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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Also with shorter games meaning more team fights, Nami is fantastic since she is a ticking time bomb support. Team fights she becomes a monster that just laughs as the enemy team can't do anything if they don't focus her.

Nothing like landing a five person stun after the enemy team was knocked up.
Also with shorter games meaning more team fights, Nami is fantastic since she is a ticking time bomb support. Team fights she becomes a monster that just laughs as the enemy team can't do anything if they don't focus her.

Nothing like landing a five person stun after the enemy team was knocked up.
I think you got your fishes mixed up, that's Tahm, not Nami.
Nah. Its her.

Tahm, is just stupid. Trying to kill the catfish is one of the most pain in the ass mechanics in the game. I know I play him. I eat all your ultis and survive with 10 health and then my team kills you. GG.

Nami's weak point was pre 6 during lane phase. After lane phase is when she got strong due to her W, R and Q mechanics.
no, nami's strongest phase is laning where her spells can harass people and her ult can't be blocked by things like banshee's veil

mid-late game is where she's weakest.


yeah nami's pretty strong in lane through sustain-poke. she's not terrible but teamfights aren't the best for her since landing bubbles gets hard when people are flanking and moving unpredictably.

she's good for disengage and for moving around the map picking up people, specially with long range adcs like trist or kog that can just slow someone with her e and set up ur bubbles

i think "ticking bomb support" is very much incorrect heh, quite the opposite actually
I disagree.

She has tons of peel for late game, disengage, and ability to keep allies alive. With a team that is built around getting massive engages she excels.

A ticking time bomb support is a support who can carry the team. May not have a heavy kill lane but can make comebacks for the team.
I disagree.

She has tons of peel for late game, disengage, and ability to keep allies alive. With a team that is built around getting massive engages she excels.

A ticking time bomb support is a support who can carry the team. May not have a heavy kill lane but can make comebacks for the team.
Nami's peel is not that great lol. She does everything somewhat well, but nothing ever really stands out which hurts her a lot post 20-30 minutes.
Every time I play Bard I have so much fun, even if I lose. There's something beautiful and hilarious about baiting your team into taking a Magical Journey into the enemy, and everyone laughing hysterically as you get wiped. He creates such high gameplay moments.

I just wish I was good at him so I could have those highs and not lose the game :lol
hes really easy to not lose with

pretend ur soraka and put 3 shrines behind your tower, use ult only to engage and never magical journey unless it's to escape


Every time I play Bard I have so much fun, even if I lose. There's something beautiful and hilarious about baiting your team into taking a Magical Journey into the enemy, and everyone laughing hysterically as you get wiped. He creates such high gameplay moments.

I just wish I was good at him so I could have those highs and not lose the game :lol

you're the worst league of legends player






banshees veil is for mid late game

banshees veil will definitely block nami ult


Well you said laning phase and banshees veil so I thought that's what you were talking about. Did you also not say banshees veil won't block it?


Edit: now I understand your post. You need to fix your word structuring.



had a really weird game of playing with a disconnected adc for like 15 minutes and be winning 13 to 1 lol

also lizzy+nami+ashe is like a nigthmare for mundo, it was hilarious watching him desperately running with full health and never catching anyone while everyone ignored him


indivisible wasn't accepting my credit card so ended up buying 2.5k rp

gonna get syndra skin and some gifts

fine by me


well i'm trying a new way of activism that consists in buying everything that i'm not pleased with and hoping things eventually sort themselves out and i get what i want


or tell phil to give a message to the rito overlords
me and some other people gave feedback on the pbe forums but the response was "nahhh", so what can you do

skins are this weird thing of feeling doubly disappointing when they're not exactly what you want cos not only you're not getting the skin as you envision it right away but you also know that it's gonna be a long while before that champion gets another skin

it sucks

You liar u love it
it's no madoka lux lemme tell you that


i don't even think this skin is bad, i like the concept and the design, it's just lower quality than it should be, specially in comparison to how insanely cool the bard skin is. it just feels uninspired, it could be so much better



hehe silly jungler was that supposed to be a gank~


Water syndra was pretty whatever too and that wasn't very long ago so you're kinda outta luck for a while most likely


that's not not true but i also want one for syndra and ahri and ori and ...

Water syndra was pretty whatever too and that wasn't very long ago so you're kinda outta luck for a while most likely

latest one was queen of hearts syndra which was the lamest skin out of a suits skinline of 750rp skins that was actually really cool looking except for her

syndra is such a cool champion to do skins for

master arcanist, arcade, something volleyball/basketball related, winter wonder poro-throwing whatever, etc.

this concept i kind of like a lot, i just wish it was better


Gold Member
Liss needs a new skin. Her current ones are too edgy. I like her default look much better which is bad for rito if they want to sell liss skins.


Nah blade liss is real cool the ult and E both look super neat as well as the recall

Rock liss on the other hand :-/

I don't think there's a ton of precedent for grimdark champs to get fun skins. We have brolaf and pool party rek... I'm sure there are more but off the top of my head it's basically just those two right?
Nah blade liss is real cool the ult and E both look super neat as well as the recall

Rock liss on the other hand :-/

I don't think there's a ton of precedent for grimdark champs to get fun skins. We have brolaf and pool party rek... I'm sure there are more but off the top of my head it's basically just those two right?

Zombie Brand, Gentleman Cho, Pool Party Rek'Sai, most of Singed's skins, Giant Enemy Crabgot etc.

there are a lot
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