch is a function of how often you can land spells and as an assassin you can't count on living long enough after you killed the other team's VIP to really push that keystone the way a backline mage like Ziggs, etc. can. Stormraider's is really underrated for assassin's. How would you like an additional 35% MS over the duration of your stealth after you're chunked their carry? Sounds damn nice to me.

All that said, I suspect Kha'Zix is in line for buffs quite soon once the S6 system changes settle in. Buffing him - provided it's well done - isn't a threat to launch him back into solo lanes. Increasing the bonus heal% of void spikes when used against monsters for instance would solve lots of his issues.

Your'e not forced to play tanks, it just so happens that Kha'Zix isn't all that great right now. Champions like Vi and Elise are still solid.

I'll try those masteries out. I didn't pay a lot of attention to the right hand tree since it is largely tank focused. It would be nice having an easier first clear but I don't want to get into a position of sacrificing his strengths as an assassin to make up for the new first clear.

Thanks for trying it out :) khazix and elise are my most played champs and I like to know they are still viable.

The meta always shifts. I just happened to like the previous one for junglers. It was the most diverse and healthy I've seen it since I've been playing. Not sure what this new one will bring.

Edit: mm yeah. Watching nightblue struggle with first clear on nidalee too. Why the heck did they make the jungle so much harder for first clear? Sigh

Edit2: btw, did you start buff monster for first clear now or still krugs/gromp?


What are your plans for next season now that you can focus on two roles? I was kind of wondering what the popular ones are here.

Solo Lane
Top Rumble - - - -

Mid Orianna - - - -

Only got this far as I haven't experimented on the patch enough, though I'm pretty sure Jayce will make the final cut.

So many exciting champions


make the decision really hard.


I'm liking the Rageblade + Gunblade combo on Jax. Dueling like a boss and a great AoE passive for splitpushing. Came back from 7K gold down at 21 minutes to a huge comeback which ended with 6.5K gold ahead and win at 31 minutes (13K gold swing lol).

My roles will be support and jungle btw.


I'm liking the Rageblade + Gunblade combo on Jax. Dueling like a boss and a great AoE passive for splitpushing. Came back from 7K gold down at 21 minutes to a huge comeback which ended with 6.5K gold ahead and win at 31 minutes (13K gold swing lol).

My roles will be support and jungle btw.
Yeah that combo is incredible on anybody who can use it

Might try it on Ezreal


I'm liking the Rageblade + Gunblade combo on Jax. Dueling like a boss and a great AoE passive for splitpushing. Came back from 7K gold down at 21 minutes to a huge comeback which ended with 6.5K gold ahead and win at 31 minutes (13K gold swing lol).

My roles will be support and jungle btw.

Guinsoo+Sterak+Nu Maw of M.
unless Guinsoo and Maw share the same passives :V


Soraka is the only issue, the others are fine. Just cut her numbers to 60% or something or make it harder for her to sustain her own health costs.


If they insist on keeping the stupid fucking GW nerf then they should just delete anything with a heal from bot lane.
Just kill the support duh. And let's be honest, most heals save soraka are pretty shit at healing.

Soraka win rate isn't even that great atm
I wish we could buy unique zhonyas "statues". So you could turn into something cool when you hit the actives
It'd be confusing to know who is who though


lcs is over mayne
i'll talk with ppl about making a new lcs thread for season 6

in the meantime pls use that thread since this one is supposed to be spoiler free

Just call the new LCS thread Competitive LoL thread or something
yeah that's how it's gonna be so it includes lck, lpl, kespa cup, etc. but it's not season 6 yet and there's no real reason to stop using the old one...

i dunno if we should make a separate thread for all stars


if anyone cares game awards have a esports game of the year fan vote and you can vote for league for the opportunity of making lots of doters mad: http://thegameawards.com/nominees/

you can also vote for montecristo as "trending gamer" for some reason

we should probably make a new thread since it's preseason and nobody knows what the fuck is going on anyways
well i'd like ppl to respect different timezones and just use lcs thread while we make a new one

i honestly haven't watched anything cos all the results were spoiled here or on the discord group. i'm like ok discord can't do anything about that but we have a lcs thread that's perfectly fine for this kind of thing and isn't being used because it's preseason?

that's dumb

No reason to make a new thread for all stars IMO, keep new threads for majors like IEM and Worlds.
i feel like all stars is pretty big tho? i forget how the format's gonna be, i'm guessing a bit more casual than msi, i dunno


lol u can vote tsm for best team of the year

maybe in cs go or something lol

edit: and evil geniuses and fnatic. evil geniuses has pobelter and innox on their lineup picture lmao

skt picture has piglet

these results are gonna be scrolling text on the bottom of the screen aren't day...
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