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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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This data isn't curious at all. This is exactly what you expect. If you're not snowballing with Leb after 20 you're losing. Leb needs items, which is exactly why it begins to rise super late.


Leblanc isn't quite as bad as champs like old Nidalee with her fat half health spears from almost offscreen, but she can still feel like you aren't really getting to counterplay her when she can pop a Q > teleport back out of range so quickly. She sidesteps the problem most assassin types have of needing to get in your face for a bit.(although I guess W is kinda doing that).

Definitely one of the most frustrating champs to play against since she's so hard to gank too so the jngler will ignore your lane a lot. Plus she can most definitely snowball easy enough to make sure one never reaches lategame, or if you only reach lategame after simply having no fun mid vs Leblanc.

That being said there are a few champs that do ruin her day (Fizz is my pick of choice).
Lb is a trap for junglers who are too focused on kills

You need to gank lb or at least have the threat of one to keep her honest otherwise she can just use w on cooldown

You don't have to get a kill to hurt her since once she starts saving her w she can't harass or wave clear, gimping her midgame

Lb trading pattern is hardly uncounterable either
i think i made a guy never want to play league ever again lmao
Wtf dude


Leblanc isn't quite as bad as champs like old Nidalee with her fat half health spears from almost offscreen, but she can still feel like you aren't really getting to counterplay her when she can pop a Q > teleport back out of range so quickly. She sidesteps the problem most assassin types have of needing to get in your face for a bit.(although I guess W is kinda doing that). Maybe 'she doesn't have to commit to you except on her terms" is a better way to say it.
she does have to get into fairly low range to get her double q off but yeah, she's not diana or whatever

thing about her is that her poke is very telegraphed and easy to counter if you're caring for it. you can hit her back with skillshots as she moves in a straight line and her chains are easy to dodge. she's targeteable during dash and she's super squishy and even if it's fast it has a travel time.

it's not like talon or katarina or kassadin that have blinks or like fizz that gets untargeteable, you always have a change to fight back, even if it's small. and it's small because she's a lane bully and an assassin, but i'd say out of all assassins she's probably one of the fairest and one of the ones with the fewest bullshit moves.

Definitely one of the most frustrating champs to play against since she's so hard to gank too so the jngler will ignore your lane a lot. Plus she can most definitely snowball easy enough to make sure one never reaches lategame, or if you only reach lategame after simply having no fun mid vs Leblanc.
personally i think playing vs lebonk is a lot of fun as it's almost always a skill matchup. she's annoying for sure but you can always outplay her and she has lots of strong and weak matchups.

also jungler doesn't have to kill her, usually the way lanes go for me is if i'm let loose i'll just constantly overextend to poke and bully until jungler comes and takes my flash away. then i'll cool off and try to play off the cs/exp advantage i've gotten.

and if you're not overextending to poke and bully then you're probably just losing because as a snowball champion you need to be winning or else you're losing, if that makes any sense. you can't just hang back and go even like with ori and still be useful.

tho she's not as extreme as noota says, needing to be like 5-0 before 15 mins.

That being said there are a few champs that do ruin her day (Fizz is my pick of choice).
for sure

This data isn't curious at all. This is exactly what you expect. If you're not snowballing with Leb after 20 you're losing. Leb needs items, which is exactly why it begins to rise super late.
i dunno, i think it kinda is a weird graph (the 40min thing, not the early stuff) for a champion that becomes weaker the more people group and the more things like siege and teamfighting become prevalent vs the picks from early-midgame or just lane-stomping

i checked some other snowbally assassin champions to compare and found that fizz and zed also share that curve of peak early, then winrate that dives at mid-lategame teamfight at the 25-30 min and rise pretty high up at the 40min+ mark. for some reason talon isn't like that and his winrate just goes down as the game goes on, but he also has really high winrate for an assassin so that might be it.

