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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Hey everyone, not sure if anyone is into creating champions here but I made a site that tries to streamline the process for anyone that is interested.


here are a few examples I made as well.
(Darth Vader)

(Hope I'm not breaking any rules as well)


Lmao it's hilarious as Lowlii when enemies hang around the backlines with low hp just to get smacked by a tentacle for some free kills.
3 more hours I think.

In other news, I'll be able to play league again! No more overheating after playing for 30 minutes, no more 25 fps.


Finally! (It's going to be delivered in a relative's house, so it'll be in Monday when I actually have it)


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
3 more hours I think.

In other news, I'll be able to play league again! No more overheating after playing for 30 minutes, no more 25 fps.


Finally! (It's going to be delivered in a relative's house, so it'll be in Monday when I actually have it)

Hope UPS doesn't misplace it.


3 more hours I think.

In other news, I'll be able to play league again! No more overheating after playing for 30 minutes, no more 25 fps.


Finally! (It's going to be delivered in a relative's house, so it'll be in Monday when I actually have it)

But what you getting? New video card I take it? Yeah if LoL is too much for the card it was time to renew
Hope UPS doesn't misplace it.

I hope not, since there is very little I could do about it, lol. I checked the address five times...

But what you getting? New video card I take it? Yeah if LoL is too much for the card it was time to renew

Nah, new laptop I don't have a desktop, and cannot really have one right now. I need something that I can move.

Next purchase is a self build PC that's for sure, but in two more years or more.


Ok it's official Illaio pwns. It's not a fluke. Gonna be easy getting this champ to Mastery 5.

Just laned against a Darius. Felt bad for him yo. I could tell he didnt even want to come back to top lane


Nah, new laptop I don't have a desktop, and cannot really have one right now. I need something that I can move.

Next purchase is a self build PC that's for sure, but in two more years or more.

I'm excited for you yo! My old videocard wasnt overheating in LoL but it would crash my entire computer at random at beginning of match. Didnt really know what was going on til I upgraded to Windows 10. In Win 10 instead of crashing with a bluescreen it would give me a crash log. That was some rough times.


Not liking this poppy rework at all. Oh well

When I read teh q change, it seemed they were giving her a way to farm. In game the range is short as hell. Doesnt even reach both minion waves when they are clumped up.
The fetch part of the passive is meh.

W change is decent since it stops dashes.
E is the basically the same.
R seems counterproductive to the rest of the kit. Q/W/E you want to be up close and personal with someone, R doesnt help too much with that.

Old Q/Passive/R/E and new W wouldve been a good start imo. Then just give her something in her kit to help her with farming. Like splash damage passive on her q or something.
q is small but its still a pretty good radius, is get it to hit all raptors in raptor camp plus its a lower mana cost so its a big improvement over old Q as far as farming goes. Passive is nice too because you can poke with it or if you last hit it comes right to you. Not to mention it will apply things like iceborn, frozen mallet, statik, and rapid fire at a pretty decent range. W is good and also grants some movement speed too. I wouldn't say R is counterproductive to what she wants to do. In team fights she wants to peel for her carries. W stops someone like renekton from getting back there and if someone does get back there you wind of the R and make the fight 4v5. If she was still an assassin I would agree its counterproductive, but that's not her role anymore. Although for dueling you can cast it quick and it is like an extended Ali combo.


Ok it's official Illaio pwns. It's not a fluke. Gonna be easy getting this champ to Mastery 5.

Just laned against a Darius. Felt bad for him yo. I could tell he didnt even want to come back to top lane


Wouldn't traditional Hydra be better?
Once I have off days from work will put more time into illaoi.

How was your mana management? I have a bad habit of spamming her abilities :X


I do not have much trouble with mana.

Havent tried the other Hydra on her yet. All my favorite sites have no idea who she is so I've been having to make builds blind

Any advice appreciated!!!

That Darius had no idea what he was doing. Whenever I'd yank out his ghost he would take off running which is the worst thing you can do against her. You have to stand your ground. When I laned against Malphite earlier he lost the lane however he put up a great fight and did not run away.

(The whole time when I was fighting Malphite I felt kinda bad cause he's one of my favorite heroes)


Not liking this poppy rework at all. Oh well

When I read teh q change, it seemed they were giving her a way to farm. In game the range is short as hell. Doesnt even reach both minion waves when they are clumped up.
The fetch part of the passive is meh.

W change is decent since it stops dashes.
E is the basically the same.
R seems counterproductive to the rest of the kit. Q/W/E you want to be up close and personal with someone, R doesnt help too much with that.

Old Q/Passive/R/E and new W wouldve been a good start imo. Then just give her something in her kit to help her with farming. Like splash damage passive on her q or something.
Holy shit dude the point of a rework isn't to make her overpowered as shit


Minion pushing changes are live on NA btw, dunno if any of you noticed

Also according to reddit:
Tower armour and defense fixed
Minion blocking fixed


minion block hasn't been nearly as big of a problem as i found it in 5.22 today, but i didn't run into those situations too often today


I do not have much trouble with mana.

Havent tried the other Hydra on her yet. All my favorite sites have no idea who she is so I've been having to make builds blind

Any advice appreciated!!!

That Darius had no idea what he was doing. Whenever I'd yank out his ghost he would take off running which is the worst thing you can do against her. You have to stand your ground. When I laned against Malphite earlier he lost the lane however he put up a great fight and did not run away.

