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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Part of the problem

If you were a saint you should be winning more in preseason since the trolls would be on the other team
Well, I'm not winning more, but I am winning because of trolls on the other team too. Games are like dice tosses.


i'd say it's more like you don't get to complain about trolls noota :p
Well, when I troll it's technically not reportable. Shit like Bard top or Bard jungle is gonna lose the game for sure, but thanks to Lyte's league of hurt feelings it's actually fine.

Problem with the current system is that it prioritizes shit talking over actual player actions.


I like Annie the way she is. She's a mechanically simple champion but an excellent introduction to mages. There's lots you can still learn from practicing her.

Anivia is also fine except her obnoxious lategame tower defense.

I personally find Yorick, Rengar and Ziggs the poorest designs.
Swain, Nunu and Yasuo (windwall) could use a few tweaks too.

Yorick is outdated, Rengar is pretty bad too but why Ziggs? I am just curious, the meta doesn't favor him but overall I think he's pretty good, especially for his champion age. Skillshots, zoning, and a timed auto booster don't seem particularly unhealthy to me.

I think Shaco, Warwick, Yorick, Urgot and Yasuo are probably the champs that make my go "Why" the most.

Shaco: like Rengar, extremely frustrating to play against a good one who is fed and extremely useless on a team otherwise. At least champions like Teemo can kind of matter with pre-fight disadvantaging a team with well placed mushrooms or Eve flanking through wards, but Shaco? He's not even a particularly good split pusher anymore.

Warwick: the only champ that can literally make me fall asleep playing. A passive, a click to buff, and two point n clicks that mandate farming til 6 followed by "hit stuff on cd forever"". Getting updated at least

Yorick: I don't even want to go into it. Mess of a kit all around.

Urgot: Like pre patch Quinn, the rest of it makes sense sorta and then you just get to the ult and go 'why would you put this on an ADC"

Yasuo: Windwall is so imbalanced that the rest of Yasuo's kit will remain mediocre to bad because of it. The definition of problematic for me.
I hardly think Yasuo's PQER are mediocre. Each piece is just as useful as the other ones. His kit is one of the few that have incredible cohesiveness between each ability.


Well, when I troll it's technically not reportable. Shit like Bard top or Bard jungle is gonna lose the game for sure, but thanks to Lyte's league of hurt feelings it's actually fine.

Problem with the current system is that it prioritizes shit talking over actual player actions.

i'm talking sweet poetic justice here, who cares if u get chat banned lmao


I hardly think Yasuo's PQER are mediocre. Each piece is just as useful as the other ones. His kit is one of the few that have incredible cohesiveness between each ability.

I dunno mang. Without Windwall i don't think Yasuo'd get picked much at all for any particular team comp. He did have that short time in the sun with keystone synergy stuff but...


I dunno mang. Without Windwall i don't think Yasuo'd get picked much at all for any particular team comp. He did have that short time in the sun with keystone synergy stuff but...

Yeah that's like saying without trynd ult he'd be bad. Pretty obvious. Every melee carry needs an ability for survivability so they don't insta die to range

Windwall is one of the most interesting abilities in the game and the hate it gets is so misguided


Yeah that's like saying without trynd ult he'd be bad. Pretty obvious. Every melee carry needs an ability for survivability so they don't insta die to range

Windwall is one of the most interesting abilities in the game and the hate it gets is so misguided

If it jived with the rest of his kit maybe so, but it doesn't, so it feels out of place.Other slippery champs like Fizz, Zed, and Kat with movement based abilities in a similar role in lane like him manage to do just fine too without a plop-it-down n wait til it's over thing. Interesting doesn't mean balanced, neither does boring.

But it gets a pass because it's as useful as it is. And that's fine, it's not like it's the only ability in the game that feels out of place with the rest of the kit to me. And that's fine too, stuff doesn't have to work how I imagine it to.



tfw maybe taking a break from ranked wasn't such a great idea

If it jived with the rest of his kit maybe so, but it doesn't, so it feels out of place.Other slippery champs like Fizz, Zed, and Kat with movement based abilities in a similar role in lane like him manage to do just fine too without a plop-it-down n wait til it's over thing. Interesting doesn't mean balanced, neither does boring.

But it gets a pass because it's as useful as it is. And that's fine, it's not like it's the only ability in the game that feels out of place with the rest of the kit to me. And that's fine too, stuff doesn't have to work how I imagine it to.

I guess i don't understand what you mean by it doesn't go with the rest of his kit. His whole kit is about repositioning and creating an extra obstacle for him to reposition around is what makes him a cool champ. Wind wall makes or breaks yasuo, not because of how strong it is but because of how effective a well placed one is and how worthless a poorly placed one is.
Windwall is frustrating and janky to play against in close quarter 1v1 situations. lt's hard to know if your autoattack/spell will apply or not.

It's not a good spell, even if it looks cool or feels "skillfull" to the Yasuo player.
Windwall is frustrating and janky to play against in close quarter 1v1 situations. lt's hard to know if your autoattack/spell will apply or not.

