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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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rengar is the 4th most played jungler right now

the nerf's coming i can feel it

you've been a bad kitty, your days are numbered you piece of trash


i've said it before, champions like zyra and karthus and brand are just a trap for rito to balance ap junglers around

balance it around diana, elise and nidalee and fiddle and fuck everyone other ap champion

you belong midlane damn it

per tradition ezreal has to ruin one jungle item so might as well get it over with quickly

All the bolded champions work best in a more assassin oriented role. None of them are particularly strong right now and yet Runeglaive - between it's better raw single target damage, 10% CDR, and the low-ish CDs these champions have on spell(s) that increase the proc rate of spellblade - is the better item on them.

I guess Nidalee could make good use of it but doesn't this make her more frustrating.. Instead of having to get in close to land an AA and proc spellblade her spears will now apply Echo when they hit at any range. That sounds fucking obnoxious.

You know your mids, right? Can you think of a single one that wants to rush Luden's Echo? I'm legit asking, because I sure as shit can't. I can think of several champions who might eventually pick it up, particularly low CD poke specialists like Ziggs and Xerath but that's after they've picked up the good chunk of CDR that's necessary to make the best use of Luden's since the base and scaling damage on the Echo proc aren't anything to write home about.

So if you think of the jungle items as "poor man's" version of better items, each of them is associated to an item you could legitimately see as the first completed item. Warriors is Youmuu's, Cinderhulk is Sunfire, Devourer is Rageblade (kinda, Devourer has its own thing going on), and Runeglaive is Lichbane...

No one rushes Luden's in lane.

The change out and out isn't awful. The change from Magus to Runeglaive put some AP junglers out to dry while pushing some that were fringe up quite a bit. Runic Echo isn't going to suddenly make the current crop of AP junglers disappear, just make them not as good, so it's got that going for it, but it isn't going to bring up a whole new cadre of AP junglers up either. Magus -> Runeglaive was a lateral shift, I'm worried Runeglaive -> Runic Echoes is a small but noticeable net negative.

Unless jungle Ziggs is something I'm not aware of at the moment.

As far as Fiddle goes...


Based on the fact that it coincides with a buff to his ult I just assumed they wanted to give him some love.

Even when Magus was the AP jungle enchantment high elo Fiddlesticks players would skip it and rush Zhonya's. Fiddle's base damages are so good that the utility provided by having Zhonya's active available as soon as possible outweighed the benefit of more AP.

Magus was a poor man's Morello's - an item that Fiddlesticks could actually use properly - and experienced Fiddlesticks players still skipped it. Runic Echo is a crappy Luden's, an item that Fiddlesticks doesn't use very at all, so those good Fiddlesticks players are going to do the same thing as they did with Magus and as they currently do with Runeglaive - skip it.
Thunderlord already works great for caster ADCs like Ezreal/Corki/MF/Lucian. Now it's really a no brainer.

Auto-reliant ADCs like Cait and Ashe got screwed by successive nerfs to Warlord's and Fervor.


Thunderlord already works great for caster ADCs like Ezreal/Corki/MF/Lucian. Now it's really a no brainer.

Auto-reliant ADCs like Cait and Ashe got screwed by successive nerfs to Warlord's and Fervor.
Caster adc are more fun to watch and play

i think deathfire should be removed entirely and replaced with something interesting that has an actual play pattern rather than just "make dot champions incredibly broken"

stormraiders i love the concept but i think it's wrongfully aimed at assassins rather than mages. like being on % health just makes it so that it's only good against squishies and assassins will always rather have the bit extra dmg to secure the kill rather than a bit of extra ms. like leblanc or ahri or zed can always back out and someone like fizz can zhonyas until he has e cd back.

but if it had like a really high dmg threshold that you have to meet then mages could proc it through aoe and it helps you kite and chase which is way more useful than a bit of cdr to escape as an assassin
Yeah beat the assassins while they're down


I've bought skins before for champions I hardly play. Buying every skins for such a champ though, wouldn't it be kinda too much? :d
Not for the savings. I wish Riot did it more often, bundle all of a champions skins together either with a small discount or none at all. Would save me those extra clicks.


i think corki might be one of the best adc's coming up soon, simply because of keystone changes. 0/18/12. and i say this as a corki main with a perfect KDA and 100% winrate


What build poppy? Went warriors while opponent poppy went cinderhulk. I crushed her early but wasn't as tanky later. Liked dead mans plate. Didn't like steraks as much. Black cleaver might be good.


I guess Void Staff is generally better for AD Corki?

in theory, yes


look at all that magic damage. void staff is also just all around better than LDR

however, if you're forced to auto a lot (cant think of many situations for this), LDR is still decent since the 15% bonus still applies to the magic damage

On his passive: "Both components apply life steal, even though on-hit magic damage does not usually interact with the effect."

oh. thats nice to know.


New Poppy seems crazy good.

Had a game earlier where she fought 3 enemy guys who were trying to take the baron.
Killed all 3 of them and the baron, before walking off into the sunset.


new poppy is more of a tanky tank killer than an all in squishy 1 shotter now

if they pick malphite or something stupid tanky, poppy can murder it while still being super tanky.

her passive still blows though
I wanna pretend the people I'm playing against aren't actually bad and in reality I'm becoming a Trist god

I'll just move on to whatever bullshit mastery is on the line next until I'm forced to pick Warlords again for lack of options
Holy shit. lol. Yeah---you kind of wrecked 'em.


I'm reminded of the time nasus ult accidentally had a decimal misplaced and just instakilled people. that might have been pbe only tho
Is there any video of this?


Watching meteos play poppy jungle.

The damage looks insane if you're able to hit both Qs.

Clearing camps look really nice.

Ult is still kind of useless though.


I'm confused-- why are they reworking Taric? He's one of the top supports (at least in lower elo).

Shouldn't they be reworking characters no one gives two shats bout like Yorick / Galic / etc? So many unknown heroes and yet they persist in reworking the popular champs


Yeah I find the fact that her shield bounce is RNG kinda awkward (dumb)

Why not just put it inbetween her and her target??
I'm confused-- why are they reworking Taric? He's one of the top supports (at least in lower elo).

Shouldn't they be reworking characters no one gives two shats bout like Yorick / Galic / etc? So many unknown heroes and yet they persist in reworking the popular champs

taric's been popular for maybe 3 weeks

riot has probably been in the process of reworking him for a year or more.

he also looks like garbage and isn't really engaging to play at all. and I say that as someone who likes playing taric a lot.
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