We aren't bullies we just play the good math geek to do our homework and stop tutoring others.NA are like private school bullies who steal the working class student's homework
do it yourself you twats
Omg that killed me for some reason, don't know why I thought it was that funny.
you guys are euphoric
but of course you would be after that terrible performance at worlds
stay trash, NA
The trick there is that you are one person, and riot has millions of people willing to pay full price for champions.
it's a testament to the success of their marketing and skins teams that you're even considering buying a champion that you're not very interested in just to have her skin.
It always strikes me as comedy reading such loyalty to the regional teams. Never change gaf
No matter what they are playing a game that was created in the NA
I'll definitely check out Valkrin then, I don't think I've ever watched him before.
My guilty pleasure streamer is Saint. he's so jaded, it's wonderful. First streamer I ever watched, too, before QT got popular.
i wouldn't say they're are good, it's more like they're good first paragraphs of a backstoryRight on! Like Ekko, Lucian, Thresh, Kazik (sp?), and Illaio. Some back stories are really, really solid. Heck I even enjoy Diana's back story and her ingame "voice acting" lines are just spot on. I don't know if she's "insane", crazy, or just plain salty. Maybe all of it
that's kind of what i like about itYeah, i kinda was just kidding around. To me it just seems like there is so many different styles clashing together. Like the void creatures, all of the magical people, all the people that use guns and a ton more. It must be crazy tough to try to write about all of this different characters. I like some of the special lore events like the kha and rengar or the ashe, liss and sej one. Those are neat.
Remember how they did the thing where you could pick tf or graves for the blidgewater event. It would be neat if they did a event where you pick a group to fight for, so like Demacia, noxus and some other group.
That Michael Keaton joke too me to long to understand.michael keaton is a poo poo mid
why did i even learn him
all that happened was nerf after nerf after nerf god damnit
Just saw a redmercy vid on it. Want to try it. I will probably feed lol. I suck so bad at cs. If I cs'd properly I would be a lot better.I never liked playing TF (or could have for that matter) till I tried this build where you rush firecannon, rageblade and lichbane for maximum fun.
Edit: The fact that illaoi has the hots from Braum makes me laugh.
too bad the audios always fucked up because of the copyright claims
Just saw a redmercy vid on it. Want to try it. I will probably feed lol. I suck so bad at cs. If I cs'd properly I would be a lot better.
I watch NB3 and Scarra when I can catch him.
T2G now and then when he does the subwars, but not when he actually plays league.
My guilty pleasure is Wings. He used to be one of the big streamers. But now he only gets like 4-5k viewers it seems. I imagine most of it is due to his attitude and complaining. He is ok until he gets to a point where he starts complaining and stuff.
michael keaton is a poo poo mid
why did i even learn him
all that happened was nerf after nerf after nerf god damnit
Tekk's pretty solid about that, actually. He screens the videos personally to make sure there's no copyright issues. I used to use other youtube VOD curators like Fiss Mortune and they never bothered.
yea i know
im just salty those fucking copyright people hit people with strikes for background songs that few people pay attention to anyways which ends up with these weirdly muted audio tracks that can garble the actual commentary
haven't played azir in a long while, he feels pretty awesome with the attack move changes
i wouldn't say they're are good, it's more like they're good first paragraphs of a backstory
it's a lot better for like mf and gangplank and graves now that they did the whole bilgewater thing, and also for azir and xerath, but for a lot of champions it's just really meh
like jinx is a really fun and likable character but her backstory is like "she's crazy about blowing up stuff and likes to blow stuff up in piltover and also she's vi's sister i guess"
that's kind of what i like about it
lots of different random stuff, anime girls, ninjas, guns, it's awesome
yea i know
im just salty those fucking copyright people hit people with strikes for background songs that few people pay attention to anyways which ends up with these weirdly muted audio tracks that can garble the actual commentary
viktor poops on ez
My adc gave me a good laugh a bit ago. She died and I stayed to finish off the two attackers. but the game didnt give her any credit for the kills
So she says,
"Damn. Well guess I'm support!"
I was playing Nautlus. So torn, not sure which character my favorite support. Leona or Naut...
The real leakswhat changes
Learn to play holy shitplaying against an illaoi in lane for the first time
delete this fucking champion holy shit