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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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To me, 150ms is the absolutely ceiling for MP games. Any higher than that will make its presence known.

Lower is better though. I think I hit 8ms on Garena before.


Just to lose a game playing against Kindered as an ADC :(

EDIT: Just to win comfortably with an Ashe who's named ''Arrow Minded''

what a cool dude/dudette


Fingers crossed for 70% off pool party Zac for the unique snowdown sale

You're probably better than me at jungling but Nocturne is Xin with a better early game what


1) Flash+any type of mobility in a kit is xin's worst nightmare early game. You're basically forced to flash out if a countergank happens.

Nocturne can easily chase up to flashed targets and keep the fear leash on if you hit the dusk trail and if positioned yourself well.

2) Nocturne's clear is noticeably faster than Xin due to his passive.

3) Nocturne ult = kill for the entire game unless the enemy is incredibly fed and can lifesteal more than you can deal.

Xin never has this luxury. He needs to get tanky or get enough damage to kill people in 3-4 autos. This doesn't happen until he gets rageblade and sated (19-20 minute mark)

Not saying Xin's early game sucks. It's still one of the best in the game but Nocturne's early is a lot better and spikes a lot harder at level 6.

And Xin is stronger if the enemy decides they want to 'outplay' a level 3 xin gank and not want to burn flash. Yeah, good luck with that. You deserve the loss for giving first blood to Xin.
I hate master yi, no matter how good your team does, a decent master yi will just come in and sweep if you have no cc.
Well master yi ult makes him immune to cc so it is better just to have damage to kill him when he has his ult active because cc does nothing to him.

All 5 people on my team have thunderlords right now.

That strategic diversity. #everygameisdifferent
The new keystones change the way you play the game. :^)


Well master yi ult makes him immune to cc so it is better just to have damage to kill him when he has his ult active because cc does nothing to him.
It makes him immune to slows. I am scared of this Olaf yi baby you speak of
All 5 people on my team have thunderlords right now.

That strategic diversity. #everygameisdifferent
Its strategic diversity cos all new champions are here


not sure if i'd say ogn won lck, they basically got themselves half a year moer so the transition will be more gradual but the push for two broadcasters is still on
BoRK nerf hurt Noct though. I dont know the state of Devourer this season and he lost Brut from Warrior as well. I guess Rageblade is strong on him.


BoRK nerf hurt Noct though. I dont know the state of Devourer this season and he lost Brut from Warrior as well. I guess Rageblade is strong on him.

I never buy Blade second on him anymore. It was always forced onto Noc but he really doesn't need Blade when he has sated. The active is pretty useless if you can hit Qs (and when you have blue smite) and the attack speed is just overkill/unnecessary.

Having blade as his only viable second item held him back last season imo.

Sated + new ghostblade is all you need to kill carries in less than a second. Add a deadmans as a third item and carries cannot run from you.

I run 5% cdr from runes, 5% cdr from masteries, buy warhammer and lucidity when I have the chance.

Add a blue buff in there and I can have 40% cdr before 20minutes.


oh man Malz is free elo for me because everyone forgot how to play against him. I just hit E and sit back. R the carry during team fight. Actually beat a syndra player and it felt good.


I've been building ADC wrong the whole time. Here's what I've figured out.

If you're an ADC that benefits from attack speed.

IE > Zerkers > Firecannon > Runaans > LW (Fervor)

If you're shit range (Sivir/Quinn)

IE > Ionian > Shiv > PD > LW (Fervor)

If you don't give a shit about attck speed (Lucian/Draven) (Metalords)

ER > Zerkers > IE > LDR


Man, I'm really looking forward to new Champ Select. I feel like it changes a lot of dumb stuff that people just had to get used to.


Had a weird feeling when I logged in today. Went into an ARAM and found that I had 280 ping.

Thank god I didn't queue up for ranked.


I've been building ADC wrong the whole time. Here's what I've figured out.

If you're an ADC that benefits from attack speed.

IE > Zerkers > Firecannon > Runaans > LW (Fervor)

If you're shit range (Sivir/Quinn)

IE > Ionian > Shiv > PD > LW (Fervor)

If you don't give a shit about attck speed (Lucian/Draven) (Metalords)

ER > Zerkers > IE > LDR
It might not be worth it to finish ie before you get some attack speed right now.

Bf into attack speed item into ie is strong.


Did your ping end up getting worse back when they moved the servers?

Before the move: 150-160

After the move: massive fluctuations between 240-280. Game was unplayable

A week later: Went down to 190

Have no idea why it went down and became a stable 190 since then
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