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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Powder Keg [E] - Armor penetration increased to 50% (up from 40%)

Sunfire Cape
Armor increased to 50 (up from 45)
But... but why though? I know it's 5 armor but why the fuck
Pillar of Ice [E] - Mana cost increased to 70/75/80/85/90 (up from 60)
Subjugate [R] -
Cooldown increased to 110/90/80 (up from 80/70/60)
Mana cost increased to 100 (up from 75)
El Rekto. No idea Trundle was even strong? lol


jesus they murdered trundle

but yeah, he's actually been pretty good recently and not a lot of people know about it. wonder if it's a precautionary "nip it in the bud" thing.

also random gp buff.


Fuck at that Kindered Nerf. W is absolute life saver and now its just a minimal effect :(

Just when I have had a few grasp on how to play this champ.

I am OK with R changes though, that shit just had a way too short of a cooldown.
I've been abusing Trundle in solo queue recently. But I build Rageblade on him, so I can't tell if Trundle is strong or rageblade is strong on him.
Probably the former, I don't see what Trundle can do with rageblade that he couldn't with other items since half of it's stats go to the shitter on him.


Challenger Nidalee.

Fuck at that Kindered Nerf. W is absolute life saver and now its just a minimal effect :(

Just when I have had a few grasp on how to play this champ.

I am OK with R changes though, that shit just had a way too short of a cooldown.
nah w heal wasnt the strong part of it

the strong part was reducing q's cd to 2 seconds


nah w heal wasnt the strong part of it

the strong part was reducing q's cd to 2 seconds

Nah, its not because having that is a mana drain anyway, so balancing that and jungling is kind a challenging. In fact, When ganking, E, W and then QQQQ took like 2/3 of your mana and you aren't shit if anyone comes in to help.

She is weak and her jungle clear, while can be fast, is as I said mana intensive, so having that little sustain helped me alot during early waves.

Maybe the trouble is me never playing a non-tanky jungler before, but man, her jungling clear and faming is so slow compared to the likes of Seju and Maokai


So long shitty jungle Lichbane, hello shitty jungler Luden's Echo.

Seems really crappy. I'm not sure at all what this is supposed to solve. It's a flat reduction in burst for the current crop of AP assassin junglers (Fizz, Nidalee, Elise) and it's doing absolutely nothing to bring in other AP junglers. What a complete piece of shit change. Who the fucked asked or this? None of the junglers who built Runeglaive are an issue at the moment.


I thought Runeglaive was in a decent pretty spot at the moment. I dunno.

Nah it kinda got fucked. Not a runeglaive jungler in the game with a 50%+ win rate at last check. I like it a lot though idk why they feel the need to change it outside of numbers tuning.


Ah ok, that makes sense then. I feel like it should maybe have more AP, but the idea of a lichbane jungle item was cool.

Surprised there just aren't more jungle items, really. Feels weird to have only a fighter/bursty mage/tank set when champions are much more than that.



so much better, wish they gave her animu eyes on all her skins

also nidalee cougar form looks like some proper power rangers shit

that's awesome lol

Yeah I agree with that.
All the buffs to the assassins are just going to make late game mages a lot worse.
nah, mages will be fine

zhonyas is a tough item to balance. you need it to be a big ticket ap item so you make sure only mages/assassins build it so it needs to have at least 80 ap and you also need to make it situational because that's what the item should be

i just feel it's a very frustrating item to build cos it feels like it takes forever and you have to back with 1k+ gold three times to build it and then it's just underwhelming cos all you've gotten for your 1k gold is the active.

Would adding an extra amp tome and reducing the combine cost by 435 be enough?

1050 combine gold is pretty silly, not even super expensive IE cost that much
the problem is that you'd end up with 115 ap before combine if you'd do that. the way items work in league is that you never lose any stats when upgrading so that couldn't work, and if zhonyas went back to giving 120 ap then it'd be just super cost efficient again

i honestly don't know what to do with the item, i thought about something like it working like seraphs and self-upgrading but that'd be a big clarity hit cos u could suddenly get zhonyas in the middle of a fight just cos ur aoe killed a random minion

maybe making it so it's seekers + blasting wand but seekers scales 20 ap more to compensate? but seekers is already a really cost efficient item so that'd be problematic too...

it's complicated...
I haven't played against a lot of Trundle so far (is he so unpopuler?) but the few times I played against him, he was massive.


I'll keep on playing as her in hope to improve, so don't take it against me.

He can pretty much 1 v 3 if you let him get ahead.Glad to see the nerfs. Champions like Mundo and Trundle that are innately tanky and/or scales off of tankiness are just poor design decisions. No tradeoff involved with build/play style.


Surprised there just aren't more jungle items, really. Feels weird to have only a fighter/bursty mage/tank set when champions are much more than that.

I'm surprised that Riot hasn't taken the opportunity yet to completely remove jungle items altogether. The reasons for their introduction in S3 largely don't exist anymore. They could shift the machete/talisman jungle sustain passives over to smite and do away with the whole concept in a heartbeat.


Champions like Mundo and Trundle that are innately tanky and/or scales off of tankiness are just poor design decisions. No tradeoff involved with build/play style.

Their design is fine and you can't really say there isn't a tradeoff. Really they're just bruisers in disguise. They both have pretty dogshit cc and no true gap close so their only tank traits are that they're hard to kill. If they did no damage and were just big meat shields with no cc it would be boring for everyone and you could just ignore them. They can have really annoying traits like mundo's perma slow but they have to be able to deal a little bit of damage or else they are just completely worthless. They are just overtuned right now and benefited a lot from preseason changes. Happens every year. Mundo's damage is insane.


i'm not going to lie, i had a crap ton of fun on corki last night. i haven't played him since an aram in like 2012 or something. i might be a corki main now.
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