Lb is a trap for junglers who are too focused on kills

You need to gank lb or at least have the threat of one to keep her honest otherwise she can just use w on cooldown

You don't have to get a kill to hurt her since once she starts saving her w she can't harass or wave clear, gimping her midgame

Lb trading pattern is hardly uncounterable either
this is basically it, if you can prevent lebonk from using her w offensively you're already relieving a ton of pressure from midlane and passively winning the game


Lb is a trap for junglers who are too focused on kills

You need to gank lb or at least have the threat of one to keep her honest otherwise she can just use w on cooldown

You don't have to get a kill to hurt her since once she starts saving her w she can't harass or wave clear, gimping her midgame

Lb trading pattern is hardly uncounterable either

Oh I agree that junglers should always make a lane feel unsafe (or think they are unsafe and then jump in when they use their escape for something else so it's on CD), but this is Silver elo for me so I'm lucky if I even get a blue buff as a mid without stealing it from a player or the enemy jng. Half of the Silver elo meta is making the enemy team ragequit even if they had a real comeback chance (this is why LB and Fizz are so great at this elo, they thrive on a lack of coordination).

i dunno, i think it kinda is a weird graph (the 40min thing, not the early stuff) for a champion that becomes weaker the more people group and the more things like siege and teamfighting become prevalent vs the picks from early-midgame or just lane-stomping

i checked some other snowbally assassin champions to compare and found that fizz and zed also share that curve of peak early, then winrate that dives at mid-lategame teamfight at the 25-30 min and rise pretty high up at the 40min+ mark. for some reason talon isn't like that and his winrate just goes down as the game goes on, but he also has really high winrate for an assassin so that might be it.

Assassin late game power spikes have almost always been a thing I thought. I can't remember when they haven't been outside of some outlier situations on certain champs.

heimer is imo a good counter to lebonk

I need to play the donger more in general, he's a fun guy.


Assassin late game power spikes have almost always been a thing I thought. I can't remember when they haven't been outside of some outlier situations on certain champs.
not sure, only checked midlane champions but these few specifically that are very much early game oriented are the ones that have that u shaped power curve

I need to play the donger more in general, he's a fun guy.
no you don't -__-
I love the vision changes, I'm placing so many fucking wards now that I don't have to pay for them

Also I just realized I got matched with Acthius in tb a couple days ago and didn't even notice it was him wtf he was even talking to me before and after the game and it didn't register in my peanut brain
Thank goodness you and Newt are NA.
The heroes NA deserves


was just reading the 5.24 changes

Precision [Cunning - Tier 5] - Armor penetration increased to [ 1/2/3/4/5 (+.1/.2/.3/.4/.5 per level) ] from [ 0.6/1.2/1.8/2.4/3.0 + .06/.12/.18/.24/.3 per level) ]
Thunderlord's Decree - Bonus AD ratio increased to 30% from 20%
i feel like this is a huge buff to ad assassins? i almost feel like adcs will start taking this too?

I love the vision changes, I'm placing so many fucking wards now that I don't have to pay for them
yeah as someone that placed 15-20 wards per game from midlane, the super yellow trinket saves me an enormous amount of money every game

it kinda sucks that i never ever buy red trinket anymore tho..


was just reading the 5.24 changes

i feel like this is a huge buff to ad assassins? i almost feel like adcs will start taking this too?

yeah as someone that placed 15-20 wards per game from midlane, the super yellow trinket saves me an enormous amount of money every game

it kinda sucks that i never ever buy red trinket anymore tho..
That's indeed a big buff to that mastery. Bot/mid lane going to get even more aggressive.


I've been using Thunderlord's as Illaoi support. I feel like it's ok. Is there any better option for her?
You can switch the tentacle hook to a metal hook by playing blitzcrank. :^)

On a more serious note, thunderlord's is probably best if you're playing her bot. Only bond of stone could be a contender.
I dunno about Thunderlords on ADC, it might be good since they're buffing Precision too and offensive keystones are shit now but I feel like Battering Blows is too much of a big deal

It might be a good idea now that Shiv Cannon is donezo, so you can just get RFC with Thunderlords for a bootleg Shiv Cannon


I dunno about Thunderlords on ADC, it might be good since they're buffing Precision too and offensive keystones are shit now but I feel like Battering Blows is too much of a big deal
Yeah, fervor of battle is just too good. The only ones I could see an argument for thunderlord's are Corki, graves and ezreal but even then it is arguable, especially for ezreal.

