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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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isn't that the problem? people were huge fans of frumpy poppy, but old poppy's a lollipop now.

I do miss mexican Jinx and mexican Lulu, but since Garen is no longer captain hero, the latam dub is dead to me now.
Another thing is people will always be angry when a champ is changed, someone is always going to be angry about it.


Another thing is people will always be angry when a champ is changed, someone is always going to be angry about it.

I personally like cute Poppy better, because im a sucker for cuteness, but i know people that liked her frumpy better.

Her new set seems a bit more suited for my playstyle too, so that's another plus for me.

But for now i have my hands full with my new buff tentacle waifu~


i've been watching streams, and people clearly don't know how to gank illawhatever yet. a standard gank at level 6 against illaowewfwwerwwerrwe usually nets a double kill, the ult damage is ridiculous. the only issue i've seen is that it actually takes a little too long to get a full illawoweowerwerwwewerewrwe rotation off.


Poppy =


i've been watching streams, and people clearly don't know how to gank illawhatever yet. a standard gank at level 6 against illaowewfwwerwwerrwe usually nets a double kill, the ult damage is ridiculous. the only issue i've seen is that it actually takes a little too long to get a full illawoweowerwerwwewerewrwe rotation off.

yea she seems to have that proper heimer thing of stupid jungler you ruined my lane again


I haven't seen a single Illaoi, enemy or allied, do well so far. It's a bit early to say how strong she is but she doesn't seem OP so far at least.
I haven't seen a single Illaoi, enemy or allied, do well so far. It's a bit early to say how strong she is but she doesn't seem OP so far at least.

I've seen a couple good ones in Team Builder. One guy was already level 4 mastery on his last night and looked every bit of it. All playing support. Her seiging and soul snatching shit can win a lane pretty hard without a significant need to hard engage. She can force any low mobility carry right out of the lane.

I really like her. 800IP away from buying her. I might grind for that over the weekend or something.

And seriously, you simply can't stand around doing the usual "do we wanna fight" dance against an Illaoi team. She just gets more and more tentacles. It's like watching a hurricane coming: the longer you wait, the more likely you are to get killed. If she snatches one soul, the team fight is damn near over for whoever that was.


Interesting. Maybe I'll give it a try in bot lane. My intuition says she's better in top lane though; you'd think the enemy adc + support would easily kill every tentacle since she is weaker against ranged enemies in lane.

I wonder if she's decent in a poke team or better for an engage team.


what must poppy be thinking right now?

she went to bed one night as a rough and tumble, no nonsense, no joke telling woman who could bash your knees in like a loan shark and then woke up as loli pedo bait.

poor girl must be so confused
what must poppy be thinking right now?

she went to bed one night as a rough and tumble, no nonsense, no joke telling woman who could bash your knees in like a loan shark and then woke up as loli pedo bait.

poor girl must be so confused
Lollipoppy more like Lolipoppy.
no one has made that joke before.


edit -> ugh, was checking na.op.gg it says this to me:
"Your MMR is lower than the average expected MMR for players in your division. Your MMR will continue to tank unless you improve your play!"

Dang my MMr only 100 less than avg I guess thats bad or something

I haven't seen a single Illaoi, enemy or allied, do well so far. It's a bit early to say how strong she is but she doesn't seem OP so far at least.

I ran her in bot lane other day and she seems pretty effective with Exhaust summoner spell to help make up for lack of CC. Her E skill is really good when you have an ADC right beside you. We got a lot of kills. Only ran her once in bot lane though and I'm a Silver so I don't know much of anything yo. She's a fun new toy too me tho

nev and breezy list of pain: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueofle...ated_list_of_days_since_champions_got_a_skin/

i see viktor up on that list so i hope he gets a skin soon. lizzy too

leblanc is just over a year so would be nice to see her get a skin too

Leblanc only a year old huh? That is one crazy powerful champ


Played a couple Quinn jungle games. First one went ok. Second one was terrible. I was getting wrecked in my own jungle over and over. Our mid and top didn't roam and didn't win lane. Bot was only salvaged by a great alistar. The lucian ended the game with only a hair more champion damage than alistar -_-

I basically got xp and gold starved and was getting one shot by all their carries - riven, jayce, nocturne, corki. Wasn't fun.

I see the potential but I'm unsure if she will make it into my rotation.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Riot knows their audience. Frumpy boring old Poppy ain't gonna sell skins. Kawaii Poppy is gonna bring wheelbarrows full of money to the rito offices.
Tentacle priestess has a strong laning game but has more trouble during teamfights since she has to have her ult and/or e ready.

Longer she is in lane, more problem she is for her opponent and there jungler.

But against some early game nuker, she should fall.

Also Shaco.
Not liking this poppy rework at all. Oh well

When I read teh q change, it seemed they were giving her a way to farm. In game the range is short as hell. Doesnt even reach both minion waves when they are clumped up.
The fetch part of the passive is meh.

W change is decent since it stops dashes.
E is the basically the same.
R seems counterproductive to the rest of the kit. Q/W/E you want to be up close and personal with someone, R doesnt help too much with that.

Old Q/Passive/R/E and new W wouldve been a good start imo. Then just give her something in her kit to help her with farming. Like splash damage passive on her q or something.


Was playing support. We were 4vs5. Still won.

Honestly I think its more due to the fact I've gotten decent as a support role. My adc set it off tho.

Might try her in ranked. Just need a lil more pratice in Normals

Me and my brother and we have been playing support and adc just going brand and jinx. Now we both ranked up, I'm silver 1 and he is silver 3. Both going bot lane is super nice, so much easier than going with a random person.
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