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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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I think TP isn't that much different from before if you buy ionian boots and get the summoner cdr from the mastery. In fact it's much faster plus you don't have to worry about tping on minions to reduce the cd when they're far from your tower.

Yeah imo tp got buffed. Most top laners go deep enough into the tree for the summoner cdr, so now it's at I think a 15 second increase from where it used to be by tping to towers, only now you can legit tp to anything and not get punished for it by an extended cool down. Once things settle nobody is going to take ignite top
twice in a row

someone is telling me I should be a Galio main



you have a headshot

you have a headshot

everybody have a headshot

also i think that mid/late cait siege/anti siege with 237 traps on the ground is so hilarious that it should stay, as dumb as it is
runaans cait is retarded lmao
boom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshotboom headshot


Boot up game
"Please update your masteries"
Shouted THANK YOU irl to my brother sitting on the couch behind me

omg this has to get through to people, right?


My home internet is hosed right now else I'd jump into some games tonight. :( had fun with the single gaf game I played yesterday.


Thanks for trying it out :) khazix and elise are my most played champs and I like to know they are still viable.

Edit2: btw, did you start buff monster for first clear now or still krugs/gromp?

Gromp on Kha'Zix. He's too mana intensive levels 1-2 to start elsewhere. Elise - wherever she wants, she's a complete boss. I have no idea why her win rates dipped, she feels great. I think it's because people aren't buying Tracker's on her. There's no reason to use anything other than Tracker's on every single jungle right now, it's just too good.

Picking up 6 points in the Resolve tree isn't bad at all. If you wanted to run 12/18/0 instead you're probably picking up the 2% life steal since +10 AD at level 18 is shit on champion that relies on CDR and ArPen like Kha'Zix. It's better on auto-attack heavy champions because they get to amplify that small amount with attack speed and crit. Bounty Hunter isn't reliable and more for constant DPS champs as opposed to assassins who will hone in on the opposing carries. Kha'Zix doesn't have much in the way of his own CC so Oppressor is team reliant, again not that hot for an assassin. The 2% life steal early is worth much less than reducing monster damage by 2. You aren't giving up anything of substance going 6 into Resolve is what I'm saying. If anything being able to stay healthier in the jungle means you'll have a higher up time in the field and so more ganking opportunities should follow.

Just keep in mind that for all the talk the masteries are just like things to better define your role. You can go full x/x/18 but if you aren't a tank or building tank items you're going to get shredded. The vast bulk of power in the game is still on levels and items (or xp and gold, really).

I'm more and more convinced that as the season goes on, and ignoring the possibility of drastic changes to the keystones, assassins are more likely to run x/18/x than 18/x/x.

If they insist on keeping the stupid fucking GW nerf then they should just delete anything with a heal from bot lane.

...this comment keeps getting repeated and it's a load. It has absolutely nothing to do with GW. Hell, win rates for Soraka, Nami, Sona - the sustain heavy supports - haven't actually budged at all in 5.22, it's still around ~52% for each which has been the case for months now.

The amount of bitching going on this community you'd think each rocketed to 60%+. As far as I'm concerned what's really going on is that people are facing them on a regular frequency for the first time in months and surprise, they're actually strong.


Gromp on Kha'Zix. He's too mana intensive levels 1-2 to start elsewhere. Elise - wherever she wants, she's a complete boss. I have no idea why her win rates dipped, she feels great. I think it's because people aren't buying Tracker's on her. There's no reason to use anything other than Tracker's on every single jungle right now, it's just too good.

Picking up 6 points in the Resolve tree isn't bad at all. If you wanted to run 12/18/0 instead you're probably picking up the 2% life steal since +10 AD at level 18 is shit on champion that relies on CDR and ArPen like Kha'Zix. It's better on auto-attack heavy champions because they get to amplify that small amount with attack speed and crit. Bounty Hunter isn't reliable and more for constant DPS champs as opposed to assassins who will hone in on the opposing carries. Kha'Zix doesn't have much in the way of his own CC so Oppressor is team reliant, again not that hot for an assassin. The 2% life steal early is worth much less than reducing monster damage by 2. You aren't giving up anything of substance going 6 into Resolve is what I'm saying. If anything being able to stay healthier in the jungle means you'll have a higher up time in the field and so more ganking opportunities should follow.

Just keep in mind that for all the talk the masteries are just like things to better define your role. You can go full x/x/18 but if you aren't a tank or building tank items you're going to get shredded. The vast bulk of power in the game is still on levels and items (or xp and gold, really).

I'm more and more convinced that as the season goes on, and ignoring the possibility of drastic changes to the keystones, assassins are more likely to run x/18/x than 18/x/x.

Taking another look at the cunning tree, I definitely see some potential. There's some synergy with khazix at least.

The offensive tree does too though. Even without building magic pen, deathfire touch is pretty nice for single target burst champs and it's hard to give up the % armor pen.

The defensive tree offers very little for a carry jungler. A lot of wasted points getting to 12.

I think next I'll either go 6/18/6 or more likely 12/18/0. As much as I'd like tough skin, I don't think it adds as much value as going to 12 in offensive. However, I'm not sure if it will offer more than 18 offensive. We'll see.

It's too bad new jungle is forcing a gromp start. I absolutely did not need to do that last season.


...this comment keeps getting repeated and it's a load. It has absolutely nothing to do with GW. Hell, win rates for Soraka, Nami, Sona - the sustain heavy supports - haven't actually budged at all in 5.22, it's still around ~52% for each which has been the case for months now.

The amount of bitching going on this community you'd think each rocketed to 60%+. As far as I'm concerned what's really going on is that people are facing them on a regular frequency for the first time in months and surprise, they're actually strong.

That's pretty bizarre. You take a high winrate champion and remove her #1 source of counterplay from the game and her winrate doesn't move.

League is funny sometimes
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