It's not a good spell, even if it looks cool or feels "skillfull" to the Yasuo player.

Yasuo is one those champs, that is so utility based, that any champ that can get around his windwall can wreck him. I've started seeing people go Garen, Malphite, Ali mid vs Yasuos, because Yasuo can't play well against their kits.

Anyone who knows me, knows I don't like Yasuo, but I understand where he is in the Meta. He's that super annoying wombo combo assassin designed to crap all over casters. Which is why he sucks against champs who don't need to build dmg to scale into the mid game.


I guess i don't understand what you mean by it doesn't go with the rest of his kit. His whole kit is about repositioning and creating an extra obstacle for him to reposition around is what makes him a cool champ. Wind wall makes or breaks yasuo, not because of how strong it is but because of how effective a well placed one is and how worthless a poorly placed one is.

I say it doesn't really go with the rest of his kit because you could put basically any other form of utility there and it'd serve the same function of stopping harass or adding to his movement or w/e. How is it working with the rest of his kit if this is the case? His movement builds up his whirlwind which he can fire off to connect to his ult.I actually see how it works there.

Meanwhile, Windwall could be Poppy's new W, or Galio's E, or Fiora's W, w/e. It serves it's purpose, but it's definitely not cohesive in the same way as the rest of his theme is. He's a wind wanderer dashy-guy suddenly hiding behind a wall.

Also, I have rarely been a big fan of the mechanics in League where there is basically no counterplay or interaction with a mechanic, especially when that mechanic doesn't put the user at any real risk or resource loss (like old Nid spears) and that move definitely feels like one of them. It totally nullifies the entire kit of several champs and effectively pauses the action with no risk to his team (unlike say Anivia wall, Gragas ult, Kindred ult ect). Also the visual and mechanic inconsistency for what is and isn't considered a projectile is pretty annoying too yea.

But whatever, not worth it to talk about Yasuo so much.


Nocturne. Like xin but better early game and you have the ability to kill people even if they flash as long as you hit Q

Volibear. Like xin but a tank.

Kindred. Nothing like xin.

Jax. Like xin but scales harder with the two items.

I think what I like the most out of a jungler is gap closing. Nocturne definitely sounds like that, as well as Jax and Volibear. I originally bought Kindred and tried to play her but just didn't click with her, might give it another try. Cheers!
play nunu
Haha yeah I should really play Nunu.
Well basically it seems like you've only been playing training wheel champs.

I guess so, I don't really go out of my way to play the jungle role but I do enjoy it when the need arises. Makes me feel like I can actually dictate how my game is going to play.


Nocturne. Like xin but better early game and you have the ability to kill people even if they flash as long as you hit Q

Volibear. Like xin but a tank.

Kindred. Nothing like xin.

Jax. Like xin but scales harder with the two items.

You're probably better than me at jungling but Nocturne is Xin with a better early game what


ugh hating playing against a fed mundo, top swain fed him good. Took every magic pen item in the game, but I was finally able to take him down with cassio. Do people use the DOT keystone on her? I used thunderlords and it felt pretty good and easy to proc.
ugh hating playing against a fed mundo, top swain fed him good. Took every magic pen item in the game, but I was finally able to take him down with cassio. Do people use the DOT keystone on her? I used thunderlords and it felt pretty good and easy to proc.
Offensive keystones are poopers right now


yeah just wasn't sure if it was still worth going for that keystone on her or not, but I figured its league of thunderlords right now so I rolled with that. lol

I think you can go either way with cassio. I opted for the deathfire touch one when I played her last night and it went well. Tons of damage.


I think you can go either way with cassio. I opted for the deathfire touch one when I played her last night and it went well. Tons of damage.
yeah seems she could go either way. Wasn't quite sure if people still build tear on her, watched incarnation the other day and he said he doesn't like doing tear on her anymore. I saw he went RoA, Rylai's, Will of Acients as his first 3 items in two games in his match history.


Gold Member
Renekton is the only balanced lane bully in the game imo

Eh.. I play him tons and I think he is super strong right now. There's very few champs that can outright destroy him in laning phase and even then it's still outplayable.

Dunno if there was a random helicopter buff for jax but it seems like reneks empowered W is blocked by jax's counterstrike as well as the stun. I remember it stunning jax back in season 5. Dunno if it's my imagination but i can't bullu jax anymore due to it.


Note to self - "players who pick "cool" characters like zed are very likely mentally challenged 10 year old kids based on behaviour"



Dammit I had a dream about league last night.

We were on summoners rift and I was Vayne and he was Nami. He'd bubble everyone and i'd keep stunning ppl into walls.


TIL that you can buy RP with a Subway or Burger King gift card.

Why can you buy RP with a fast food gift card, and why didn't McDonalds jump on board?
These are the questions that keep one awake at night.

Actually serious question, I bought Winter Lulu, but didn't have enough for Silent Night Sona. I'm not gonna' have enough to buy that one until after Christmas. Snowdown skins are surely still around by then?
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