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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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From December 23 through the end of Snowdown, whenever you grab a Legendary skin, you’ll unlock a free Mystery Box. If that Mystery Box contains a Legendary skin, you’ll get another Mystery Box, and if that one is packed with a Legendary, well… you get the idea. We’re calling it Legendary Snowball!
Oh man. I guess I'll have to hold off from buying Dragon Trainer Trist then


I can't wait for the huge influx of Bard players botlane who know even less about him than average.
I'm buying that skin too

Good Soraka nerf too. She'll be less able to make up for her laning partner's stupidity without her own safety being threatened.

what in the world at the swain nerf

dude is useless past like the 20 minute mark, give him a rework already

though maybe i guess his early game might be strong in this fast game meta

Nah, not even a little true. DoTs are dumb right now and the dude is part of the DoT midlane trifecta. Swain is especially annoying from the amount of healing he does given the current state of GW. Glad Brand got hit too, hopefully Malz will get hit also.

y gnar???

Why not? He's adorable, played a fair amount, and this is only his third skin. He probably won't get another for awhile.

TF ult nerfs and ziggs buffs rip mid lane

Hell yea Ziggs buffs. Poor guy might get above 50% winrate for once. I'll play him regardless but goddamn, let him do something besides push/stall his own lane.


Ziggs ult falloff is harsher now and Tbh, it's pretty hard to hit many people (if any) with the sweetspot so I don't think he got buffed that much

Tf Q nerf is strange, perhaps due to his high synergy with thunderlord's?
I assume his Ult and Q nerf is also due to the increased importance of early game and wave control

Swains 2s duration cc on a rank 1 spell was always BS and you swain mains know it.

Maybe they can buff the laser bird now

Ok, but what are the odds you actually get a legendary in mystery box?
Whys that the question? You get a guaranteed free box either way


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Why not? He's adorable, played a fair amount, and this is only his third skin. He probably won't get another for awhile.
Gentleman feels like it just came out. Gemtnleman line is awful but it's there. Concept of Gnar as an abominable snowman kind of thing just doesn't feel very strong to me. Good VFX on the skin though.


Hell yea Ziggs buffs. Poor guy might get above 50% winrate for once. I'll play him regardless but goddamn, let him do something besides push/stall his own lane.

Nah. Ziggs is garbage until he doesn't require 2 items to clear caster minions with Q. It might be even worse with the AP nerfs, too.

But Viktor can still clear an entire minion line with 1 upgrade and a maxed Q guys.


Silent Night Sona all day, Still dont like how she plays in Late game

I am the opposite camp (a camp where apparently I am alone on this) but I usually do terrible at laninig phases and actually have a great impact on team fights later on, because of AP+ ult

I really need to teach my sef not to be over eager because I die a lot while poking
Debonair and Gentlemen aren't the same thing

technically yes. but let's be honest: they're in the same family. sharp suits, bow ties, tuxedos.

though if you were referring to something specific that the "gentlemen" line has that the debonair line doesn't, I will accept defeat. They all look about the same to me.

Is Brand an easy champ to pick up and play? After reading about him here, him being a viable supp, I am interested to try him out.

yea. just gotta get used to the range and delay of the flaming pillar thing. it's his most important skill, tbqh and it sets up everything else.
Is Brand an easy champ to pick up and play? After reading about him here, him being a viable supp, I am interested to try him out.
I would say brand is not that hard to pick up and play, you have to get used to his q and understand how his passive works. Also learn some of his little combos and how to E->Q quickly.
technically yes. but let's be honest: they're in the same family. sharp suits, bow ties, tuxedos.

though if you were referring to something specific that the "gentlemen" line has that the debonair line doesn't, I will accept defeat. They all look about the same to me.
Debonair are like posh party goers while gentlemen are more like noblemen going to an opera or something.

Basically it's the difference between Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan in James Bond movies.


Gentleman feels like it just came out. Gemtnleman line is awful but it's there. Concept of Gnar as an abominable snowman kind of thing just doesn't feel very strong to me. Good VFX on the skin though.

I do wish we'd have gotten a different theme than 3 Snow Day skins (even if Bard is basically Santa with penguins instead of elves) but they could have done so much worse that I don't mind. Any champ played as much as Gnar with >3 skins I won't complain about.

Scientist mini gnar in a lab coat

Hulking green big gnar


Honestly when I saw the Gnar concept/playstyle I was sure they'd have made a skin like this by now. Dino Gnar is indeed his best skin though, see no reason to buy another anytime soon.

Nah. Ziggs is garbage until he doesn't require 2 items to clear caster minions with Q. It might be even worse with the AP nerfs, too.

But Viktor can still clear an entire minion line with 1 upgrade and a maxed Q guys.

I actually did pretty good in my last game on him even though he's not in the best spot and I was bad about aiming my ult offscreen a few times (new computer). Yasuo in all his glory got a bit cocky killing me once early on but I ended the game 13/2 with plenty of assists. His W is really great peel and while it's no Lux ult he can definitely steal objectives/help other lanes from a distance. He should also grab towers faster than most mages now.

Really wish they'd decide what they want his niche to be though, and then emphasis that. If they do want him to push they probably should either lighten up on his mana costs or make some of his kit play nicer with the new masteries.I do remember them mentioning reviewing mage niches a while ago, but no idea when they will get to them (or if Ziggs is among the champs to have focus). I'm not crazy right? They did say something like that earlier this year yea?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
technically yes. but let's be honest: they're in the same family. sharp suits, bow ties, tuxedos.

though if you were referring to something specific that the "gentlemen" line has that the debonair line doesn't, I will accept defeat. They all look about the same to me.
Debonair is upclass modern with a slight futuristic vibe that runs a gold/teal theme on gadgets. Gentleman is an ironic idealized definition of refined old English high class. Big difference. I don't really like either but Debonair doesn't stir up my negativity as much.


Gentleman = canes and monocles and top hats and wine goblets and cigars
Debonair = Kingsmen/James Bond (pierce brosnan)


tbh i don't like this syndra skin a lot even tho i'll buy it

wish it was more whimsical and fun like the winter wonder skins instead of like syndra in winter gear

the coat is kind of fab tho

i like it

Eurpean Syndra?

well the 20 people that were quick enough to PM me


Oh man. I guess I'll have to hold off from buying Dragon Trainer Trist then

What if someone gifts you a legendary skin?


doublelift has never been very smart about champion strengths/weaknesses

actually his game knowledge in terms of his champion assessment has been very poor, having to play catch up when others start playing something that he refuses to because he thinks it's bad

ie jinx when she was OP, he said she sucked.


but I bet he's right bout Lucian though. I can only recall seeing him (Lucian) once or twice in LCS 2015 and he lost like nobody's business.


imo Lucian is top tier right now

easy ways to get CDR were all he needed, the ult changes were just the cherry on top

shiv nerf is gonna hurt though


but I bet he's right bout Lucian though. I can only recall seeing him (Lucian) once or twice in LCS 2015 and he lost like nobody's business.

no he's 100% wrong

lucian is super strong right now. LCS 2015 he was garbage, reworked ADC items make him god tier right now, because he's back to lane bully prominence. that coupled with the accelerated rate of games means he is so strong right now



1. i was playing in plat 1-3 elo
2. my ADC mechanics and skill is probably barely past bronze, maybe mid silver at best
3. i was also kind of high. ask rex, he was there

now this is 100% pure anecdote evidence from a random plat scrub, but i was absolutely CRUSHING their team in the skirmishes we were having. the instant I hit level 6 i just turned my R on and their vayne died.
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