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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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tell that to the last reworks :^)

Sona I am cry.

Watch HoTS at dreamhack reminds me why I lost interest the game so quickly. The NPCs and objectives do so much of the work for you, it's very anti-climatic.

Some maps objetives literally do the job for you, yet people dont focus on pushing and lose anyway. It gets boring how the new heroes just simply do a better job doing everything alone instead of grouping, too much space for errors without any consecuence



kayle joined up like 18 minutes in but it was 3v5 most of the game

some people are just too bad lol

Good job! I guess you were hearing "Legendary!" left & right :D

I'm so glad my ping went back down to 190.

I can finally play Zyra again. With 230 ping you can't place seeds mid Q or E so it kinda makes the champ unplayable.

Straight up solo carried this game with support Zyra.

Instakilled the fed rumble 3 times with my combo and he called it quits.

huh still never gave that character a chance

Watch HoTS at dreamhack reminds me why I lost interest the game so quickly. The NPCs and objectives do so much of the work for you, it's very anti-climatic.

I love playing HoTS alongside this game. For instance if I'm on tilt in this game or on a losing streak I just go to HoTS.

The point of objectives, from my point of view, is really just to get you to leave lanes and work with the team. In traditional moba, you spend a lot of time alone in a lane.

Not saying one is better than the other. But yeah the point of objectives is really just to encourage team fighting very, very early. You don't just run off to a lane and solo for 10+ mins. HOTS basically skips straight to "mid game" in traditional moba terms
The only thing I dislike about new Poppy is how fucking loud her passive is. You get the shield up and then you have to listen to this high pitched chime that lasts for fucking ever


Costy, what are you building on Quinn jungle? I've been messing around with warriors vs devourer and going atk speed vs raw ad.

I think I like atk speed better:
Devourer, zeal, essence reaver then into phantom dancer.


i think i gotta stop and read a bit into adc items

been enjoying quinn too much to half ass her

Good job! I guess you were hearing "Legendary!" left & right :D
actually i never seem to notice the announcer so nope :p

rammus getting a quadra was pretty funny tho

lol, I wouldn't even be that mad, I'm more amazed that he went to Twitter the found your account then wrote the tweet. Some people.
yea that's actually hilarious
Costy, what are you building on Quinn jungle? I've been messing around with warriors vs devourer and going atk speed vs raw ad.

I think I like atk speed better:
Devourer, zeal, essence reaver then into phantom dancer.

Warrior -> Essence Reaver -> Shiv -> win before building another item, but probably some lifesteal or something


No it's just something that happens to me every now and then when I'm testing her lol

I assume those lines are only meant to be said once when she drops below 40% but she just keeps spamming that shit, it's hilarious

Lol yup actually noticed that too in the custom games I played with her, its like your spamming an emote button. Lol


The work Riot did on Poppy's facial expressions is top notch. Kinda hope for a Lulu VU in the next year to bring her up to par.

Costy, what are you building on Quinn jungle? I've been messing around with warriors vs devourer and going atk speed vs raw ad.

I think I like atk speed better:
Devourer, zeal, essence reaver then into phantom dancer.

From the matches I've spectated (which is strangely few, how are people not trying Quinn jungle more right now?), focus on AD and CDR. Q has a really good AD ratio attached to it and the CDR makes it easy to spam Q and E and have a higher uptime on W as a result. Her recommended build of ER+Shiv is probably the safest way to go.


The work Riot did on Poppy's facial expressions is top notch. Kinda hope for a Lulu VU in the next year to bring her up to par.
that would be amazing, lulu's model is kinda bad

how much longer until they animate each of syndra's toes individually tho

the future is brighter than ever


can someone try and explain to me how poppy's new passive makes any sense. like how is it good and of what use is it going to be throughout the actual game


that would be amazing, lulu's model is kinda bad

how much longer until they animate each of syndra's toes individually tho

the future is brighter than ever

Overall I don't think Lulu's model is bad. It's just that damn face. Same goes with Kennen. When I'm playing blue side so their backs face me it's fine. But every now and then when playing red side I see those gigantic lifeless eyes.

can someone try and explain to me how poppy's new passive makes any sense. like how is it good and of what use is it going to be throughout the actual game

Truth is...it kinda sucks. It's solid for jungling because it means that every camp you're going to get a nice 15% shield. It also has a somewhat neat interaction with either Frozen Mallet or IBG since you get a little ranged slow out of the deal.

