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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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i think azir and yasuo have design problems that prevent them from reaching that level since azir kind of feels like a bunch of random "wouldn't it be awesome if azir did this?" shit just thrown together and while he's really fun he's kind of a mess. he's kind of balanced right now so i guess it's not that bad but he's still really weird. also you have to compensate for ping and bugs which is super lame

yasuo is really feast or famine whenever he's not op and he's really annoying to play against. i think wind wall is an awesome spell and i think the ult knockup idea is kind of cool but ends up being really difficult to balance because rito has to balance around really varied degrees of access to it. there's no natural gating to his ult because one game he might have 4 knockups and another game he'll just have his q

nami and thresh come to mind as examples of ori-like design of really rewarding high skill ceiling champions with mostly balanced and "untoxic" kits. both ori and thresh took a lot of work to get there, but they're there i'd say


My top five favorite champions right now would probably be:
1. Thresh
2. Lulu
3. Nami
4. Lux (don't worry guys, I don't play her as support)
5. Blitz (only because of its awesome Definitely Not Blitzcrank skin)
Yeah i agree with you on design wise it they are worst than ori. I was more saying i enjoy the feeling of getting better with a champ, that is the same in other games too. I hate how there are bugs and ping issues with azir it sucks and how Yasuo is feast or famine and has a crazy kit, like azir. I rather not be able to just pick up a champ and destroy with them, but that is just me.


i think there's room for both types of champions even if the ones i end up liking most are the ones that take a wihle to get decent at

but someone like braum or sion i think have really good designs that are really immediately apparent and easy to learn and really easy to read for others as well

ori is actually kind of easy to learn, at least it only took me like one game to get a feel of her and from then on it was just skills sharpening. someone like azir took me a whole bunch of games to even get good at and to be able to reliably insec ppl and get used to dash bend and all that. it was specially bad since i had to relearn him every few weeks with how often he was getting nerfed and changed.

thresh is a bit harder cos his e is kind of weird to use and timing and precision on the lantern takes a while to figure out but he's also pretty easy to learn

it's just enjoyable there being a skillcap to reach but i think having a high skillfloor is probably not great design, which is why i'd say azir is a lot of fun and rewarding and everything now that i'm acceptable at him but taking this long to get here is not great imo


I'm looking to pick up a top laner and learn that lane (mostly play sup/adc/jg now) and would like some feedback on champions that have versatility. It's hard to gauge this from just reading their abilities.

To give an example of what I like, for supp I play mostly Nami. There's a lot she can do, various forms of cc, heals, speed boost, stuff that self-combos. You can do stuff like Wave + bubble for longer CC, in a chase you can E a teammate who is ahead of you and then W him as a stepping stone if the escaping enemy is about to get to safety, you can flash-forward bubble people who are running away and don't expect it, leading to lower dodge rates of the bubble (though not sure if this is even wise :p I just play for fun, not ranked), etc. The point is, there are a lot of options and decisions to make while you play and fight that are very situational, from stun to movement boosts to knockups to heals to damage.

Contrary to this there's Blitz, who basically just hook, knockup, lightnings and I find he approaches most situations in a more uniform way.

So what are some top champs that have a high level of versatility and decision making in their play and fights that you guys would recommend?
I'm looking to pick up a top laner and learn that lane (mostly play sup/adc/jg now) and would like some feedback on champions that have versatility. It's hard to gauge this from just reading their abilities.

To give an example of what I like, for supp I play mostly Nami. There's a lot she can do, various forms of cc, heals, speed boost, stuff that self-combos. You can do stuff like Wave + bubble for longer CC, in a chase you can E a teammate who is ahead of you and then W him as a stepping stone if the escaping enemy is about to get to safety, you can flash-forward bubble people who are running away and don't expect it, leading to lower dodge rates of the bubble (though not sure if this is even wise :p I just play for fun, not ranked), etc. The point is, there are a lot of options and decisions to make while you play and fight that are very situational, from stun to movement boosts to knockups to heals to damage.

Contrary to this there's Blitz, who basically just hook, knockup, lightnings and I find he approaches most situations in a more uniform way.

So what are some top champs that have a high level of versatility and decision making in their play and fights that you guys would recommend?


I'm looking to pick up a top laner and learn that lane (mostly play sup/adc/jg now) and would like some feedback on champions that have versatility. It's hard to gauge this from just reading their abilities.

To give an example of what I like, for supp I play mostly Nami. There's a lot she can do, various forms of cc, heals, speed boost, stuff that self-combos. You can do stuff like Wave + bubble for longer CC, in a chase you can E a teammate who is ahead of you and then W him as a stepping stone if the escaping enemy is about to get to safety, you can flash-forward bubble people who are running away and don't expect it, leading to lower dodge rates of the bubble (though not sure if this is even wise :p I just play for fun, not ranked), etc. The point is, there are a lot of options and decisions to make while you play and fight that are very situational, from stun to movement boosts to knockups to heals to damage.

