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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Top: Impact
Jungle: Moon
Mid: GBM
Support: Konkwon





Now all we need is the t8 venture capital esports team
NA right now is like playing with one of those peg toy trying to figure out which hole Forgiven and Freeze fit in.

I'm gonna go with RNG Forgiven and NRG Freeze
If NA can't be good at the game they might as well make it entertaining. BAH GAWD THAT ADC HAD A FAMILY

Also since Hotshot is a moron it's likely WT will just stay at CLG.


"every rangers jungler should go hunters potion first item"

straight from nb3, the god of solo q jungling

For 500 gold it's a lot of sustain. I've actually bought it as a second item after the first jungle item upgrade in some cases. You get to stay in the jungle indefinitely if you do so. The trap is buying the refillable potion for first clear. Some junglers can do it without issue (jax for example). Others (like khazix) are much better off with buying 2 health pots. 300 health for 100 gold is much better for the first clear than 200 health for 150 gold.

Even Elise I liked the two health pot over the refillable. Its a much safer first clear.


The jungle refillable potions are garbage.

idk, watching him play, hunters seems pretty good

its the 150g refillable base thats kinda bad atm

For 500 gold it's a lot of sustain. I've actually bought it as a second item after the first jungle item upgrade in some cases. You get to stay in the jungle indefinitely if you do so. The trap is buying the refillable potion for first clear. Some junglers can do it without issue (jax for example). Others (like khazix) are much better off with buying 2 health pots. 300 health for 100 gold is much better for the first clear than 200 health for 150 gold.

Even Elise I liked the two health pot over the refillable. Its a much safer first clear.

yeah they're buffing the refillable by 50 hp total now, which is nice. should be do-able on most with the buffed refillable
idk, watching him play, hunters seems pretty good

its the 150g refillable base thats kinda bad atm
Both are terrible. Refil is self explanatory, there's no situation where having 200 extra HP is better than having 450 extra HP in your first clear, but Hunter's heals for too little in each stack and costs a fuckton. Buying 5 HP pots gives you like 10 times more extra HP at almost half the price and once you get your smite upgrade you'll get similar regen just from fighting monsters.
Most disgusting game I've played in a long time



5.23 is gonna be next week at the earliest i guess, right?

would be a nice surprise if it was this week tbh, i wanna play league

tho midlane items feel so crappy now that i don't think just nerfing trynda and graves and shit are gonna make me happy


its not really about the exp advantage, its the farm loss - minions are worth heaps of gold now - meaning that deaths are worth even more

No, it absolutely is the exp advantage. You will get outleveled very quickly if you die. I've been watching a crapton of streams and as soon as a top laner dies, they're now at least 2 levels behind, and minions seem to give lower average level players even less experience for some reason.

Also, if you and your opponent both die, only the person to get the kill first gets XP for it. The person who dies and then gets a kill with say a DOT or ignite gets 0 XP for it. There is something very, very wrong with the XP system right now.
With Trynd you have to play selfishly. Splitpush a lot and get used to pushing the limits of how much greed you can get away with (e.g. when you can go in and steal jungle camps and when it'll get you killed). If you need to group/teamfight make sure to come in late (at least wait till they some of their cooldowns, ideally come in from a flanking position on their backline). Make sure not to a) die without ulting or b) use your ult only to run away instead of dealing damage. Trynd does so much damage that he can usually trade 1-1 with the enemy team's most fed champion if played correctly, which is a very good return for a champion who wants to splitpush.


Pls stop

Ap items are still more efficient than ad items

The only difference is that the spikes happen at the same time now

RIP zhonyas though



also isn't impact a na player already?

Pls stop

Ap items are still more efficient than ad items

The only difference is that the spikes happen at the same time now

RIP zhonyas though
efficient or not they feel like shit, lots of items have 1k+ combine costs now for instance
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