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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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dear riot

newt has terrible opinions

annie - bear dot is there so the bear is relevant after it comes down

malph - AS slow allows you to reduce the dps of bruisers and carries

anivia - ult is to wave clear + zone control + does a lot of damage if you trap them in it. great kit. ult-e is just for harassing so duh

nunu - sucks. built on the theme of an abominable snowman

Kayle isn't useless, but her kit isn't coherent
she just does everything


dear riot

newt has terrible opinions

annie - bear dot is there so the bear is relevant after it comes down

malph - AS slow allows you to reduce the dps of bruisers and carries

anivia - ult is to wave clear + zone control + does a lot of damage if you trap them in it. great kit. ult-e is just for harassing so duh

nunu - sucks
I mean, Riot agrees with me. They already confirmed that changes to the immobile mages are going to happen.

give us the link so we can laugh at it.
1.64 fucking K fucking K views.
I like Annie the way she is. She's a mechanically simple champion but an excellent introduction to mages. There's lots you can still learn from practicing her.

Anivia is also fine except her obnoxious lategame tower defense.

I personally find Yorick, Rengar and Ziggs the poorest designs.
Swain, Nunu and Yasuo (windwall) could use a few tweaks too.


Mm. First time playing cassio in ages. Fortunately despite my masteries saying it was my poppy page it was the right page.

She's actually pretty strong with deathfire touch. I absolutely melted people. Might play her some more of I have to mid.


I may actually quit playing Kindered pretty soon. She is basically really weak without those hunts, and I keep dying way too much. Can't really handle how Squishy she is. Funny that I sort of main Sona and can basically go a whole game just dying once or twice.

I think I maybe playing Kindered wrong, so if there is any advice I am all ear.

Now that I feel an urge of playing a new champ I am thinking picking Kayle Jungle. because I own with her at ARAM (Her late game is just way too destructive)


Kayle doesn't really have any useless spells though. Her kit is pretty coherent.

W - Catch up to people, heal team mates
Q - Slow/Damage
E - Ranged AA/Waveclear
R- Save people/Prevent burst

Kayle is basically just better lategame Lulu worse earlygame.

Also, the 4 I've mentioned probably are the champs with the biggest issues. There's Taric too, but he's confirmed to be reworked. Maybe Yorick, but I think he;s confirmed too.
yea dunno why i wrote useless, my b. but just poorly designed in general

her e is gimmicky and her q and w are boring and one dimensional

I mean, Riot agrees with me. They already confirmed that changes to the immobile mages are going to happen.
there are champions with bigger gameplay problems like rengar, tahm, malzahar, heimer, blitzcrank, irelia, zilean, talon, akali, soraka, cho'gath, warwick, aatrox. there's more but this is just a few

problems as in low counterplay, overly simple/one-dimensional kits, feast or famine gameplay, lack of identity, etc.

i'd put champions like anivia and annie in a tier or two above these because while they're low on the counterplay stuff they also have a really strong identity and have fairly balanced kits with noticeable strengths and weaknesses and all that

something like malzahar or rengar is just poor champion design and someone like tahm just breaks the game in ways that aren't fun for anyone


Kayle's E is just bad design.
i'd say the whole of kayle is bad design

her ult is the only interesting thing about her and even then it mostly creates moments of frustration of the game

there are no great outplays with kayle, she ults and stat checks and wins or loses and then just plays adc

that's just a lame champion


Remember when Kayle actually had monster ratios behind her abilities?

Pressing E and hitting the first hit with a lich bane and nearly 1 shotting people was so fun.


it's not a balance thing, it's a design thing

kayle is fine in that she's not super op or anything but her design is really poor and imo should get a pretty big rework

utility ap adc is not a bad niche, that's cool for her and everything, but why not give her actually interesting spells to go with that

i also think making her ult castable on allies only would shift her in an interesting direction and combined with actually missable spells with bigger cooldowns could result in a lot of space for her to be buffed and given really strong and unique points of power

Remember when Kayle actually had monster ratios behind her abilities?

Pressing E and hitting the first hit with a lich bane and nearly 1 shotting people was so fun.
dfg kayle was my favorite

i miss dfg


i am wise

also small hotfix with poppy e buff

I love Jax. He will be my first rank 5 mastered champion soon. Once I reach that rank I will start using Nemesis Jax and spamming my mastery taunt like the sickening Jax main I am.


So I want to start learning new jungle champs, who should I got to next? Previously I've been Warwick or Xin, haven't bothered with anyone else though I did try Elise once and that was terrible for me.


So I want to start learning new jungle champs, who should I got to next? Previously I've been Warwick or Xin, haven't bothered with anyone else though I did try Elise once and that was terrible for me.
Well basically it seems like you've only been playing training wheel champs.


So I want to start learning new jungle champs, who should I got to next? Previously I've been Warwick or Xin, haven't bothered with anyone else though I did try Elise once and that was terrible for me.

Rammus is pretty ridiculous right now and easy to use. Amumu is always strong and brain dead easy to use


So I want to start learning new jungle champs, who should I got to next? Previously I've been Warwick or Xin, haven't bothered with anyone else though I did try Elise once and that was terrible for me.

Nocturne. Like xin but better early game and you have the ability to kill people even if they flash as long as you hit Q

Volibear. Like xin but a tank.

Kindred. Nothing like xin.

Jax. Like xin but scales harder with the two items.


I think I'm done playing in the preseason right now, lol. Like 1/4 of the games have a dc or a troll in them.
I dunno, I guess I should be glad the report system doesn't do anything, but ehh.


Part of the problem

If you were a saint you should be winning more in preseason since the trolls would be on the other team
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