Contrary to this there's Blitz, who basically just hook, knockup, lightnings and I find he approaches most situations in a more uniform way.

So what are some top champs that have a high level of versatility and decision making in their play and fights that you guys would recommend?
Rumble, Gnar, and Gangplank.

edit:funny how most yordles have few counters top lane.


lulu is kind of very specific tho cos you have to have decent carries and you're taking away one tank from your team which can be kind of bad in certain comps. then again she's great even when behind and saving carries is always good

i dunno how good lane j4 still is but he can go really assassin route or more utility and maybe hecarim could be another good option?


Lulu was one of the ones that I thought were very interesting but I was concerned with the tankiness issue as well especially when JG is like Yi or Kindred or something. Given these responses I think maybe I'll get her anyway, and then try to find an interesting tanky top to get as well.


lulu is kind of very specific tho cos you have to have decent carries and you're taking away one tank from your team which can be kind of bad in certain comps. then again she's great even when behind and saving carries is always good

i dunno how good lane j4 still is but he can go really assassin route or more utility and maybe hecarim could be another good option?
the same risk of picking nami applies to lulu aka you better make damn well you have a solid carry and don't get out tanked late game.


lulu never falls behind and turns pretty much anyone into a pseudotank

I kind of agree with that. There's lots of versatility with the ways you can use her W and E, as well as the way the latter allows you to get creative with your Qs. My only issue with her when played in a non-support role is reliably landing her only damaging skill, but other than that she provides lots of versatility to almost any team.


if you're looking for tanks i think sion's not too strong or weak right now and he's fun to me and i don't like tanks

gnar i thought i'd like more but i really don't enjoy how mini gnar feels

the same risk of picking nami applies to lulu aka you better make damn well you have a solid carry and don't get out tanked late game.
kinda, lulu is al ot more tunneled at buffing carries/kiting while nami can win lane/create picks/kite/peel all to a degree

lulu works on any comp in pro play but not so sure in solo q where ppl just crush lane/teamfight


Lulu was one of the ones that I thought were very interesting but I was concerned with the tankiness issue as well especially when JG is like Yi or Kindred or something. Given these responses I think maybe I'll get her anyway, and then try to find an interesting tanky top to get as well.

there are few things i hated more back when i played Yi than to be turned into a bunny as i was trying to murder people


Gold Member
Shen is very good right now. He's very versatile and can actually change to multiple roles. Is a tank and can split push all day.


Shen is very good right now. He's very versatile and can actually change to multiple roles. Is a tank and can split push all day.

Hmm yes I think this is the one I want. Lulu and Shen I've seen in multiple roles including top and supp and they have always both seemed interesting. Great I think I'll pick these 2 up unless some other suggestions show up :) Thanks guys!
Precision (Cunning, Tier 5)
Armor penetration per point lowered [.6 + 0.06 per level] from [1 + 0.1 per level]
[NOTE: Full five point values is now [.6/1.2/1.8/2.4/3.0] + [.06/.12/.18/.24/.3 per level] from [1/2/3/4/5] + [0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 per level] ]
Holy rektamole, you lasted literally one patch lol back to Battering Blows with buffed Warlords/Fervor

Frost Queen's Claim
Mana regen lowered to 100% from 150%
Active slow duration now scales from 2 to 5 seconds based how far the ghosts have traveled from 4 seconds.
I'm not sure if this is the right way to nerf spooky ghosts


Holy rektamole, you lasted literally one patch lol back to Battering Blows with buffed Warlords/Fervor
well i did say it was stupid to straight up double the arpen on that mastery

is it a full revert?

I'm not sure if this is the right way to nerf spooky ghosts
not sure, my gut reaction is that this nerfs supports more than mids but mage supports are also supposed to buy mikaels so they end up with a lot of excess mana regen

the active nerf sounds good to me, it's supposed to be more of a scout tool than a pick tool


Don't you just love those rare games where it's an ap top and mid, and they both rush frost queen as well as their support so there are 2 of those things running at you every 20 seconds


it's preseason, it's supposed to be dumb like that

tho this preseason has been dumb with little to nothing good in return. i guess games are shorter and that's cool but
- warding is broken (jungle monsters pushing around wards, wards not seeing things right next to them)
- minion block
- balance all over the place
- masteries are meh
- rift herald is meh

long way to go for this very rocky preseason. they'll get it right eventually, but man it hasn't been great..

also yeah i think the cooldown on fqc should probably be nerfed as well


I can't think of a single preseason period that wasn't dumb as hell

at least in preseason 4 the most broken thing was also the most fun. taric being able to 1v5 and still kill 3 people before going down was just absurdly glorious. if an unpopular champion like that can become god tier for just a few weeks it's always fun.


preseason 5 was mostly fine

new baron and new dragon and scuttler were immediately great additions to the game

preseason 4 i think were trinkets? those were great right from the bat too

edit: or was 3 trinkets and 4 jungle? i always mix those up
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