Supports will probably go a bit more towards it. I know I will give liquid pain's thunder fish build a try.
Lucian, Corki, Graves, Ez should probably keep using Fervor since it stacks faster with abilities

Specially Lucian, auto Q auto is an instant 5 stacks


This preseason overall really hasn't felt that much different to me compared to last season. The keystone masteries haven't added that "strategic diversity" that they were touting and the adc itemization changes haven't really felt like they have impacted the game in a significant way. Games are slightly shorter on the average and sustain in the botlane has come back in a big way but this pre season just pales in comparison to last preseason for me.
I dunno about Thunderlords on ADC, it might be good since they're buffing Precision too and offensive keystones are shit now but I feel like Battering Blows is too much of a big deal

It might be a good idea now that Shiv Cannon is donezo, so you can just get RFC with Thunderlords for a bootleg Shiv Cannon

Thunderlords is really really good on Corki and that's about it. Although, at this point it's not all that fair to consider Corki an ADC given that 70% of his damage against champs will be magic damage.

Lucian, Corki, Graves, Ez should probably keep using Fervor since it stacks faster with abilities

Specially Lucian, auto Q auto is an instant 5 stacks

Not true for Corki. The hybrid pen from Precision and burst damage synergies with Thunderlords makes it a no brainer.


was just reading the 5.24 changes

i feel like this is a huge buff to ad assassins? i almost feel like adcs will start taking this too?

yeah as someone that placed 15-20 wards per game from midlane, the super yellow trinket saves me an enormous amount of money every game

it kinda sucks that i never ever buy red trinket anymore tho..

That is a pretty big buff.


Nooooooo please no buff to ad assasins. Zed is so annoying to play against. The only champ I can think of mid lane that I hate to play against more is Kassadin.


Immortals roster is:
Top - Huni
Jungle - Reignover
Mid - Pobelter
ADC - WildTurtle
Support - Adrian

Idk what that means but it sounds important

Also hotshotgg is streaming so my day is complete


Yeah, fervor of battle is just too good. The only ones I could see an argument for thunderlord's are Corki, graves and ezreal but even then it is arguable, especially for ezreal.

Supports will probably go a bit more towards it. I know I will give liquid pain's thunder fish build a try.
fervor of battle is getting nerfed next patch tho

Nooooooo please no buff to ad assasins. Zed is so annoying to play against. The only champ I can think of mid lane that I hate to play against more is Kassadin.
zed is pretty annoying and this will make his early game a lot stronger

also this'll make zhonyas even more useless
I dunno man. It's incredibly rare to see an adc build Banshee these days in my experience. The all want boots. IE, Shiv/Cannon, life steal and QSS/Last Whisper. You'd have to be really fed to force it, which means your team is probably already ahead so it's like whatever. Supports and mids never build it. You have plenty of targets to burst.

Team fighting in general is the weak point of any assassin. That doesn't mean you fall off, just means you have to play smarter and look for the right window.

Well, Last Whisper is really cheap to buy and they are changing how Shiv and Cannon interact with each other next patch. Plus you shouldn't build BT and Mecurial Scimitar together since MS provides 10% lifesteal anyway.

There's definitely an item slot for Banshee's Veil.
Increasing Jinx’s attack frame when using Fishbones had the unintended side-effect of rooting her for longer than attacking in mini-gun, so we’re bringing it in line to make it feel like it did pre-preseason. Her attack speed is still slowed, mind you, but you’ll regain control of your movement much sooner.
Q - Switcheroo!
Thank fuuuuuuuuuuck Jinx felt like ASS to play
DEATH MACHINE FOR LIFEHurricane bolts are now mini-rockets while using Fishbones!
Best buff
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