But in lane, yeah I'm stumped too. The cooldown is way too long for it to be used to farm at range. I'd be nice if they dumped the extra magic damage on it and made it so that it has reduced CD when you either pick it up or when it bounces back to you after killing the target.

I can see it being a huge pain in the ass in teamfights as well. I have an easier time clicking on Thresh latterns or Bard portals than I do that fucking buckler. The object is tiny and half the time it takes me a good second to even find the damn thing. I don't know how anyone can see it in a scrum of 10 champions with ability VFX firing off all over the place.
can someone try and explain to me how poppy's new passive makes any sense. like how is it good and of what use is it going to be throughout the actual game
Magic damage harass, ranged way to apply on hits to catch up to people, way to farm under harass since it's ranged and also gives you a shield if you last hit with it, extra damage and a scaling shield for teamfights and clearing jungle camps

My only gripe with it is that the CD is obnoxiously long early. It should refund a little bit if you grab the shield back.


Overall I don't think Lulu's model is bad. It's just that damn face. Same goes with Kennen. When I'm playing blue side so their backs face me it's fine. But every now and then when playing red side I see those gigantic lifeless eyes.
yeah it's the face

but i just play squid lulu

squid lulu owns
Would you use NewPoppy's R as a disengage or for initiation? Rito said something about smacking your lane opponent with your ult to make them lose CS.
Support Illaoi is a lot more annoying to deal with than I hoped. Fuck those base damages and tankiness.

Also Mundo is fucking unkillable.
Yeah it has a lot of utility, I think it will be used for disengaging more than engaging, but if you can push someone into your team that is super good.
You can't, it only throws people in a single direction. Maybe if your team flanks whoever you're against lol


Would you use NewPoppy's R as a disengage or for initiation? Rito said something about smacking your lane opponent with your ult to make them lose CS.
Cmon people be more imaginative

Flank the enemy team, E a priority target towards your team and ult the rest away when they try to help em


in your replies none of your explanations really gave any insight as to how poppy's passive is good. it seems like they said "oh she needs a passive uhhh whatever k she throws her shield"


in your replies none of your explanations really gave any insight as to how poppy's passive is good. it seems like they said "oh she needs a passive uhhh whatever k she throws her shield"
Yeah I find her passive a little strange

Its like a shield version of zac blobs

The one advantage I can see is applying melee red buff at range or building frozen mallet/fist and getting a ranged melee slow


in your replies none of your explanations really gave any insight as to how poppy's passive is good. it seems like they said "oh she needs a passive uhhh whatever k she throws her shield"

Ocean gave good examples. Plus if you're chasing someone its nice to get a ranged red biff/ibg/etc slow on them. Its not stupid levels of good like her old, but its far from useless


useless. the examples given were extremely situational (omg red buff application on 1 ranged auto from a melee champion)

the cd is too high to make it worth anything

i think it's trash

you're all trash


Damn. Jungle seems really popular lately. I can't get it unless I'm first or second pick. I had to top /shudder last game.

Warrior -> Essence Reaver -> Shiv -> win before building another item, but probably some lifesteal or something

Nice, thanks. The warriors game I did probably wasn't a good representation as we got f'in stomped. I'll give it another shot.

Don't like PD? The extra movespeed + move through minions just sounded great to me.
useless. the examples given were extremely situational (omg red buff application on 1 ranged auto from a melee champion)

the cd is too high to make it worth anything

i think it's trash

you're all trash
I'm talking about stuff like Phage/Trinity you potato

What's situational about getting a free shield off a last hit anyways? Last hit and go trade, it's not rocket science. It's certainly not the best passive in the world but it's not useless.
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