ikr could've been more tailswill wait for superior version.
And which one may that be my good sir?will wait for superior version.
And which one may that be my good sir?
And which one may that be my good sir?
it doesn't involve sona at all lemme tell you no sir
I feel like im getting mixed messages.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
sakimichan finally did kpop ahri
Well im already giving money to another patreon but i guess i can manage.i feel like u should investigate further
and sub to tsuaii patreon since it's for a good cause
It's not that hard. You can easily look at Gundam ZZ and say it's not an anime!
It's a long shot but maybe someone gets it
Yeah, BoTRK is kinda poopy right now. It's the ADC Zhonya's, does less for more gold.
Hontou no koto sa
Top flash ignite is so good right now. Who needs tp when you can snowball so hard you make top lane irrelevent and waste their own tp just to stop you.
Hmm. A small khazix buff on pbe. Not bad.
Nightblue has been playing a ton of nidalee lately. Not really feeling like she's the strongest in this meta right now though. She doesn't have any CC to stop the likes of yasuo, tryndamere or jax and AP items being a bit more expensive doesn't help either.
ADC meta, huh?
Late game Vayne, huh?
I was one shotting this Vayne all game.
I think this was the hardest that I've ever carried.
2/7 Zed (who was 60cs down) and a Trynd who died 3 times in less than 7 minutes. Worst of all, he never stopped trying to 1v1 and dying to AAtrox so we kept losing towers even though I was managing to instantly kill Viktor and Vayne all game.
I somehow managed to land a 5 man ult when the enemy were sieging our last inhib and we destroyed them with AOE. Snowballed that into a win.
-5 mana on Q and 3 armorWhat's the buff?
-5 mana on Q and 3 armor
sakimichan finally did kpop ahri
think about our future, of our children and our children's childrenWell im already giving money to another patreon but i guess i can manage.
kung fu rpg vs league fanart
fuck fans
His passive lasts 4 seconds and the DoT version of Deathfire lasts 1.5 so it should proc 3 times for 3+10%AP damage each. Or would it be 4 times? Actually it should do 45% yeah, in case Brand needed to be even more stupidWouldnt it be extra 45% AP ratio?
Brb playing support Brand with the buffed Spellthief
what the fuck did you just fucking say about mespeaking of new spellthief, if you are an engage or catch support you should 100% be rushing new spell thiefs to its finished item
it has spooky ghosts and they're SO GOOD
His passive lasts 4 seconds and the DoT version of Deathfire lasts 1.5 so it should proc 3 times for 3+10%AP damage each
Wouldnt it tick on spell hit?
What about Liandry?
I edited that, it should proc proc for 6.66% AP 3 times then a full 10% proc I think since each tick should refresh the durationWouldnt it tick on spell hit?
What about Liandry?