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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Looks' black to me.



Taric becomes a flamboyant black gemadin

Also, when is all stars? Why wont the client tell me these things

Holy shit its THIS WEEKEND?

hype fail
yeah i'll be making the thread later today

didn't rito also kind of screw up worlds hype by not doing any content until the day before?


So we've progressed to everyone taking thunderlords now? When is stormraiders gonna get it's day it can only be a matter of time


she's very popular with me

I think a lot of these "low cooldown, high mana cost" champions like Vel, Syndra, etc are going to come back strong with the mastery and mana regen changes.
i dunno, velkoz is straight op with like 900 base dmg on his ult and other nonsense with that. same with brand and malzahar, these are champions that are really op but they're unpopular so they fly under the nerf radar

syndra, i dunno, she's gotten buffed quite a lot in weird places and that's been boosting her winrate quite a bit but i don't think she's necessarily strong, too many tanks running around and her e is still buggy as all shit.

So we've progressed to everyone taking thunderlords now? When is stormraiders gonna get it's day it can only be a matter of time
thunderlords was already the best offensive keystone in 5.23 if you weren't a dot mage

it's just really good because it aligns really well with most mage's poke patterns. like with syndra you'll just grab a minion, hurl it over other mid's head, q and auto them and get the thunderlord's proc then walk away. same with ori, qw auto then walk away. with viktor you have two procs in ur q and your upgraded e so it's really easy to get thunderlords proc off, etc.

i really like that mastery, i feel like it rewards aggressive play and commiting to trades rather than just being a bit of extra dmg like deathfire

stormraiders is also a cool mastery in concept, i'd really like to use that on, say, viktor since he probably could just proc it with double e and adding also the ms buff from his q he'd probably be super hard to catch


i think deathfire should be removed entirely and replaced with something interesting that has an actual play pattern rather than just "make dot champions incredibly broken"

stormraiders i love the concept but i think it's wrongfully aimed at assassins rather than mages. like being on % health just makes it so that it's only good against squishies and assassins will always rather have the bit extra dmg to secure the kill rather than a bit of extra ms. like leblanc or ahri or zed can always back out and someone like fizz can zhonyas until he has e cd back.

but if it had like a really high dmg threshold that you have to meet then mages could proc it through aoe and it helps you kite and chase which is way more useful than a bit of cdr to escape as an assassin


Runic Echoes feels like ass on Elise. Whichever jungler this change is aimed won't be helped very much nor will it bring in any new champions who given the right circumstances can jungle right now (Karthus, Zyra) because their issues aren't related to itemization but getting pounded early on in the jungle.


Runic Echoes feels like ass on Elise. Whichever jungler this change is aimed won't be helped very much nor will it bring in any new champions who given the right circumstances can jungle right now (Karthus, Zyra) because their issues aren't related to itemization but getting pounded early on in the jungle.
i've said it before, champions like zyra and karthus and brand are just a trap for rito to balance ap junglers around

balance it around diana, elise and nidalee and fiddle and fuck everyone other ap champion

you belong midlane damn it

its just an ezreal item
per tradition ezreal has to ruin one jungle item so might as well get it over with quickly


Runic Echoes feels like ass on Elise. Whichever jungler this change is aimed won't be helped very much nor will it bring in any new champions who given the right circumstances can jungle right now (Karthus, Zyra) because their issues aren't related to itemization but getting pounded early on in the jungle.


Based on the fact that it coincides with a buff to his ult I just assumed they wanted to give him some love.


thunderlords was already the best offensive keystone in 5.23 if you weren't a dot mage

it's just really good because it aligns really well with most mage's poke patterns. like with syndra you'll just grab a minion, hurl it over other mid's head, q and auto them and get the thunderlord's proc then walk away. same with ori, qw auto then walk away. with viktor you have two procs in ur q and your upgraded e so it's really easy to get thunderlords proc off, etc.

i really like that mastery, i feel like it rewards aggressive play and commiting to trades rather than just being a bit of extra dmg like deathfire

stormraiders is also a cool mastery in concept, i'd really like to use that on, say, viktor since he probably could just proc it with double e and adding also the ms buff from his q he'd probably be super hard to catch

I think fervor was still more common last patch. I just tuned into a qtpie game for just a minute and pretty sure there were 6 tlords in the game including both adcs

lol sorry double post gotta pad those wall of shame numbers i guess


I think fervor was still more common last patch. I just tuned into a qtpie game for just a minute and pretty sure there were 6 tlords in the game including both adcs

lol sorry double post gotta pad those wall of shame numbers i guess

yeah fervor was the keystone on non mids i think

right now i don't know, probably thunderlord on everyone since cunning also gives like twice as much arpen now lmao


I love the keystones but it is gonna be really hard for them to create masteries like those in the offensive tree without them dictating the meta

fervor is legit trash now

I'd honestly be shocked if they left the offensive tree in its current state. I fully expect Riot to completely rework 2 if not all 3 of the offensive keystones. The cunning keystones are cool but idk if anyone is gonna take stormraider's over thunderlords. The defensive keystones rock but idk if i've seen a single person take strength of ages lol


i just dont understand the fervor nerf. stacking it on minions was 100% essential for bruisers. even with 2 stacks per ability, if you can't pre-stack before going in for trades you might as well not even have the mastery. by the time you get it fully stacked now, you've already ended your trade and thus can't actually utilize what it gives you.


Honestly don't even know what masteries to run on ADC anymore. Offensive tree just keeps getting gutted

Might try thunderlord lucian


guess its time to just ignore the ferocity tree because its the shittiest tree of all time.

tbh i felt bad going 18 in ferocity on most champions already, this just ensures i'll probably never do it again

i've been running a split of 18 in a tree, and 6/6 in the other trees for a lot of things. it actually works really well.
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