she is boring, along with malz, but I can't argue the results though. Plus snaring a adc during a teamfight equals automatic death for themYeah morg does look kinda boring. Just like her sister Kayle![]()
she is boring, along with malz, but I can't argue the results though. Plus snaring a adc during a teamfight equals automatic death for themYeah morg does look kinda boring. Just like her sister Kayle![]()
haha like shen, I have a 100 percent with him but rather take poppy and lose.
You could probably pick shen up and play him in ranked without even practicing. just know that his ult can be interrupted and always build him tanky. You will do better top shen than you would support shen since brand/soraka are popular bot.funny I was thinking bout getting Shen soon too since I got enough IP
I tend to beat ahri with morg and malz
i think she's not the most interesting assassin but she's pretty easy to pick up and play and she's funI love Ahri but I got tired of her early on. But now that I bought her championship skin maybe that'll make her exciting for me for a lil while
That cool but that forehead too big. I just started playing bayonetta today and it is alot of fun.![]()
cool bayonetta-inspired concept for diana
also poor indiana black she's getting slaughtered on reddit
Bayonetta is pretty awesome. Not sure how well the look works for Diana tho hehe.
I thought that was Vayne tbh
Lol what did she do.My sister is getting me an Xbox One when she visits because she played some ranked games on my account and Riot just sniped it.
Two week suspension = two weeks of no Rengar.
doesnt work anymore since sustain doesnt matter to most junglers right now.I'll use these two weeks to read up on Yorick and watch VoDs so I can take his talents to the jungle when I get back.
Lol what did she do.
just play ahri
just as easy to win with as morg and not boring as fuck and no nasty accidents
doesnt work anymore since sustain doesnt matter to most junglers right now.
hey man those slow ghosts are strong af :^)Nah its fine works just like shaco but instead of being a strong early game presence ur just worthless
Wait is Rengar being popular again? I stopped playing Ranked and regular matches due to pre-season
Also 23rd/24th is when the B1G1 free skin thing goes live right?
Nah its fine works just like shaco but instead of being a strong early game presence ur just worthless
hey man those slow ghosts are strong af :^)
Itemization is just so good on him. I've been spamming him on my smurf and soon I'll take it to ranked.Corki is #1 because he's basically the only ADC that isn't Vayne that can kill shit like Mundo right now.
Magic crit lifesteal sheen procs that give you infinite mana and 40% CDR + Void staff = Mundo goes where I fucking allow him toItemization is just so good on him. I've been spamming him on my smurf and soon I'll take it to ranked.