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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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i would if i could

honestly i feel like just taking tp exhaust because im gonna need a global to save some of these fucktards

0/6 mid out of lane
0/7 top out of lane



Why is it that Yasuo players are just predominantly bad? I know you can be shit at a champ, I'm terrible at a fair few myself but why is it always Yas?


cos yasuo is a douchebag that attracts douchebags that only know how to douchebag and unlike vayne yasuo you can't just douchebag your way to victory
Because Yasuo is the Worst Design In The Game and as a result he attracts terrible people.

I wouldn't be that harsh on him if it wasn't for the fact I got in writing from a Rioter that "we'll never make a spell like [exact description of Wind Wall]".


i think he's far from the worst design, he's actually kind of awesome, it's just that he's got such a lame and douchy personality and look combined with being the outplay 1v9gg type of champion that just attracts the worst people lol


Because Yasuo takes both heaps of skill to play but can also carry a team himself

So he attracts players who think they are the second coming of Faker and who try to carry their bronze shitter teams

Overconfidence and risk taking = getting destroyed
I still dont get the last hit stuff, the enemy vayne killed like 397 minions and I just killed like 190
Was her team winning and so she was able to freely farm as you had to group with your team?

Did you stick with your team too much?

If you guys spent the same amount of time farming, she was probably just better at last hitting than you


honestly i suck at farming pretty bad

not necessarily last hitting but sometimes i'll just won't realize it and will have a ton of farm taken from me and i'll just play passive and keep grouping while i should go take what's mine in another lane


surely you jest Taric is the shitznit right now. His win rate totally stomps on those unknowns

link: http://na.op.gg/statistics/champion/

Taric is #15. Yorick is at the bottom of the river

edit: btw set it to my division (Silver). Don't go setting it to Challenger who knows what crazy supernatural kits they got going
Champions don't get reworked because they're bad, they get reworked because their kits are hard to balance. Only reason Taric got relevant again was thanks to some of the new masteries and those are being or will be nerfed.


alright so I have like 800 aram games under the belt over the last 12 months or so, I think it might be time to get back into Summoner's Rift. I think I'll pick Kindred for jungle and Vel Koz for mid, those are my two favorites. Not sure about a support champion yet, as I pretty much hate all of them - my timing for shielding and ulting team mates is just not very good. For top I was thinking Trundle maybe (gotta unlock him first), I don't really like the tanks either but when I play one I want them to be able to duel, being a pin cushion sucks. Hm, or maybe I'll go with Vlad
Damn, that's why he stopped streaming. That sucks.
It was one of the reasons he took a break, no the reason. He was having personal issues, so that plus giving his wrists a break, feeling stressed and working with a challenger team is why he's taking a break from streaming.

EDIT - Actually Voyboy isn't a coach, he's playing top as a starter lol
i would if i could

honestly i feel like just taking tp exhaust because im gonna need a global to save some of these fucktards

0/6 mid out of lane
0/7 top out of lane


Go jungler. I usually pick up Udyr or Zac. These days it's all about being that presence.

Be zac. See top lane failing. Be in mid. Jump half the river in a second. ??? Profit.

I'm surprised I'm not seeing Zac more often in any position. He's pretty strong right now and his jump is one of the best abilities in game.


Dunno about the new poppy. She's actually pretty strong around mid game but then seems to fall off pretty hard late. Maybe it was the way I built her. Going to have to try a few more times. Only took an 8 min teambuilder queue to do it last time sigh.


It was one of the reasons he took a break, no the reason. He was having personal issues, so that plus giving his wrists a break, feeling stressed and working with a challenger team is why he's taking a break from streaming.

EDIT - Actually Voyboy isn't a coach, he's playing top as a starter lol

Hairyabs was telling everyone voy was playing top but voy's post on reddit said he is coaching and rohammers is top
Dunno about the new poppy. She's actually pretty strong around mid game but then seems to fall off pretty hard late. Maybe it was the way I built her. Going to have to try a few more times. Only took an 8 min teambuilder queue to do it last time sigh.
Wouldn't late game be where her ult is the strongest? Uncontested objectives and 4v5 teamfights at a press of a button.
Wouldn't late game be where her ult is the strongest? Uncontested objectives and 4v5 teamfights at a press of a button.

Probably depends on team comps.

Facing heavy group of bursters late game champs the disengage probably never happens and she dies quick.

Facing team with more juggernauts/tanks, yeah more useful end game.




we're seeing all five people on a team running thunderlords

not very balanced or fun to play because there's zero diversity.
i dunno, haven't played in 5.24 yet so can't give much of an opinion but not sure if it's hotfix-worthy specially since we're running close to the end of the year and if a hotfix introduces any issues rito's gonna be slow in fixing

it's a pity cos thunderlord is the one keystone i find interesting and rewarding to use, so i'd rather it didn't get nerfed, but what can you do, masteries rework was pretty dumb

I have and they are never on my team.
have you, really?

or have you just had really shitty mids?

cos like, yasuo is really dumb in the laning phase and can be really rage-inducing in some matchups, but that's like playing zed or syndra, if you don't win laning phase you're just bad
have you, really?

or have you just had really shitty mids?

cos like, yasuo is really dumb in the laning phase and can be really rage-inducing in some matchups, but that's like playing zed or syndra, if you don't win laning phase you're just bad
Yeah it was probably an above average yasou vs a crappy mids. He kinda had the shaco thing where when you ever have a shaco he is shit but on the other team he is amazing. How is shaco right now i might pick him up, of another adc.


I gotta learn to read. Jumped the gun buying Dragon Trainer Trist, and had to use my last refund token, as I didn't see that the Legendary -> Free Mystery Chest doesn't start until the 23rd, lol

Edit: At least I finally have Winter Wonderland Orianna. Orianna has become my go-to mid, and this is the only skin of hers that doesn't freak me out. *expects new Ori skin to hit PBE in two weeks 'cause of this*
Was her team winning and so she was able to freely farm as you had to group with your team?

Did you stick with your team too much?

If you guys spent the same amount of time farming, she was probably just better at last hitting than you

Match in question

We were kinda equal first but her Nautilus didnt let me farm, lose the lane when the enemy jungle decided to help her and she just simple roam around lanes killling minions mostly. And yes I stayed with my team later on
i dunno, haven't played in 5.24 yet so can't give much of an opinion but not sure if it's hotfix-worthy specially since we're running close to the end of the year and if a hotfix introduces any issues rito's gonna be slow in fixing

it's a pity cos thunderlord is the one keystone i find interesting and rewarding to use, so i'd rather it didn't get nerfed, but what can you do, masteries rework was pretty dumb

have you, really?

or have you just had really shitty mids?

cos like, yasuo is really dumb in the laning phase and can be really rage-inducing in some matchups, but that's like playing zed or syndra, if you don't win laning phase you're just bad

The problem is that the latest mastery changes have pretty much made the ferocity tree completely useless. Which is dumb. I really didn't think anything was too OP last patch, so I don't know why it all got gutted.
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