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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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fallout 4 sucks, so even if i didn't like what i played of s6 i had to go back to league eventually


holy shit quinn deals a lot of dmg. that was a 50min game but still, pretty insane numbers for me playing an ad champ at least

i built her kind of whatever and had like 40% extra cdr since i was running cdr/lvl runes lol, but she's fun

her ult feels like one of the most op spells in the game, it's so much fun

tried a few other non morello mids, ori seems to be ok with athenes and lizzy doing roa first still feels like the way to go.

mundo looked kind of broken and brand too

that's all i learned

ur not missing much
korean pro player pink mecha girl


Zky I dunno if you had opted into the beta, but this weekend is supposed to be free beta entry for NA/Euro Blizzard people.

Edit-Blizz just clarified that they opted in some accounts for the weeekend ;_; damn u blizz
yeah, also i'm not on na/eu so im fucked :p

they aren't even doing a nice regional price like they did with starcarft

damn u blizz ;_;

40 dollars really isnt much to ask for a shooter with no progression system bullshit that has the potential to develop a massive community around it. I'd like to see the maps and gamemodes fleshed out a little bit more, but what's there is well on its way to being a massive hit.

Although, if it bombs, it'll be an interesting chapter in the age of f2p dominance.
yeah i really appreciate the lack of grinding and levels and all that crap, i'm so tired of having to work to unlock the fun toys

this is amazing


We can vote for a nautilus, teemo or Diana skin this all stars

Is this the first time Riot has let us vote on a champion to recieve a skin?

If Diana doesn't win imma cut someone


So of my last 10 games, 70% have been over by the 25min mark. The longest game was 33min. Maybe they overshot? Still I'll take this over the 45+ min marathons.

I think the sweet spot is 35 min. Felt like I had enough time to play the game, get some good items, play my fill and ready to move on to the next.


I thoroughly enjoy faster games. 45 min average got old really fast.

Yeah and hour games are just soul crushing. It'll take some getting used to but hopefully will be for the best. After all there's a pretty fine line between making games move faster and "you won early game congrats on the lp"


Yeah and hour games are just soul crushing. It'll take some getting used to but hopefully will be for the best. After all there's a pretty fine line between making games move faster and "you won early game congrats on the lp"

That's the trick. I'm fine with the game snowballing but only with some effort. Don't want the game to be over after a few early kills.

I don't think it's too bad right now. Did they fix the xp on kill issue? That seems to be the only hurdle right now.


Gold Member
Shorter games feel good. I can play more games.

I kinda wonder if early game champs like panth are stronger now as opposed to hyper late game carries like ryze and cass.
Shorter games feel good. I can play more games.

I kinda wonder if early game champs like panth are stronger now as opposed to hyper late game carries like ryze and cass.
Yes and no. Early game you're stronger - Panth is silly with Corrupt Pot and new Ghostblade - but you run out of steam faster since late game comes earlier. and you're basically the same if not worse since total armor pen is no longer a thing.

Basically you have better tools to work out a victory but a shorter span of time to do so.


Shorter games feel good. I can play more games.

I kinda wonder if early game champs like panth are stronger now as opposed to hyper late game carries like ryze and cass.

As stone ocean said, its not that the early game is extended so much as the mid and late game are accelerated with the new gold income. Early game champs can try to snowball your team but had the same limited window to make that happen.

Snowball =! Fast. It's possible to make the game faster without making the game more snowbally. Snowballing is awful design and shouldn't be celebrated in any way.
You always were my favorite person here.

Eh. You can't take away snowballing in a game like this. Just the nature of building xp and gold lends itself to snowballing. What you want though is to make the teams earn it. Not allow a small set of actions to snowball the whole game out of control but allow teams that have built a lead to continue to push it through continued actions to win the game. I don't want an early lead to seem meaningless like it often was last season. But I do like the direction of forcing teams to do something with that lead instead of just letting it compound by itself.
Snowball =! Fast. It's possible to make the game faster without making the game more snowbally. Snowballing is awful design and shouldn't be celebrated in any way.
No it's not. This is a competitive game, a lead needs to matter significantly otherwise we end up with the snoozefest that was season 5. Sure, the game can't be snowballing out of control every time resulting in stomps but at some point you have to let go of the hand of the losing team and allow them to get fucked because they got outplayed.


i mean, clearly the game is kind of a balance trainwreck right now and it's not that s5 had a lack of "snowballing" in that the team with the advantage had trouble making use of it, it's that the most effective way to use it before was to wait for tp cooldowns and just slowly starve out teams which is what we saw a lot of in competitive

now the game feels kind of out of control because turrets are dumb weak and you can easily take two or three out of a 20 minute ace or something. it's kind of ridiculous

the game feels more snowbally cos it's a huge immediate turn rather than a slow agony like before.

we'll see how the game looks with the homeguard stuff and the minion change and the stronger towers

lower game times is something i think everyone can get behind, but i think turrets being buffed/fixed is kind of a big necesity


If a laner isn't paying attention to their lane during a roam, you can push up to inhib from outer tower right now in the time it takes them to come back. It's a questionable move by riot at best
Balance is definitely not ok but between the current state of the game and S5 aka Civilization 5 I'll waddle through the current bullshit until it gets tuned down.


braum figure is also kind of cool. they've improved since that jinx, but they're still kind of bad.

they should rework figures too

also lulu plushie is awesome and the cuddliest wtf u talking about


Three diamonds, two platinums vs three golds, one bronze, one platinum.

Lost 43-21, down by 15k gold.

Matchmaking is amazing.


i feel like the only good figures are the ones that have masks or helmets or whatever. or they're heimer.

whenever there's a human face those figures are really ehhhhhhhh


Eh. You can't take away snowballing in a game like this.

Who said you can't take it away? I said there's ways to speed it up without adding to the snowballing effect.

No it's not. This is a competitive game, a lead needs to matter significantly otherwise we end up with the snoozefest that was season 5. Sure, the game can't be snowballing out of control every time resulting in stomps but at some point you have to let go of the hand of the losing team and allow them to get fucked because they got outplayed.

Both of you are making significant leaps in logic about what I said, but whatever.


she just had bad timing because rito wanted to push her for this year i guess

her e is a really cool spell and she doesn't have an anti-play spell which i much appreciate but she also sounds super obnoxious so idk
she just had bad timing because rito wanted to push her for this year i guess

her e is a really cool spell and she doesn't have an anti-play spell which i much appreciate but she also sounds super obnoxious so idk

she was a little delayed actually.

Man. the stuff in development for next year is :D:D:D:D:D
Illaoi has one of the coolest visual designs and themes in the game.

You must get so much satisfaction from our reactions when you hint at stuff.

oh you have no idea. A big part of it is how much I freak out when I see this stuff and and then see the reactions at reveal.

Not long til we get to see Poppy :D
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