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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Before the move: 150-160

After the move: massive fluctuations between 240-280. Game was unplayable

A week later: Went down to 190

Have no idea why it went down and became a stable 190 since then

Damn that's pretty well in the hard to dodge skillshots range isn't it? Even playing easy champs i wouldn't want to try 150+


Gold Member
100 ping is easy?

50 ping is already like hell to me. To be fair though it's not the high ping that sucks it's the constant fluctuations from 20 to 100 then to 50 then 80 then back to 20 in a span of 5 seconds.

our internet is super slow and we have like 9 people using the connection at any given time. I only play like late night games so they're either asleep or back to their own houses.




1. Khazix
2. Elise
3. Ekko
4. Vi
5. Flex position. I'm liking new poppy. She's growing on me. Pantheon or nidalee could fit here too.


Save your rp snowdown personal shop apparently opens today but they having issues atm so it's gonna be delayed a bit.


This game has been unplayable lately, I think the last 6 games I played at least one person was afk or trolling hard. Jesus Christ.

Edit: Oh, we are making lists.

1. Sona
2. Ahri
3. Lux
4. Nami
5. Tristana
This game has been unplayable lately, I think the last 6 games I played at least one person was afk or trolling hard. Jesus Christ.

Edit: Oh, we are making lists.

1. Sona
2. Ahri
3. Lux
4. Nami
5. Tristana
Yeah for some reason the pre season makes people troll and stuff like that.
I doued with my brother and we both went bot and stomped lane, but then because our top went 0/10 and our mid went 0/7. It was impossible to win.


1. Braum
2. Maokai
3. Orianna
4. Sona
5. Diana

Could switch out Diana with Volibear or Zac as I like them all equally.


1. Jarvan IV
2. Zyra

Pretty much everything else is flexible. Currently:

3. Bard
4. Azir
5. Hecarim

I'm only decent at Zyra and J4, really :(


I'm still so new that my experience with the hero pool is extremely limited.

But I like Jinx and Tristana the most so far.

To bad everyone always spams "BOT" or "ADC" the second the hero selects pops up :(


Can anyone show me where the Snowdown shop is? I just checked sales and for some reason I have Firefighter Tristana on sale, but it's not listed normally on the "Featured" section and I can't find a reason as to why it would be at 910 (also 50% discounted). Halp <3


1. Yasuo
2. Tryndamere
3. Ryze
4. Zed
5. Vayne

lmao eddie

mine right now would probably be

1. ori
2. lebonk
3. syndra
4. ahri
5. viktor

azir might rise and replace someone with these new shurima shuffle changes, he's so dumb to play right now, it's hilarious. also too hard to narrow it down to 5, i feel like not mentioning lux or lizzy or lulu or just not saying any supports (thresh/nami) is saaaad

also costy has the worst taste in all of neogaf reconfirmed
lmao eddie

mine right now would probably be

1. ori
2. lebonk
3. syndra
4. ahri
5. viktor

azir might rise and replace someone with these new shurima shuffle changes, he's so dumb to play right now, it's hilarious. also too hard to narrow it down to 5, i feel like not mentioning lux or lizzy or lulu or just not saying any supports (thresh/nami) is saaaad

also costy has the worst taste in all of neogaf reconfirmed
I picked up ori a little while back, do you have any tips on playing her. Also should i take thunderlords on her?


bruh u like viktor

worst taste ngaf confirmed
viky is great dood

all of his spells are fun and unique, he has a cool dance and i always win with him

i also love that he's my counterpick to lucian and vayne and all those high mobility adcs that think they're hot shit. it's like gravity field on top of their head, they dash and then req destroyeddd

only thing i see wrong with him is that all his skins are lame

I picked up ori a little while back, do you have any tips on playing her. Also should i take thunderlords on her?
tips, hmm i dunno, these are some i guess:
- abuse self shield in lane and take it at lvl 1 to zone them off with shield+autos
- trade autos a lot since ur autos get empowered at 2+ and you have resistances+shield from ur e
- use self shield to help last hit since it deals dmg on way back
- qw combo deals a lot of dmg from like lvl4+ if you get it without going through any minions. dont use it a lot tho cos it costs lots of mana
- wombo combo ult is e initiating tank like malph/j4 then ult as they ults, but i don't really do much of this cos u depend on good initiation
- i prefer just dpsing with the ball and then quick q shove and ult when the baddies clump up
- if ur adc is fed and good just ew on them and get carried
- athenes -> deathcap -> void staff -> take over the game. you can straight up oneshot squishies with qwq with those items + elixir

and yea thunderlords is really good on her for the qw+auto/qwe combos in lane
tips, hmm i dunno, these are some i guess:
- abuse self shield in lane and take it at lvl 1 to zone them off with shield+autos
- trade autos a lot since ur autos get empowered at 2+ and you have resistances+shield from ur e
- use self shield to help last hit since it deals dmg on way back
- qw combo deals a lot of dmg from like lvl4+ if you get it without going through any minions. dont use it a lot tho cos it costs lots of mana
- wombo combo ult is e initiating tank like malph/j4 then ult as they ults, but i don't really do much of this cos u depend on good initiation
- i prefer just dpsing with the ball and then quick q shove and ult when the baddies clump up
- if ur adc is fed and good just ew on them and get carried
- athenes -> deathcap -> void staff -> take over the game. you can straight up oneshot squishies with qwq with those items + elixir

and yea thunderlords is really good on her for the qw+auto/qwe combos in lane
Thanks yeah i never thought about starting e and trading with autos. I need to get better are e tanks and then ulting. Her ult has a weird delay to it that makes it tough. I just nerd to play her more.


yea ori is one of those champions that has a really high skillcap cos there's a lot to get used to, the delay on the ult and difference in speed between q and e and how to get the ball to hit multiple things and how to use it to zone, etc.

easily one of the better designed champions in the game


she's not hard to play but she has a really high ceiling

she's a perfect champion design, everything flows so well and has so many different uses and has so much room for creativity and mastery. there's skill in using every one of her abilities and they're all satisfying and fun to use

ori really deserves the visual update, new vfx and new model and new animations and new splashes for her skins. few champions have elevated the standards for design as much as she has
yea ori is one of those champions that has a really high skillcap cos there's a lot to get used to, the delay on the ult and difference in speed between q and e and how to get the ball to hit multiple things and how to use it to zone, etc.

easily one of the better designed champions in the game
Yeah i really like champs with a high skill cap like azir and yas. Just because if you put time and effort into learning them you can do a bunch of cool things. I like how not every champ you can just pick up and be good with i like how some you have to work at it.

Also imaqtpie vs guso.
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