(The whole time when I was fighting Malphite I felt kinda bad cause he's one of my favorite heroes)

I'm waiting for more impressions on if Iceborn or a Sheen item would be any good on her, Since her W makes up for her attack speed, cooldown+bonus damage for the W mean you'll be sticking to them A LOT.
You could try it by starting Hydra>Iceborn>Tank up. Iceborn gives a little good chunk of armor for defense.


Wouldn't what's her name be super easy to defeat with ranged or just coming straight in and smacking her down/CC'ing the shit out of her? I have no real clue as I haven't played all week but from her page it sounded like it would be so.

Also I am so keen to try poppy this weekend. She is going to be insane.


I'm so glad my ping went back down to 190.

I can finally play Zyra again. With 230 ping you can't place seeds mid Q or E so it kinda makes the champ unplayable.

Straight up solo carried this game with support Zyra.

Instakilled the fed rumble 3 times with my combo and he called it quits.
Yeah Vladimir kinda just poops on her

I imagine gnar to as well

Its been 16 hours costy pls

hey, while it's technically live, we want to make sure it's fully functional before I share it. There's a chance it just pops up on Reddit or something over the weekend, and if it does I'll let you guys know it's what I worked on, but yeah. There's a lot of moving parts and we want to make sure everything functions.

Technically live tho, so if you find it you're welcome to share it!


I'm really struggling to enjoy games these days. I hadn't played the new patch until yesterday and our team got stomped, these changes aren't working all that well for random soloQ normals.

I was playing Singed top and first off the creep block was horrid (I know he might be the worst champ for this) but it made everything feel soooooo clunky. Top was going okay vs Trundle but mid and bot got crushed early game meaning there was a 2 level advantage 7/0 Akali roaming around the map only getting bigger and bigger. I think everyone just gave up after the first 2 deaths as the game was over after 7 minutes.

Bot took tower, mid took tower and then had free reign of the map. Makes for more decisive leads if you get ahead which is great! For normal SoloQ though that ends up meaning a lane giving up after the first death or two and then lots of flaming.

Need a few more games! Each game I have experience this pre season has been the same either when Winning or losing. I'm not sure if I've made it to the nexus! Always ff @ 20s :p


Cupped by their clothing, the layers added more friction and heat as Katarina, noticing the pressure rubbed up and down along Ahri's body to further the sensation. They seemed to melt into one another, hands grouping as they moaned passionately; despite trying to assert their dominance, the pleasure was far from lost.

costy i really like your contribution to league of legends

By fixed they probably mean a small fix has gone out

That made it worse
lol ok

i have been playing without the fix i think?

She still scales all right but her passive lost a considerable amount pf damage and Q deal half as much damage now, plus you can't spam it by killing small monsters with it, that would hurt her jungling a lot
well idc about jungling but that sounds troubling

her new q is hella fun tho, i went against kayle and kept e auto q and chasing her blind ass with autos

it was hilarious

I can barely imagine playing with that ping. How do you dodge bindings and hooks properly?
i played for almost two years like that in na maining ori and lux

you kinda get used to it heh
Holy shit dude the point of a rework isn't to make her overpowered as shit

1. I said that wouldve been a good START
2. Splash damage wouldve been minor and was also just a suggestion.

q is small but its still a pretty good radius, is get it to hit all raptors in raptor camp plus its a lower mana cost so its a big improvement over old Q as far as farming goes. Passive is nice too because you can poke with it or if you last hit it comes right to you. Not to mention it will apply things like iceborn, frozen mallet, statik, and rapid fire at a pretty decent range. W is good and also grants some movement speed too. I wouldn't say R is counterproductive to what she wants to do. In team fights she wants to peel for her carries. W stops someone like renekton from getting back there and if someone does get back there you wind of the R and make the fight 4v5. If she was still an assassin I would agree its counterproductive, but that's not her role anymore. Although for dueling you can cast it quick and it is like an extended Ali combo.
yea, think thats the problem I'm having.


Old Q/Passive/R/E and new W wouldve been a good start imo.Then just give her something in her kit to help her with farming. Like splash damage passive on her q or something.

Hell no. The fact she had such difficulty farming is what kept her from getting completely Olaf'ed in the first place.

Her new ultimate also synergizes well with her kit, situationally. Her CC, principally E, is geared towards single target lockdown and her ult gives her the ability to isolate the target from the rest of her team. If she's behind she can go full tank and use the ultimate as a tremendous form of peel as well.

It's a fantastic kit. Where I do agree with you is that she'll still have difficulty farming. The passive just isn't reliable in any way. I have a feeling that her jungling potential is much better than her solo laning. Then again, I still think Tahm Kench's best positions are Top and Support, but his jungling is several months later his strongest position, win rate wise, so what do I know.

yea, think thats the problem I'm having.

I think she's an assassin that transitions into a tank, not strictly a pure tank through and through. Her base damages on E and Q are sick if you manage to chain them together.


lol, I wouldn't even be that mad, I'm more amazed that he went to Twitter the found your account then wrote the tweet. Some people.

Some people are really dedicated in their flaming.

1. I said that wouldve been a good START
2. Splash damage wouldve been minor and was also just a suggestion.

She had to be weak during laning phase because her old kit made her oppressive with no counterplay when farmed up evenly. The passive and R had to go.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Watch HoTS at dreamhack reminds me why I lost interest the game so quickly. The NPCs and objectives do so much of the work for you, it's very anti-climatic.
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