Gentleman feels like it just came out. Gemtnleman line is awful but it's there. Concept of Gnar as an abominable snowman kind of thing just doesn't feel very strong to me. Good VFX on the skin though.
I do wish we'd have gotten a different theme than 3 Snow Day skins (even if Bard is basically Santa with penguins instead of elves) but they could have done so much worse that I don't mind. Any champ played as much as Gnar with >3 skins I won't complain about.
Scientist mini gnar in a lab coat
Hulking green big gnar
Honestly when I saw the Gnar concept/playstyle I was sure they'd have made a skin like this by now. Dino Gnar is indeed his best skin though, see no reason to buy another anytime soon.
Nah. Ziggs is garbage until he doesn't require 2 items to clear caster minions with Q. It might be even worse with the AP nerfs, too.
But Viktor can still clear an entire minion line with 1 upgrade and a maxed Q guys.
I actually did pretty good in my last game on him even though he's not in the best spot and I was bad about aiming my ult offscreen a few times (new computer). Yasuo in all his glory got a bit cocky killing me once early on but I ended the game 13/2 with plenty of assists. His W is really great peel and while it's no Lux ult he can definitely steal objectives/help other lanes from a distance. He should also grab towers faster than most mages now.
Really wish they'd decide what they want his niche to be though, and then emphasis that. If they do want him to push they probably should either lighten up on his mana costs or make some of his kit play nicer with the new masteries.I do remember them mentioning reviewing mage niches a while ago, but no idea when they will get to them (or if Ziggs is among the champs to have focus). I'm not crazy right? They did say something like that earlier this year yea?